lmao omg bro that is so spot on to that living diseased cesspool.... I'm gonna copy and paste wat u said and show it to my guys at line-up tomoro. their gonna get quite a kick thanx
and the funny thing is its located in the second wealthiest country in the country. one side of the street the houses are $800k. the other side (BPT Side) their $250k lol.
all the housing projects, soup kitchens, rooming houses, prisons, hospitals, regional schools, detention centers, shelters are all located in Bridgeport cause the other towns won't accept them cause their rich and just raise the price to live there to be unaffordable for middle and low income ppl.
all the shooting: Bpt, Murders: Bpt, Car hackings: Bpt, Home invasions: Bpt. none of the surrounding town see any of that.
I guess thats why NY has a better system cause the country money is actually spread throughout the county. Connecticut's each town is its own entity and has its own fire, police and government as well as school system. the only money each town or city gets is wat it generates for the most part and bpt is the welfare capital of CT.
poverty is an incubator for crime....
its a violent dangerous place...! a Target rich Police K9 environment tho.....