Why do people use copper spray when the gaskets already have a coating applied? I have always smeared a very small amount of the right stuff silicone around the embossed water transfer areas only, but feel it probably isn't necessary. What is important is having a smooth finish on the block and heads. Never had a leak.
Right John, I had a LONG talk with them at the PRI show about this first of all the gaskets are coated with neoprene, scratch them with your nail you will see it. You should never take them apart, if you do they will leak, you should never use copper it does not stick to the coating that is there and it will MAKE them leak. assuming the surface finish is correct you should install them dry, torque them down, wait until the next day and then loosen up one bolt at a time, re torque it and move to the next. You should also check them after a heat cycle. if you do that you wont have problems