maybe my reply was out of line and misunderstood- what i meant is why isn't there a middle of the road, usa made, forged crank available for let's say 1200-1500 bucks like there are for most v8 applications? obviously with an endless budget you can have a super-exotic one made to order, and i understand that while the turbo-buick market is a small niche, it seems to me that there's enough people pushing these cars hard that could justify the tooling expense and make a decent return on your investment. i fully understand that putting a $3k plus crank into a 109 block wouldn't be the best investment, i just personally cringe when thinking about pushing anything made in china to the limit, much the same as i wouldn't use certain harbor freight tools for commercial-duty mechanic work, i buy snap-on. i didn't mean any disrespect, and true, i have never personally used a chinese crank so my opinion is proibably void. and my comment about vendors deceptively hiding who makes their parts wasn't limited to crankshafts- on more than one occasion, i've ordered "exact reproduction parts" that showed up and were the same china garbage that i can walk into the "help!" section of the local auto-zone and grab off the shelf. there's nothing wrong with selling this stuff or making a profit, i just believe in transparency.