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Thanks for all the kind words guy's. We will now be leaving our flood lights on at night and all the vehicles locked. I have my open car trailer parked in with my little work truck and have one of those flat plates with a ball on it that locks (goes up into the trailer just like a reciever) and I even locked the latch on it too so they will have to move the truck and remove two locks in order to get that.

If only we had left our Mastiff outside last night I know it would have saved several of these houses from getting hit. He would have went bonkers and wouldn't have shut up untill they were out of sight, BUT he was in the house....

The wife and I went to the next surrounding neighborhoods and warned anyone we could see outside. Hopefully they will leave lights on and lock everything up and better yet Catch these useless pricks!
It happened to us 1-2 years ago. Broke into the house during the day while we were at work. Took light easy stuff. Left stereos, computers, extra checks, credit cards, guns and 2 Buicks in the attached garage with keys in the ignitions untouched. Mostly my wife's jewelery. It wasn't worth a lot of money, but it was things she had collected since her school days or longer.

I had her make a list of what she knew was missing. Next day we started hitting the pawn shops. 2nd one we went to had a few of her rings. Cops got the names of the man and woman who pawned them. Didn't help much as far as the legal process goes, but at least she recovered a few pieces.

Insurance was about useless. Wanted a list of things missing and their value. Now how do you put a value on things like a piece of Avon/costume jewelry that your best friend gave you as gift when you were in high school? Told the agent to just forget it.

Took a safe that wasn't bolted down out of the closet. Only had mementos in it for our kids and grandkids. Our high school diplomas were in it also. That really burnt me up!

We know what your feeling right now. All I felt was rage and what I'd like to do to them. My wife compared it to being the same as being raped.

You have our sympathy!
I think the good citizens need to start the Bang Dead club.. Touch my **** Bang your done. I know thats what will happen up here. Take your ass out in a field and feed you through the wood chipper mother F&*@%& no one will miss the crackhead.
We had that in my neighborhood and it was just punk kids running around finding unlocked cars and taking stuff probably so they could buy more iTunes. Cops caught them walking down the railroad tracks one night. Hmmm, didn't school just get out for the Summer? No curfew for these jerks I bet.

We also had some daytime break ins. One was an 18 year old from down the street, and the other two were in their 30's, and weren't even from around here. They got caught because while the owners were at work, the housekeeper came in and saw the stuff sitting on the kitchen table that they were piling up. They called the police, and there just happened to be one about 5 doors down visiting his parents. The guys were gone by the time the call was made though, but they caught them a little while later. Should shot them in the chest and put a tire iron in their hands.
gotta hate meth....these arent theives of oppportunity, these guys have an expensive need...too risky to do this much this fast w/o a driving force......but what do I know, I am clean, straight and hard working.
Plus I have the KILLER schnuazer. :D
Ya, she'll pee on their feet until they slip and fall and break their necks.

only we had left our Mastiff outside last night I know it would have saved several of these houses from getting hit. He would have went bonkers and wouldn't have shut up untill they were out of sight, BUT he was in the house....

I'm surprized he didn't hear something outside and start barking. My old blind and deaf Shnuazer still would woof at stuff going on in the yard.
My family has been burglarized a couple times. The first time was when we were building our house. The thieves took the trash barrels and filled them with all the tools that they could find in and around the house (which was basically open from the back due to framers knocking off early). My dad caught them when he was pulling in but they ran out through the back yard woods.

The second time was a few years back, couple guys grabbed some jewels, credit cards, and missed the over 12g's worth of cash in my safe (I was saving it for my parents till the next day for the bank).

All in all, thieves suck.
I hate f@&kn thieves. Sad thing is it seems as if the laws protect these sorry bastards if you shoot one!
I'll give you one from work Scott. Been about a week now but a family of 4 came in looking for parts. The kids ran to the candy section and started rumaging very loudly. Dad called his daughter over to translate for him. When she was done they ran straight back over to the candy and started again. I carefull moved where I could see them and caught the daughter ripping some bubble gum apart to get a piece.:mad: I took it away from her and got both of the kids up and over to the parents. They didn't look very conserend at all and mom said "she didn't open it". Needless to say it pissed me off even more. I watched the little b!tch open it and take a piece out and try to put it back.:mad: If I had done this as a child I would've been hit in the face for lying. This "lady" refused the fact that her daughter was a thief and called me a liar.:mad: "Look at your tapes" is all she would say. I was so pissed of I was trying to go through the phone book to call the locals after 20 minutes and the dad finally paid for the gum. I'm still pissed about it if you can't tell.:mad:
That's why i live in the ghetto. The theives won't steal from people around here cause we don't have anything they want, vicious pit bulls to contend with and everyboby knows everybody so we'd end up finding out what happened and who did it the next day from a neighbor. Plus if something does come up missing we know who to go to first cause we know who the crackheads are that steal.
Im in same boat went to lowes on 640 wednesday and some body stole my tool box with all my work tools out of the back of truck. We checked camaras and my luck i was parked behind a van. It must be crack time inTN. Now i have to spend money to make money off to sears for new tools.
I think the good citizens need to start the Bang Dead club.. Touch my **** Bang your done. I know thats what will happen up here. Take your ass out in a field and feed you through the wood chipper mother F&*@%& no one will miss the crackhead.

I like your style. Line'em up at the chipper and maybe these fck stains would think twice before put there hand on another persons property. I have no sympathy for these types of people.

My father always said the two worst kinda people in this world, a thief and a liar.

Sorry to hear Scott, hope they catch them.
Damn Scot very sorry to hear this. **** is popping up in rural areas now.... Be safe bud :cool:
I think the good citizens need to start the Bang Dead club.. Touch my **** Bang your done. I know thats what will happen up here. Take your ass out in a field and feed you through the wood chipper mother F&*@%& no one will miss the crackhead.
I second this...

Sorry to hear it Scot. Would have rather heard you got a shot off at the end of the story and told us they won't be able to do it again.

These a**holzz are still on there stealing rampage as now they hit the block just in front of my house and stole a trailer and a zero turn mower. Then my wife gets home from work today in my tahoe and gets into her car to go tan and her car is completely tore apart again :mad: This time they took the Sirius radio out of it and took CD's.... This is really starting to piss me of, soo much that tonight Me and some buddies are going out looking for these little bastards..

Got my camera, video camera, GUN, Million candle power flood light, long black mag-lite and a small cooler. I just got off the phone with the sheriff dept and informed them of what we are planing on doing and gave them our vehicle descriptions. They said "Thank you, we really appreciate your guy's help in this" And they gave us phone numbers to call if we spot them. :biggrin:

All of us have carry permits and one guy is 6' 3'' 240lbs and is a fireman (not fat either) the others are avid hunters and one private investigator..

Wish us luck
Maybe you should rig up the car like a "baitcar" and trap them for the police to apprehend. Or install a small video camera system that watches the front of the house, maybe triggered by motion and set to record.... Juries love video evidence.

Be careful out there stupid people do stupid things...