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Found another 87 GNX for sale - 2700 miles though


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The following photos are from a true auto collector. This GNX only has 9 miles on the odometer and contains all the original factory protective coverings. The car hasn't even been washed.







Paperweight young forum troll....paperweight.

86 Buick GN
87 GMC Caballero
56 Packard Executive (restored)

Paperweight young forum troll....paperweight.

ps. he's gonna love the flatspots on the tires after it sits on those dolly's for years....collecting......dust. (even if it isn't resting on the dolly's)
A GNX will never be worth a million dollars for one simple reason... SUPPLY AND DEMAND... why did a real 71 hemi cuda convertible 4 speed sell for like a million....because they made like 4 of them.. by the 80's people had the mindset to save things like cars, baseball cards..etc.. thats why that stuff will never be as valuable because there are a lot more to be had. the ONLY GM car i can think of from the 80's that has brought a million dollars was the Corvette Sledgehammer...its one of one and it shattered records that i believe still stand.

I'm not knocking the GNX by any means but so many people saved these cars that the supply for its niche market is still plenty. the GNX in numbers is comparable to the 68 or 69 Hurst Olds.
This guy who started this thread is an idiot. My dad had a small collection of classic restored autos that he never drove and would not let anyone touch. Well, one day a hurricane came through Miami and ripped the roof off our house and my Dad lost every one of his cars. He regret to this day never driving his collection. If anyone buys an icon like the GNX, drive it and enjoy it. DON'T LET IT SIT!!!
This guy who started this thread is an idiot.

Awefully tough words from a guys first day on board and first post, maybe you should read more post less. The guy who posted the car for sale doesn't own the car, nor mention that he did. All he did was post that he saw a GNX forsale and you then come in here calling him a idiot........... Like I mentioned read more, post less.
I know i will prob never own a real GNX but i do agree with 88 cutty my dad has a 96 Impala SS with 942 miles on it I drive it every summer just to keep it in good running order he bought it to drive when he retired & sence he has his sights been going & he does not drive any more & we cant even find any one that will pay what it cost new in 96
I bought my GNX to drive, and I do it regularly. It doesn't see consistent daily action or even monthly action, but I keep it in a rotation with my other cars and when it's the GNX's turn it gets driven nearly every day until it's another cars time to run. I recently drove the GNX on a 1600 mile road trip from So.Cal to Salt Lake City Utah... to top it off we got rained on and snowed on during almost 50% of the ride home.

I couldn't justify letting the GNX or anything else just sit collecting dust for too long.

I bought my GNX to drive, and I do it regularly. It doesn't see consistent daily action or even monthly action, but I keep it in a rotation with my other cars and when it's the GNX's turn it gets driven nearly every day until it's another cars time to run. I recently drove the GNX on a 1600 mile road trip from So.Cal to Salt Lake City Utah... to top it off we got rained on and snowed on during almost 50% of the ride home.

I couldn't justify letting the GNX or anything else just sit collecting dust for too long.


Wow, you have quite a nice collection there. Some nice looking rides in the crowd.
The OP is a car broker/agent. His posts mostly have to do with spotting GNX's. He's fishing. So is the chick who came to his defense.

He seems to be a cash driven individual, which means he's in the wrong forum.
Passion and cash rarely play well together. This site is all about passion.
The OP is a car broker/agent. His posts mostly have to do with spotting GNX's. He's fishing. So is the chick who came to his defense.

He seems to be a cash driven individual, which means he's in the wrong forum.
Passion and cash rarely play well together. This site is all about passion.

I didn't know that, and yes I agree. Passion and greed are two different animals.
T6P Is about passion too.....and what Ty and Charlie are having for dinner. :biggrin:
My 2 cents...

As the original owner of a not so rare low mileage GN , my opinion is that one mint GNX still in the factory wrappers with 0 miles on the clock should be in the Smithsonian for everyone to see. The rest of them should be responsibly driven and enjoyed. You want an investment? Buy real estate or gold. My car sat in a garage undriven and forgotten for 16 years and I regret not enoying it for all those years all the time!

I'll get off my soapbox now... think I'll go for a drive!
Anyone do a history search on the OP? Where's CharlieF1 when we need him?

Shane you seeing this?

Shane's been strangely absent lately Dan. He sent me a PM the other day though. I miss him on the board.:frown:

x2. This thread reminds of a guy at a local cruise night who went on and on about how my car is rare and I should not drive it, that I did not know the real value of this car blah blah blah. I told him I bought it to drive it not to eye f*ck it in my garage. I also told him the car is about to turn 100k pretty soon (engine is at 2k) so I didnt feel bad about putting some happy miles on it. So after wards when I was leaving he told me its a shame cars like these are not taken care of the way they should be. So i look over at him and said well sir this next part is really gonna chap your ass. I brake boosted and lit the tires up for a "few" feet :D

good times!

LOL Good for you! I live in a small town and quite a few people have asked about my 82 GN. One of them wanted to buy it and the look on his face was priceless when I said $20K for all 3. I think he had a brown stripe in his pants.LOL

The following photos are from a true idiot collector. This GNX only has 9 miles on the odometer and contains all the original factory protective coverings. The car hasn't even been washed.







