edit posts...

I've noticed that you can edit a post right after you are done. But once you leave that thread and try to came back to it, you are pretty much done and can't make changes...

Maybe the site administrator can help...

"SGRIM", I remember a few years ago before the whole site's big crash happened, we had the possibility to edit our posts whenever needed, keeping them more up-to-date...but since the site's been restored, this feature hasn't been available anymore...My question is this: WHY?..I think that it was very conveinient, especially in the "parts for sale" section where items could be deleted from a list after being sold instead of having to reply to every member inquiring about an item just to tell them it's been sold for a long time...
Thanks for explaining...

Claude :smile:
There are several reasons for this, but they are all related....

When editing was wide open people would post stuff and go back and change it several times in some cases, or delete them entirely...

For sale threads for instance would contain specific info related to a sale. Occasionally a seller would go back and change the original for sale post to hide something that a buyer got screwed for:eek: For instance, member X posts "40K mile car with no rust no problems" or "PT-70 turbo low miles no shaft play no leaks," etc....." Member Y buys car or turbo didn't' quote the original post and they get what they bought and it is nothing like described:mad: Well in the meantime member X went back and modified his post to remove "certain" details... Member Y now has no proof of the original thread:confused: :frown:

Lounge thread for instance; Member X stirs up a big pile of crap or talks junk about someone or whatever... Months go by Member X does it again, and everyone remembers him posting xxxxxx but guess what, Member X went back and edited all the previous posts:rolleyes: The best one is Member X gets drunk, drugged, or whatever and goes off on a rant gets everyone mad, comes back in a couple of days and apologizes and edits all his posts....

If you are going to post on the board make sure you want it posted before you hit the submit button. If you need something changed we will be glad to do it for the correct reason....

Unfortunately good members that wouldn't do this stuff have to suffer for the stuff others have done in the past, and still try to do. This way there will never be any questions or doughts. If it was posted it stays!

Thanks for explaining...I did not know that some unscrupulous persons had been using this feature to their advantage...but unfortunately, it's true that sometimes, honest members end up paying for other not-so-good member's ways of doing things...Sad but true...:rolleyes:


Claude :smile:

Unfortunately good members that wouldn't do this stuff have to suffer for the stuff others have done in the past
