GN Intimidation


New Member
Jun 21, 2002
There is a local hang out that turns into a first-rate car show every Friday and Saturday evening of the summer at a local 50's style drive-in called Soda Jerks. There is always a great cross section of cars from all years and makes with everything from hemi-Cudas to big-block Chevelles to blown Vettes, rods you name it. Last week had a Pantera and a Prowler for accents, the week before a DeLorean and always a great crop of Mustangs from ragged-ass junk through to premium Shelby originals. A good night will easily see a hundred to two hundred cars come and go and the parking lot is wall to wall people for hours. Last week I took out the 87 GN.

When I first arrived a repeated comment was "They didn't make many of these did they." What do you say? This stopped once three more 86 and 87 GNs showed up unexpectedly and after a little jockeying, we got them all lined up together two-to-a-side along the entrance to the drive-in from the back street. A true black-alley entrance it was. :)

To add a little contrast we also pulled in two nice Monte SS's and added them to the G-body lineup. For the next hour and a half every Mustang and Mopar entering the lot had to drive through a gauntlet of black GN's followed by the Montes. There were some definite trapped looks on more than one occasion as the G-Men laid down the smack.

After an hour of stylin we then decided to take a community cruise downtown to the main strip where the street racers hang out so off we went, three GNs followed by two Montes. Enroute we had to stop for some gas so we pulled into a station and while two of us were filling a brand new white Mustang also pulled in driven by a smokin hot looking blonde in a too-short dress with a blonde curly-haired boy friend in tow. We smiled... :) Then we smiled again. Trouble was already afoot and the night was still young.

(Didn't bother to record what type of Stang it was but hey, who cares.)

So, all of us being courteous types, we let the Mustang leave first - with the girl driving unfortunately - with 3 GNs and two Montes tightly tucked on her tail. I wonder where this is leading ......? :)

As good planning would have it we were on a six-lane divided road with right turn-off lanes on both sides with all us headed out on a nice stretch of road with one light between ourselves and some good open highway.

The light ahead turned red....

The car Gods were on our side ....

There was no one in front of any of us in all four lanes ....

You could smell the anticipation of a coming kill in the air....

So there we sat, one lone Mustang in lane number two with three nasty GNs spread across the remaining lanes on either side of the hapless trapped victim with two Monte SSs pulling up the rear doing clean-up duty. There was no hope of the the Mustang escaping its fate and it was classic GN initimidation at its best.

The crosslight then turned yellow, three turbos began quietly whistling and two seconds later all hell broke lose. The poor Mustang didn't even try to run, the guy in the passenger seat looked totally distressed, and I'm sure the girl behind the wheel had no idea about what was coming. Sometimes it's better that way.

It was all over in seconds with the GNs breaking lose all over the road, rippin up the asphalt, and blowing boost at that poor Mustang from both directions. The trapped Stang didn't stand a chance - poor bastard - and it didn't even look like they tried to run they got pulled so bad ...

You almost hate to remove a guys b*lls like that in front of his girl but Mustangs are fair game. Naw, take 'em off! :cool:

(I should say though that we were complete gentleman with the big-block Chevelle that pulled alongside a little later but we almost p*ssed our pants when this black Pinto with red shocks and a lift kit pulled up alongside us and revved. What the f*** was what our faces said as we looked around. Heck, we didn't think there were any Pintos left on the road.)

Getting back to the Mustang ...

Come the next light the Mustang finally caught up but it made a quick get away using the right turn lane to avoid a repeat performance as we had more open road but I'm sure the girl would have preferred to park and come ride with us.

As for the guy, we're taking donations of Viagra to help get him back to a normal level of function. :cool:

From there we cruised downtown in our G-body convey where we made a few passes, checked out the street racers crowd and then headed off further south to another strip where the nightclub crowd hangs and people cruise versus parking. We decided to park.

As luck would have it we were able to fit all three GNs front row and center at a GM dealership on the strip where we popped the hoods and started our own little car show amongst all the sidewalk traffic. People in this town certainly love their cars.

So it wasn't more than 15 minutes of being parked and along comes a completely new GN out cruising for the evening so now we are up to four black nasties all hanging out between the new Cadillacs. It was great and we looked awesome. Then we all went cruising again, this time four GNs in a row. Now that brought more than few comments from the sidewalk crowd as we drove by including the typical, "Do a burn out, do a burn out!" We had one guy and his buddies chase us down the sideway for half a block.

Ya buddy, cheap thrills and a stunting ticket on my dime. Not!

Unfortunately there wasn't any other racing this evening but it was a great evening nonetheless and the Mustang we all worked together on to turn into a gelding was far better than any one-on-one street race.

I wonder if the blonde wants to come crusing this weekend with team Buick ? :) We should have noted her plate number as we followed her far enough but come to think of it she had much better attention grabbers than her license plate and by then it was too late. :mad:
haha. that seems pretty rare that that would happen like that. sounds like fun. i know @ the car show down here when the GN's left everybody and there cousins would've gotten into their "Twin Turbo Supras":rolleyes: and started chasing you guys. of course we all know what the outcome of that would have been:p
oh, BTW, GN's RULE!!!
Dude, thats awesome. Did you take any pics of the cars parked? That musta been so cool. I wish the GN guys around here were that cool(they're kinda weird). Oh well, I'll cruise w/ the T-Type guys.:)
man i NEVER see other GNs around here....i am the lone GN in the entire northwest area of the state...oh well that was a great story...

i always come across the local car club hangouts here and i will stop and chat with them a few times...everyone in this town respects the GN and doesn't want none of this especially now that i have my new kenne bell hood mounted fuel pressure gauge now:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: my car does look meaner than crap but it's probably one of the slowest GNs around so i won't be able to back up our reputation too much!:cool: ;) :p
After I read that I *almost* felt sorry for the Mustang, but then I remembered it's a Mustang :)
Yes, I do believe we got some pictures. One of the guys humped his butt down the street to buy one of those small disposable jobbies as we were all a bit surprised to see all of us so I will ask him if and when he gets them processed. Like someone said, it was just an off-chance thing where one of the four was actually someone that just dropped in from Calgary some 200 miles to the south. "Why I think I'll just go cruise Soda Jerks tonight ... 31/2 hours later." Now there's a car habit!

Hmmmm...that little white mustange surrounded by black beasts reminded me of the scene in "Lord of The Rings" where that one white horse was surrounded by evil black ones. Only this time...THE RING WRAITHS were GNs and accompanying SS's .
We have a cruise-in at a local restaurant on Sunday's in the summer. We used to have a group of 3 of us with GNs that would go once a month or so. There would be some very nice cars there. Alot of old muscle cars would show, and alot of Stangs too. I told my mechanic about the good turn-outs we had been having so he drove the hour's drive here to join us. Wouldn't ya know it, we were the only 4 people there!!!! Maybe the sight of 4 GNs scared 'em all from coming?