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Funny story for you guys.......should I marry her????? Odds are that I should!


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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2004
Hey guys! Well since you guys are basically my second family and most of you know my situation with Ashley, I figured I'd share a little story with you. First off, Ashley and I have a wonderful son, Noah. We are both madly in love with him and we both are very good parents. Her and I have had our issues as many of you know. I have had a little awakening the past few days. Ashley has always been there supporting me with these cars because she knows how much I love them and the people that come with them. If it werent for her, we wouldnt have had the MidWest Meets, she is really the one that put them together and kept my head on straight during planning, etc. Sunday, her and I opened presents for each other and for Noah. She knew I broke my digital camera a few months back trying to take pictures of Noahs rashed up butt from the babysitter.:mad: I was pissed the babysitter didnt change his diaper enough so I tride to take pics and while chasing him around on my hands and knees trying to take a pic of his butt, I dropped my camera and in the same motion put my knee on it and smashed it. Well, no more ability to take pics of parts and the cars..........DAMN!!!!:mad: She aslo knew that with the new motor I may actually run better than a 14.2 and probably needed a fire jacket. SOOOOOOO....... She bought me a BAD ASSS GN embroidered fire jacket!!!! WOOOO HOOOO!!!! Also she bought me a new digital camera!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!! Another thing is I took my druggy 18 yr old little brother in who I ended up kicking out because he was stealing money and other things from me. Well I dont buy much besides car parts for myself except I spent $120 on a sweet pair of limited time only Globe shoes a short time back. Well, my little bro stole those too. What a punk! Anyways, she bought me a new pair!!! WOOOHHHOOOOO!!!! Now for the kicker...... she is off on Christmas vaacation for 2 weeks, my house is a disaster. So she rented a carpet shampooer and shampooed all of my carpet in my house today. And, when I got back, she shampooed the carpet in my Limited, knowing it was one thing I really needed to have done! WooooHooo. Then, I was on the phone with her and she said she was "wrenching on the car"! I'm thinking to myself.... What the F???? She better not be! I have been trying to get this damn window tint off the windows of the Limited forever with a razor blade. This stuff was put on 2 weeks after the car was new. It's on there and has baked in the Texas sun for 21 years. It's a pain in the balls seriously. I asked her after she told me she was "wreching on my car", what she was doing. She said, "I'm wrenching on the car". Well she spent 3 hours out there in the cold ass garage with the razor blade scraping window tint!! Now thats a good woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:biggrin: How many of your wives would do that???????? --------Jeremy
How many of your wives would do that???????? --------Jeremy

Mine would! Keep her. The GOOD ones are hard to find!:biggrin:
Yeah I think she just knows the only way to a mans heart is through his cars! So she's trying to use that weakness against me!!!!????:biggrin: :confused:
I'm not gonna lie man, those same qualities are what brought me to the realization that my (now) wife of 3.5 years was a keeper. She spent an entire weekend scraping the crappy purple tint off my (then) mustang windows, bought me a new set of tires, AND the new set of ratcheting wrenches I'd been wanting but couldn't bring myself to spend 60.00 on. I love that woman more today than I did when I married her (if thats possible) and am telling you from personal experience... If she supports you that much with the building of cars, organizing meets, and she's willing to sleep w/you at the end of the day... PUT A RING ON THAT GIRL'S FINGER ASAP.
My wife of 24 years helps me around the house with select projects but not with the cars. That's OK she's a good cook and keeps a clean house. If you love keep her. Good luck.:wink:
Keep Her!!!!!!!

....My wife of 3.5 yrs [girlfriend off and on since HS] is the same way. She takes a week off every year to go on the HotRod PowerTour. She helped me scrub and clean the plastic interior pieces of my limited.... i even had her help start a couple of bolts while i held the H&R sway bar up:tongue: shes the greatest. You are a lucky guy. [and so am i]
She has already given you the GREATEST gift in the world...Noah. My wife of 10 years is giving me a similar gift in March. All the other stuff is like icing on the cake!! You'd better look after that one!!! Besides, if you decide not to keep her...I'll bet you could get a pretty penny for her in the Parts for Sale section!!:D :eek: :D
Keep her. Mine does the same. She will work on any car and is a former UH-60mechanic and actually got ASE certified in Automotive electronics and my insistance! :biggrin: In order to make it more fun, I bought her a Buick too so that we can go to cruises and meets together.

