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New Member
Nov 9, 2001
To all of you affected by my absence, please forgive me. I'll be getting in touch with you soon. Geoff, Tommy, Kelly, Dereck, Jackson, Guy, Charlie, Greg, Paul, thanks for extending me your grace and patience.

Anyway March 7 should be a good date.....Nuff said......

Jackson, please delete this post after viewing
Originally posted by gokada
To all of you affected by my absence, please forgive me. I'll be getting in touch with you soon. Geoff, Tommy, Kelly, Dereck, Jackson, Guy, Charlie, Greg, Paul, thanks for extending me your grace and patience.

Anyway March 7 should be a good date.....Nuff said......

Jackson, please delete this post after viewing

March 7 :confused: OF WHAT YEAR? :confused:

This is an update from which Gerold has suppose to have been for March 7th.

He called me on the 7th (monday). We did not talk too long. All he said was that he is going to pay back whom he owes money to (still no explanation on the roll bars). When I spoke to him he said and I ask him to make sure that he has to call everyone that is involved to let them know what's going on from what it looks like he did not call anyone (with the exception of me and leaving a message with Greg) so I had to post an update for the 7th that he mentioned in his post.

He also mentioned that his father has medical problems and his mother-in-law is suing him so i'll leave it at that.

Sorry to have to post this but I know he check on the forums daily so if you are reading this PLEASE GEROLD THIS HAS BEEN GOING ON WAY TOO LONG!
If ya listen real good you'll here the "JEOPARDY " game show's "WAITING" it?
I hate to do this but...

I think it's important that everyone knows what's going on. It seems that our friend Gerald (gokada) has gone astray. In June of 2004 he solicited me to join a group purchase for a rollbar. To this day, the rollbar has not been delivered and my money has not been returned. All I have gotten are lies and deception. From what I hear, many others are in the same position as I am. My attempt to save a couple of bucks has ended up costing me a lot more. Please everyone, use careful consideration when entering these types of deals. Even someone you consider to be a friend can rob you blind. This incident has had a profound effect on me. Before this, all I could think about was Buicks and racing. For the past several months, my enthusiasm has been dashed and my view of the world has changed. I have enjoyed the camaraderie and friendship as much as the racing and working on the car. But I let the car get filthy and out of tune. It was basically treated like a beater. Only recently have I started to care again. I finally tuned it up, went racing, and gave it a nice wash and wax.

I considered Gerald to be a friend and look what happened. Guess it''s every man for himself regardless of the consequences. And it's not just the money. I've tried to tell myself to just forget about it and move on. As you see on the news, many altercations over money end in some kind of tragedy. My family means more to me than anything and I wouldn't want them to get hurt. But I can't seem to get this out of my head. Everyday I have feelings of resentment, betrayal, and anger. It's a horrible existence and I think that I just need to get some kind of resolution.

Folks, it's an ugly world out there. Please take care.

Though I'm not involved in this purchase...

I'll share a story of personal experience from a long time ago.

Some years back, I met a guy named Nathan T. who belonged to Grand National Hawaii. He worked for (supposedly) federal law enforcement. Well spoken, friendly, overall nice guy. (I thought) I saw him numerous times at Tommy K's East Manoa Shell (at the Time, Tommy K. also had a GN)

He also did some purchasing for a local dealer and was well trusted by the owner. He handled large amounts of money for the transactions, which usually were purchases of High-End luxury cars. Knowing the dealership owner and family, I felt I could trust Nathan when he told me he knew the whereabouts of a '65 Chevelle 2 door wagon (my true dream car). The car was pro-street, SBC/Auto (he even had pics of this car sitting in a shop somewhere) The car was not complete (missing bumpers and trim) but seemed to be in good shape. The as-is price was $3500. Also at the time(92-93) I was looking for a set of 91-92 Z28 wheels for my Elcamino. He told me he could get a set for $1300 (dealer take-offs)

Needless to say, He got the money, I never recieved the car, or the wheels. Do I still harbor resentment? Damn right I do. (I had to borrow the money to make this deal happen) So everytime I made a payment, I had to think about it.

After that, I saw the owner of the dealership, he told me that Nathan T. skipped with about 5K of his money as well. (the sad part is the owner of the dealership said that had he asked, he would have given him the money)

To date, I have never seen Nathan T. again, but I have heard he is still around. Guys tell me they see him, I tell them to tell him he still owes me $4800, + interest. I dont expect it to ever come back, but I do wish to see him in a public place and confront him.

