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Cop prevented NFL runningback from being with dying mother-in-law


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yeah, there's no way this happened just cause he's BLACK...........RIGHT???????????:rolleyes:
I can only imagine it's hard being a cop. However, when you see someone blow a light and drive into a hospital parking your common sense should have kicked in. I would be expecting to see a pregnant woman or hurt individual in need of medical attention. By this time the light they blew is my last concern. To hear a persons mom is dying and see thats the reason for the rush....Lights off, say a prayer for them, back to work.

Two classes that not offered in life... common sense and stupidity!;)
Change the title to this post. It should read. NFL runningback prevented himself from being with dying mother-in-law.

Sentimentality aside. The guy broke the law. Was the officer unprofessional? Yeah maybe he was impolite with how he was addressing the guy but not for what he done. Video doesn't prove everything and this one has been edited. The article said he was detained for 14 minutes, the video is only about 3 1/2 minutes long so no one here knows the whole story. With all the people running around who even knows how many people were in the vehicle. Everyone around here is so quick to jump on the "Bash-a-Cop" bandwagon it's pathetic. An officer's responsibility is to the public safety and his goal is to do his job and go home safely at the end of his shift. The only reason this officer is on leave is for the get out of jail free mentality that is awarded to celebrities and athletes by today's society.

How could it have been different? Simple solution would have been to not run the red light. Time: 2 minutes for the light to change. Driver mistake one.

Run the red light but stop as soon as he was lighted up and calmly explain what was going on. The officer would have probably been more understanding and may have let him go. Time: total of maybe 5 minutes. Driver mistake two.

Run the red light, refuse to stop for the officer, continue to drive for more than an additional minute, pull up to the door of a hospital and everybody in the vehicle bails out and starts walking in different directions. Two large guys start arguing with the officer and become belligerent and uncooperative and think that their right to do what they want to do is greater than their duty to obey the law. Time: 14 minutes. The officer's fault. Yeah, that's it, it's his fault. :rolleyes:
He prevented himself from being there as he admittedly ran a red light, he then was stopped for a lawful reason. As for what went on in the parking lot I don't know and this is terrible for the family. He should have sat through the light and this never would have happened!
I watched the 2 minute video in the parking lot. That cop was out of line. He could easily check with the hospital to see the status of Moats mother-in-law. He could have given him a quick verbal warning about running the red light. Moats did say he stopped for it then went through it. When my Dad was dying I did that to get him as fast as I could.
"His behavior, in my opinion, did not exhibit the common sense, the discretion, the compassion that we expect our officers to exhibit," Dallas Police Chief Kunkle said.

I agree. Common sense is not common enough. Why couldn't the police officer take down his info and let him go into the hospital? If the story didn't check out arrest him.
Sure, blame the driver. Of course, the driver was in a completely normal state of mind. Whatever time the light would have taken would seem like an eternity to him.
Before you all pass judgment on this guy, put yourself in his shoes. Heck, you still wouldn't understand.
I got a call at 4am Jan 2 2002... no one ever calls that early, and I was awake anyway, couldn't sleep, I had a sense something bad was gonna happen. Sure enough, it was my dad telling me my mother was very sick, and the ambulance was on its way, and I better get there. Normally a 30 minute ride, I was there in about 18. If it wasn't 4 am, I probably woulda been stopped too. I can say you don't think clearly, your common sense goes out the window. I probably would have put the pedal down even more if I saw lights. I don't know. All I can say, is I've been in that situation. I never did make it in time. My mother died before the ambulance even made it there. Despite doing everything they could, they pronounced her here, at the house. You think for a second that I regret driving so fast to get here? Not a bit. I can clearly remember blowing at least 3 red lights on my way.
I know what was going through his mind, because I've been there. Those who haven't, shut up! :mad:
I guess compassion and sympathy are two things this guy didn't learn in the academy or in life. I recently lost my mother to breast cancer and can tell you I would've done ANYTHING to be with her in those last moments. Luckily for me I was at home with her as she was in Hospice, but in this situation I personally feel he should've taken his information and let him go to the hospital.
Change the title to this post. It should read. NFL runningback prevented himself from being with dying mother-in-law.

Sentimentality aside. The guy broke the law. Was the officer unprofessional? Yeah maybe he was impolite with how he was addressing the guy but not for what he done. Video doesn't prove everything and this one has been edited. The article said he was detained for 14 minutes, the video is only about 3 1/2 minutes long so no one here knows the whole story. With all the people running around who even knows how many people were in the vehicle. Everyone around here is so quick to jump on the "Bash-a-Cop" bandwagon it's pathetic. An officer's responsibility is to the public safety and his goal is to do his job and go home safely at the end of his shift. The only reason this officer is on leave is for the get out of jail free mentality that is awarded to celebrities and athletes by today's society.

How could it have been different? Simple solution would have been to not run the red light. Time: 2 minutes for the light to change. Driver mistake one.

Run the red light but stop as soon as he was lighted up and calmly explain what was going on. The officer would have probably been more understanding and may have let him go. Time: total of maybe 5 minutes. Driver mistake two.

Run the red light, refuse to stop for the officer, continue to drive for more than an additional minute, pull up to the door of a hospital and everybody in the vehicle bails out and starts walking in different directions. Two large guys start arguing with the officer and become belligerent and uncooperative and think that their right to do what they want to do is greater than their duty to obey the law. Time: 14 minutes. The officer's fault. Yeah, that's it, it's his fault. :rolleyes:

this is very well put. im still getting trained right now but you never know who or what is in the car. if he would have just pulled over and not goten out of the car and told the officer what was going on he would probley have been on his way. but he did the worst thing. didnt stop when he was suppose to and when he did stop he got out of his car started walking towards the officer. We have no idea what this cop has been through. for all we know he could have been in a shot out last month with the same kind of stop.