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Engine Cuts out and stumbles under boost...HELP PLEASE! `


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The computer is getting the RPM signal from the crank sensor right? I changed that for a brand new one while I was in Phoenix (courtesy of Nick!! Thanks!) just to see if that would make a didn't.
Did you check the crank end play? Could the damper be moving forward out of the crank sensor? Bad thrust bearing? If it had a blown head gasket who knows what else went bad. Just throwing this out there.
They corrode and loose the ability to carry full load amps but still carry some, in some cases they won't even carry enough to burn out if shorted. If they got hot it could be worse. Start cheap and easy
I know you guys talked about engine rpm being erratic. I don't know if the logger gets that information from the crank or ignition mod, assuming ignition mods witnessing can make you look stupid.
Either way if I trusted Nick that it ran good after first being installed and it sounds like that's not in doubt I would look at the wiring near the starter real close. If it was mine I might just toss most of it and do new. Fusable links can go bad and still work,
He's going to bypass all that and send power directly from the generator to the ignition module to test that circuit.
He's going to bypass all that and send power directly from the generator to the ignition module to test that circuit.
Cool, it ll give some good information.
I am assuming if he were to tie the waste gate open it should and would run out clean right to shift point?
Or is wot only set for boost so it ll be rich with retarded timing?
I am confused, did you pick the car up with the problem if so why did you take it. The head gasket was blown if what you said is the truth but something does not seem right because you don't seem upset after paying for the job. Is there more to the story than you are telling us also you can blow a head gasket at just about any boost level if timing, fuel and program is not correct. Good luck and hope you work out the problem.


I've been following this thread from the beginning. So I can easily see how someone might share perception, trust me. That is, given the gravity of this situation (and the fact that the OP has spent thousands of dollars with Nick). However, the OP seems to have full confidence in Nick.

And I have to give it to Nero, as he has yet to make any sort of disparaging remark whatsoever. So my hat goes off to him as it takes a very big man to steer clear of the blame game. That being said, it only makes sense that Nick and Nero328 have been communicating (behind the scenes) and they are both happy with the situation?

Truth be told though, we don't know what is going on behind the scenes. However, it appears as though I Nero328 is a positive guy who is solution focused. And instead of focusing on the problem, he is here looking for the solution to his issue (and he apparently doesn't have much use for any drama). Plus I think we've all seen Nick come in and make good on stuff before. So I'm sure it's the same thing here!

Although again it is easy to see how one might wonder given the circumstances. However, there is a time and a place for that. Meaning if Nero328 had an issue with Nick then that post would be in the vendor forum feedback area and not here.

Anyways not try to flame you at all man. Just trying to let you know that Nick is an upstanding guy and we have seen him make good on his word here before. Therefore no matter what the issue, I'm quite certain that Nick and Nero are working that out behind the scenes even as we speak. And there is no need to drag that out here. So kudos to Nero for keeping it professional and being a bigger man than most. In that, this has to be frustrating. And yet, he's not biatching, just seeking a solution is all!


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looking at the logs, will have a couple questions.

sent you an email.


These cars are so persnickety......

I'm not one that would even begin to give advice in this situation.

OP and all who have tried to help, thank you from me as I have been educated by following this thread, so very much good stuff brought forth here.

OP, you've been lucky to have so many very smart people involved. Not to take away from other guru's, but with Bob now involved, hopefully, you're on the way to a real solution.
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I see a couple very specific things happening in the logfile from page 11.

Should have it handled shortly.

I think its surging from overfueling.


So this is a chip calculation issue?

And is the chip dumping all of the fuel at once?

Also is there a specific cut off point as to how much change a stock ecm can handle? Meaning are there too many variants that an aluminum headed 4.1 stroker motor would cause which would require upgrade? Such as, differences in volume / cfm's, fueling requirements, etc (that would differ from stock that would prevent the stock ecm to measure and keep up with)?

Is this an issue that would be a selling point for upgrading to the FAST system? I guess what I'm asking is this consistent with the stock ecm becoming somewhat overloaded from all of the volume differences in air / fuel, etc? Or is this some sort of other avoidable issue?

