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SignUp Now!Watched this forum since the early 2000's, joined in '12 and just posted yesterday.
Bob, there may be another SFI 6 purchaser from LV Buicks. I will be performing the installation as well as the tuning. If you still have the re-pinning guide that would save me a bunch of time. Thanks!
I recently made the purchase. Still in the box waiting to have time to get it installed. I will post up how it goes when i install..
Bob (Rauscher), are you going to Cotton's open house BBQ Saturday March 1st...?
Correction, I won't be at Cotton's open house. Kirban's on April 12th I'll be there. Cotton's is a bit far for me.
Gonna cost me a lot to get the GTA to either, especially Cotton's. Fuel mileage is horrid with this camshaft, and knowing you Paul you won't wait around for every stop I make for gas, so I'll be sure to bring the GPS lol. Am fighting a fuel pressure issue now with the 3rd gen, although I am confident it is the stock regulator that I modified to be adjustable. Pressure holds steady at 37-psi at idle, but once shut down, goes right down to 0-psi within seconds. Was planning on changing injectors tomorrow, so maybe the ones in there now are being held open from debris. If the issue remains after the injector swap, then I am almost certain its the regulator...
you could always go as a passenger