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Do you guys keep a loaded gun near when you go to sleep?


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Not so Senior Member
Mar 8, 2009
After a couple shootings in the neighborhood I started to. Unfortunately my ex new this and came to my house the other day and took it :eek:. I didn't realize until yesterday when my brother told me she was in my room on Sunday. I called the police and made a report. I then told her brother she took it, and it was waiting for me outside my back door when I went to go to work today. So, am I stupid for keeping a loaded gun in my house not locked up?
Just my advise being a federal agent . If you have kids no, if you don't make sure it's not right next to your bed so you have to wake up to get it. I think the best defense is a shotgun not loaded but ammo close.
Biometric gunvault bolted to my night stand...
Actually there is one on both sides.....
Just my advise being a federal agent . If you have kids no, if you don't make sure it's not right next to your bed so you have to wake up to get it. I think the best defense is a shotgun not loaded but ammo close.

U carry with the clip out, but "close by"??
After a couple shootings in the neighborhood I started to. Unfortunately my ex new this and came to my house the other day and took it :eek:. I didn't realize until yesterday when my brother told me she was in my room on Sunday. I called the police and made a report. I then told her brother she took it, and it was waiting for me outside my back door when I went to go to work today. So, am I stupid for keeping a loaded gun in my house not locked up?

"So, am I stupid for keeping a loaded gun in my house not locked up?" No, but maybe a bit forgetful to change the friggin locks!:eek:
"So, am I stupid for keeping a loaded gun in my house not locked up?" No, but maybe a bit forgetful to change the friggin locks!:eek:

My brother was home, in his room, and left the front door unloocked. She does not have a key to my house. My (drunk) brother assumed it was me coming through the front door (which I never use). About an hour later he went for another drink and saw her car in the driveway. He then told me she was at my house. I did not know she was IN my house. He then just waited till she left. I told him to call when she left, still assuming she was outside in her car. I gave him shit for not saying she was in the house and said WTF...she was in my room alone drunk with my loaded gun? Oddly and stupidly I convinced myself she would never mess with that. Monday my buddy tells me she was talking to a mutual friend talking crazy sh...stuff. Lacking sleep, since I couldn't go home until 1, Monday I had to run a few errands after work and I about crashed, then I checked for my gun about 9:30. I called the cops about 2 minutes later. They jotted the usual, and became extremely mad when I couldn't remember her birthday :confused:. I was only around for one! Anyway, so I texted her brother and told him she probably has my gun. This morning the gun was at my back door, the only door I use. Jeez that ended up being long.
Just my advise being a federal agent . If you have kids no, if you don't make sure it's not right next to your bed so you have to wake up to get it. I think the best defense is a shotgun not loaded but ammo close.

No kids. I keep it hidden, but very close to where I sleep.
keep a loaded gun for protection period. who has time to load it if you need it
I've got quite a few loaded and more than a few are sitting around the house in stratigic locations.;) 2 large dogs to warn me if someone tries to come around and enough ammo to take them out.:D P9RK under my pillow, Car15 beside the bed, Browning A-5 12 guage on the wall, Remingon 12 guage auto sitting by the front door, Makrov on the dresser as well as a bunch of knives and other things that I carry and leave around.:rolleyes: I live in the country and the local Sherrif would take at least 30 minutes to get here with a 911 call.:mad: A few years ago one of my neighbors had a crackhead try to rob him. The guy that lives beside him came for a visit and and killed the crackhead in question while the home owner had been beaten to get his money. It was less than 200 yards from my house so I'm very attentive to what goes on in my neighbohood now.:cool:
Yep. Ruger P89DC 9mm...2 15 shot clips
I really prefer to beat criminals with my bare hands, so the gun would be last resort.
Damn charlief1 - your almost as bad as me. like to have a concealed weapon of some sort within arms reach everywhere in the house! guns, knives, hatchets,
swords, hickory sticks, machete's, baseball bats. live at the end of a private dirt road in the middle of the woods. just me and all the ' Indians'. there have been some
home invasions in the area and cops are scarcer than hen's teeth.