Considering Selling due to Gas Prices???

I would rather drive a car I like and spend another couple hundred bucks a year than drive a POS econobox.
You hit it on the nail 323GTX! You said exactly what I was implying, and I feel we're in the beginnings of what can be a possible "sinking boat"

I hope and pray not....:frown:

It seems everyone who responded to your post/question was not thinking beyond gas prices and obviously loves their Buick. Can't argue that.

I mean who cares about the gas prices when it comes to these cars right? Most people only drive them on Sunny Sundays, and they get great gas mileage for a powerful muscle car, and they seem to be a good investment.

But I think we need to take a minute and understand the bigger picture to your post/question. This isn't just about gas prices. This isn't the 1970's. That was nothing compared to what is happening today. The problems facing the U.S. today is some serious sh*t. It's the perfect storm. This is history in the making. Our very lifestyles are threatened.

I think what Agent86 was trying to say, it's quite possible with the changing times ahead, some people might see a considerable value drop to the majority of specialty cars. I'm seeing it already.

And this isn't just a passing thing that will be over in a few months or turn around by Christmas, we dug a deep hole and we have just begun to fall in, we are nowhere near bottom. I'm not being negative, I'm just being realistic.

This reality forces some of use to re-think our assets and priorities.