Sorry just trying to wrap my head around this fairly complex issue. As I sure don't want to invest $13-$14,000 dollars only to have some insane issue, such as this! I mean, there have been some pretty bright minds working on this issue for some time now. So I know that there's no way I could have figure it out. That's for sure.

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This makes sense since a buddy of mine told me that when it shut down he saw a puff of dark black smoke exit the tailpipes...

If you want to give me your chip#, I can look up the programming. The chip# is on the bottom of the chip, so you have to take it out.
If you want to give me your chip#, I can look up the programming. The chip# is on the bottom of the chip, so you have to take it out.
I will have to pull that tonight when I get back home Eric...thanks! I appreciate everyone's patience with me this week. I haven't had much time to spend with the car due to getting back to work and dealing with home.
Get that chip info yet?

Sorry again Eric...I never made it home this weekend, I was with my grandmother. I will hopefully be able to go home today and I get it. Thanks for hanging in there for me, its been a rough few weeks.
So this is a chip calculation issue?

And is the chip dumping all of the fuel at once?

Also is there a specific cut off point as to how much change a stock ecm can handle? Meaning are there too many variants that an aluminum headed 4.1 stroker motor would cause which would require upgrade? Such as, differences in volume / cfm's, fueling requirements, etc (that would differ from stock that would prevent the stock ecm to measure and keep up with)?

Is this an issue that would be a selling point for upgrading to the FAST system? I guess what I'm asking is this consistent with the stock ecm becoming somewhat overloaded from all of the volume differences in air / fuel, etc? Or is this some sort of other avoidable issue?

Sorry just trying to wrap my head around this fairly complex issue. As I sure don't want to invest $13-$14,000 dollars only to have some insane issue, such as this! I mean, there have been some pretty bright minds working on this issue for some time now. So I know that there's no way I could have figure it out. That's for sure.

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The chip is a max-race 80lb chip for a stock MAF, a combination that works well, but has to be driven like a race car. The stock MAF runs out of range at 255 gram/second of airflow, so beyond that (way beyond that on this car) you deliver fuel based on RPM and a target boost/HP level. When holding it in a lower gear and feathering the throttle, the top-end fuel starts to come in and overfuel the engine. Its possible to balance the part throttle and full throttle in this situation, but it takes a bit of work.

I discussed this with Eric, and since the OP has upgraded to a Translator and 3.5" MAF as part of the ongoing work, an Extender Extreme chip makes more sense, as it will read all the airflow and deliver a proper amount of fuel at all throttle angles.

Relative to stepping up to a different control system, thats a matter of personal preference and how the car is intended to be used. For the OP's use, I think staying with the stock ECM and an extended range chip is a good choice. Once you step into a Speed Density system (of whatever flavor) you either need to learn to tune it yourself, or hire someone.

The chip is a max-race 80lb chip for a stock MAF, a combination that works well, but has to be driven like a race car. The stock MAF runs out of range at 255 gram/second of airflow, so beyond that (way beyond that on this car) you deliver fuel based on RPM and a target boost/HP level. When holding it in a lower gear and feathering the throttle, the top-end fuel starts to come in and overfuel the engine. Its possible to balance the part throttle and full throttle in this situation, but it takes a bit of work.

I discussed this with Eric, and since the OP has upgraded to a Translator and 3.5" MAF as part of the ongoing work, an Extender Extreme chip makes more sense, as it will read all the airflow and deliver a proper amount of fuel at all throttle angles.

Relative to stepping up to a different control system, thats a matter of personal preference and how the car is intended to be used. For the OP's use, I think staying with the stock ECM and an extended range chip is a good choice. Once you step into a Speed Density system (of whatever flavor) you either need to learn to tune it yourself, or hire someone.


Wow! Thank you Mr. Bob, always learning something from your posts. So that's why we all have translators and 3.5" MAF then. Thanks that makes a lot of sense now!!

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