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Directscan on NT - how?


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J Banning

Quench my thirst with C16
May 25, 2001
Directscan on Windows NT - how?

How can I get Directscan logging on a Win NT machine? I already have it on an old laptop that's just running DOS, but I'd rather use it on my IBM Thinkpad that I use every day. It currently has NT service pack 4 on it (may go to 6a this week).

I've heard that with NT, there are problems with the software talking to the parallel port. Are there ways to get around/fix this?


The only way I got it to work was a DOS boot diskette.

"Dual Boot" might be another option.

I looked on the Directscan Web site, and didn't see anything regarding this problem. There isn't anything in the user manual either.

Anyone know where I can find documentation on what exactly the problem is? I'll try checking the digest's archives later.

Thought I'd post a followup...

I ended up just using a Win95 laptop instead of messing with my NT piece. Everything works fine now.

How can I get Directscan logging on a Win NT machine? I already have it on an old laptop that's just running DOS, but I'd rather use it on my IBM Thinkpad that I use every day. It currently has NT service pack 4 on it (may go to 6a this week).

The reason you can't use any of the laptop scan tools with WinNT/2000/XP is the way they try to talk to the hardware. With DOS/Win9x/ME the software gets a direct hook to the hardware. WinNT/2000/XP don't allow that to happen. All programs and drivers have to communicate through the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer). I'm not 100% sure that my explantion is totally correct, but that is the gist of it. I think that in order for the laptop scan tools to work with WinNT/2000/XP they will have to be re-written somewhat to communicate through the HAL rather than directly trying to get a hook to the parallel port. Therefore, until that is changed, DOS/Win9x/ME is the only way to use them. If I'm wrong on my answer here, someone jump in and tell me. :)

Last I read Ken Mosher was going to start an update to Turbo-Link and I think he was considering support for WinNT/2000/XP, but that's been a while and I've since sold my car. :(

Hope this helps some.
Are you sure about it not working on XP? Remember thare's also two versions of XP: Pro(NT like), and Home version(not NT like).
Are you sure about it not working on XP? Remember thare's also two versions of XP: Pro(NT like), and Home version(not NT like).

I'm pretty sure that it won't work on XP either since XP is built on the core of NT (Actually XP is what 2000 was orignally planned to be...the joining of Win9x and WinNT). It still has the HAL like NT/2000 do. The only differences between XP Home and XP Pro are things like multiprocessor support, the ability to connect to an Active Directory, Remote Desktop, and basically anything that would be "beneficial" to a business/power user. The differences between those 2 versions aren't nearly what the differences between Win9x/ME and WinNT/2000 are. Mainly the differences are what Microsoft thinks the home user would never need.

For what it's worth, if I still had my GN and Turbo-Link I'd try it with XP just to see what would happen, but I'm fairly certain that the results would be the same as with WinNT/2000. Alas, until the job stables up a bit I'm in the no-car zone. :(