86 Buick GN
87 GMC Caballero
56 Packard Executive (restored)

No, those photos are from a man that thinks the world revolves around the car, not the sun. It's a shame that it's never been driven or at least shown to the public on a regular basis. I did get the privilege to work on 1 GNX to help him get the AC working again and I was suprised that the guy was a regular guy and not parnoid about it. If you don't believe me I'll be more than happy to post the pics of it in the shop for you.:biggrin:

The OP is a car broker/agent. His posts mostly have to do with spotting GNX's. He's fishing. So is the chick who came to his defense.

He seems to be a cash driven individual, which means he's in the wrong forum.
Passion and cash rarely play well together. This site is all about passion.

You said it Dan. Those of us that have a passion for the cars are unique. I never believed that I'd ever have as many post on here as I do but I want to help and inform people when I can. Sometimes it takes a fresh mind to think on how to make things better. If you don't believe me click on the second link in my sig.

T6P Is about passion too.....and what Ty and Charlie are having for dinner. :biggrin:

I'll remind you of the Prime Rib post Dan. Looks like you're guilty of this as well bud.

As the original owner of a not so rare low mileage GN , my opinion is that one mint GNX still in the factory wrappers with 0 miles on the clock should be in the Smithsonian for everyone to see. The rest of them should be responsibly driven and enjoyed. You want an investment? Buy real estate or gold. My car sat in a garage undriven and forgotten for 16 years and I regret not enoying it for all those years all the time!

I'll get off my soapbox now... think I'll go for a drive!

Glad to see you enjoying it now Rich. I agree 100% with you on this. My 83 will be my DD when I get her up and running so I can varify what I want to do with the 82. Once I prove what I've been doing the 82 will be a DD for a while at least. One of 219 and daily driven? YOU CAN BET ON IT!:biggrin:
Shane's been strangely absent lately Dan. He sent me a PM the other day though. I miss him on the board.:frown:

LOL Good for you! I live in a small town and quite a few people have asked about my 82 GN. One of them wanted to buy it and the look on his face was priceless when I said $20K for all 3. I think he had a brown stripe in his pants.LOL

No, those photos are from a man that thinks the world revolves around the car, not the sun. It's a shame that it's never been driven or at least shown to the public on a regular basis. I did get the privilege to work on 1 GNX to help him get the AC working again and I was suprised that the guy was a regular guy and not parnoid about it. If you don't believe me I'll be more than happy to post the pics of it in the shop for you.:biggrin:

You said it Dan. Those of us that have a passion for the cars are unique. I never believed that I'd ever have as many post on here as I do but I want to help and inform people when I can. Sometimes it takes a fresh mind to think on how to make things better. If you don't believe me click on the second link in my sig.

I'll remind you of the Prime Rib post Dan. Looks like you're guilty of this as well bud.

Glad to see you enjoying it now Rich. I agree 100% with you on this. My 83 will be my DD when I get her up and running so I can varify what I want to do with the 82. Once I prove what I've been doing the 82 will be a DD for a while at least. One of 219 and daily driven? YOU CAN BET ON IT!:biggrin:

what are you doin here charlie? Back to the CT Barro...:biggrin:
I bought my GNX to drive, and I do it regularly. It doesn't see consistent daily action or even monthly action, but I keep it in a rotation with my other cars and when it's the GNX's turn it gets driven nearly every day until it's another cars time to run. I recently drove the GNX on a 1600 mile road trip from So.Cal to Salt Lake City Utah... to top it off we got rained on and snowed on during almost 50% of the ride home.

I couldn't justify letting the GNX or anything else just sit collecting dust for too long.


Nice collection!

My hat is off to you for driving all of them.

Actually it was July 23rd 1999 with 1102 miles. Got the bill of sale right here in my desk drawer. I sold a few years later still with 1102 miles on it.


I bought GNX 375 in 1995 with 59 miles on the clock. Found it here in Canada near Toronto. I was the 3rd owner at that time. Contacted the 1st owner and he still had the jacket and sent it to me. I sold the car in 1998 with 880 miles and it went back to the USA. it has changed owners 5 times since I believe..
I agree 100% with Notacarlo & ZNix. They are all meant to be driven! Only a handful of AMC Matador 401's were built. Does that mean they need to be "preserved as a collector car" and not driven too?:confused: I'd not drive one for other reasons but just because a car is rare (or possibly even a pivotal model) doesn't mean it shouldn't be driven.

I have one of maybe 5 GMC Sierra Denali/C3's built by Lingenfelter new (mine is the only one with Quadrasteer that I know of) but I'll be damned to let it sit as a garage ornament. It just turned 90,000 miles a month ago and I have no intention of letting it sit now even though it's irreplaceable.:cool:
117 miles a year, sounds like he went to a couple cruise nights/car shows a year for 23 years. 2700 miles is hardly driving it.
the sooner you realize that you will never make money off of cars the better.
A car like that is the holy grail in a sense and should be driven (if at all) in moderation 2700 mi is in that category. now 270000 is a whole different story.

now if you bought the car merely because you wanted to sell it and make a quick buck you wrongly interpreted owning and ENJOYING a Buick.