To Gerald:

Whatever the problem is that you are having, I hope you can find your way back from your problems and face your friends again. Life is a lonely road without your friends. Good luck.

Technically, Gerald doesn't owe me money. Kelly had already asked me to bring in a rollcage when Gerald came up with his group purchase; I figured it would be cheaper, so I told Kelly to order thru Gerald instead. Therefore I feel somewhat responsible for Kelly's money. And Gerald had been making promises to me regarding the delivery of the order.

I had no reason to distrust Gerald. Whenever we were working on Geoff's or Kelly's car, he was the first one there getting his hands dirty. He did a bunch of favors for me, and for others as well. While he may not owe me money directly, I feel he does owe me (and everyone else) an explanation.

We were told in August that the order had arrived and was sitting at Matson. Gerald said he had borrowed a large flatbed to pick it up, but he was having eye problems and couldn't drive. Guy offered to drive the flatbed, but excuse after excuse came up as to why the order couldn't be picked up. I offered to use my company's flatbed (no CDL needed) but Gerald insisted that he would take care of it. Weeks passed, and the order "mysteriously" disappeared from Matson. That's where it stands to this day.

I have no desire to confront Gerald - if I wanted to, I've had ample opportunity, and even if it weren't so, he's easy to find. I just feel that nothing good can come from a face-to-face confrontation.

Gerald's true situation is anybody's guess, but whatever it is, I sincerely hope things work out for him and we can resolve this problem in a civil manner. I don't need enemies at this point in my life. An honest, NO BS phone call would be a good start.

I have held back from commenting publicly for a long time, but the truth needs to come out.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience with Nathan T. Grand National Hawaii was formed by Bill H. (now retired DEA) as President and Nathan as Vice President in mid-1987. Bill H. had one of the two or three GNX's in Hawaii which he finally sold in the mainland when he could not find a local buyer. Nathan had a GN for a while but sold it telling all the members that he had a GNX on order. Months passed by but no GNX for Nathan. He was all BS.

One of the major initial activities of GN Hawaii was a once-a-month get-together of owners of GN's and a drive through town ending up at a Zippy's or militay base restaurant for the monthly meeting. You wouldn't believe the stares it got from tourists and locals especially in Waikiki, a sea of shiny black GNs. It was an awesome sight. They thought HPD was doing the drive-through which was not far from the truth since most members were HPD.

. . . Just reminishing about the good ole days.

Originally posted by daredevil

Sorry to hear about your bad experience with Nathan T. Grand National Hawaii was formed by Bill H. (now retired DEA) as President and Nathan as Vice President in mid-1987. Bill H. had one of the two or three GNX's in Hawaii which he finally sold in the mainland when he could not find a local buyer. Nathan had a GN for a while but sold it telling all the members that he had a GNX on order. Months passed by but no GNX for Nathan. He was all BS.

One of the major initial activities of GN Hawaii was a once-a-month get-together of owners of GN's and a drive through town ending up at a Zippy's or militay base restaurant for the monthly meeting. You wouldn't believe the stares it got from tourists and locals especially in Waikiki, a sea of shiny black GNs. It was an awesome sight. They thought HPD was doing the drive-through which was not far from the truth since most members were HPD.

. . . Just reminishing about the good ole days.



I got to meet Bill H when they used to congregate at Tommy K's East Manoa Shell. Really nice guy. Tommy also had a GN at the time, but did not keep it very long either.

I remember those GN cruises... way cool... boy, are we old... hey, doesnt Guy have one of those plate frames on his car?...
How about posting full names? I don't want to end up buying a car or house from these slime balls. Or heaven forbid... a rollbar! :mad: X 545 (Why the heck is there a limit to the number of images in a post?! @#$(*&%)#(*&$#(*@&#)

It's not like you're soiling they're name. They already did it to themselves. So tough luck I say. You'd be doing the world community a favor! :)
Originally posted by GNZero
How about posting full names? I don't want to end up buying a car or house from these slime balls. Or heaven forbid... a rollbar! :mad: X 545 (Why the heck is there a limit to the number of images in a post?! @#$(*&%)#(*&$#(*@&#)

It's not like you're soiling they're name. They already did it to themselves. So tough luck I say. You'd be doing the world community a favor! :)

There are regs about name posting, IIRC. If you want Nathan T's last name, feel free to PM me.

Aloha, Rob