It's tough to find a girl that will even tolerate the whole car thing but one who will participate with you and get her hands dirty too is priceless......
Man you guys are super lucky:D to have a wife that understand your passion for cars.I cant even get my wife in the car for a cruise and its been 6 years with the gn.
Man you guys are super lucky:D to have a wife that understand your passion for cars.I cant even get my wife in the car for a cruise and its been 6 years with the gn.

I agree here. My wife hates my car and will not ride it at all. When we go to car shows we take two cars. Good luck. Brad
I agree here. My wife hates my car and will not ride it at all. When we go to car shows we take two cars. Good luck. Brad


Not the fact that I have a car, just this car. She thinks its a White trash POS.

Keep Her. I'm not saying marry her... yet. But definitely keep her.
I'd keep her around!! My wife used to like my car, but will not ride in it anymore. She doesn't like going sideways for some reason:confused:
I'd keep her around!! My wife used to like my car, but will not ride in it anymore. She doesn't like going sideways for some reason:confused:

Yeah I havent heard "JEREMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" ever yelled as loud as I did when I romped on it during the Power Tour at about 45 and slipped her sideways! If these cars had "OH SH*T"" bars, she would have ripped it out of the A-pillar!!! Thats always fun!!!
It's tough to find a girl that will even tolerate the whole car thing but one who will participate with you and get her hands dirty too is priceless......

x1000, you are very, very lucky bro, what she has done for you says a lot, DON'T let her go!!!!
What a great commercial, and if she can....

Hold a job,
Clean the house,
Raise the kids,
Do the laundry,
Shop and run errands,
Have dinner ready WHENEVER you get there,
And make sure the beer is cold,
Maybe she can have her own Regal.

So, "Put another log on the fire."

YouTube - Put Another Log On The Fire


YouTube - put another log on the fire

I think thats me in the Muppet video, more than a few pounds ago and before she taught me grooming :redface:,
however the beer is still cold so I won't trade her in.:D
I'd keep her around!! My wife used to like my car, but will not ride in it anymore. She doesn't like going sideways for some reason:confused:

+1 here.
Mine used to ride with me when I had the Big Block Chevelle's, no more... she says " this one is scary fast" She is very cool about the car though as long as I keep doing remodeling projects for the house. She actually helps with all of it too. She can use the table saw and power tools with no problems!! I have spent more on the house than the car if you can believe that. New hardwood and ceramic floors throughout the entire 1st floor, two rooms full of new furniture, 52" Samsung series 6 LCD, Denon receiver, Definitive Technologies powered front towers and surround, 600 watt sub, converted fireplace to gas with remote, Granite counters and back splash, ALL new stainless appliances...
I think I am good for some new upgrades to the car now.

Well Jeremy, you are an awesome person and Ashley is wonderful gal. Over these past few years I have gotten to know you pretty well and I am glad I did. My advice is that; marriage is a compromise between two individuals in most cases raised differently (you know the up bringing). Therefore, most people have different way of approaching things. What is normal for you may be something outrageous for her. Women are not stable like us guys, all we want is peace of mind. On the other hand, they want everything done their way. They will raise hell according to the mood they are in for small things like leaving the door unlocked, farting or belching. Sometimes those things are acceptable to them and sometimes not. WTF. Anyway the point I am trying to make is that; be ready to see things with open mind, it may not be right thing in your eyes but trust me you will end up doing what she wants so that you can have peace of mind. There is no such a thing as a problem free relationship, it all come to how you deal with the situation. If you focus on what makes her happy and she focuses on what makes you happy then most of the problems go away. Trust me it works I have been married for over 13yrs and have no regret what so ever, She is my best friend ,actually my everything. If you don’t support each other for your passions then you will be upset that she is doing this and that she wants and having fun and vise versa. If that happens then jealousy takes over and all of sudden there goes the relationship to hell in a hand basket.
Obviously my passion is cars and my wife knows that so she lets me have what ever I want, she takes pride in it. On the other hand my wife is private person, she likes to write, read, dance, cook and more importantly her own space. She is an introvert and I respect that and I do whatever I can to encourage her passion. She also likes old things that why when we bought the “Turbo Farm” I got all the space for my toys and she got the turn of the century farm house that was built in the 1870s. So you see both of us got want we wanted. It was a compromise.

I think you and Ashley will do great, obviously, you know her more than any other girl you’ve been with. Most of all, both of you guys can provide the little speed racer Noah with stable parenting where both biological parents are in the picture and raise him right. If he turns out any thing like you, I am positive that he will, then there is nothing more that anyone can ask.

Let me know the date:biggrin:
