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Heads up.. STP oil treatment ZDDP @ target $.97


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Have a burnout party!!!
Jul 16, 2003
Bought up the stock at our local target. It's on clearance in the auto section. FYI @.$.97, it's not the lowest they will sell it for. Clearance rule at target is anything that ends in a 4 will not get marked down anymore.
If I go to target it's gonna get expensive:eek: I'll have to sneak out there saturday
If I go to target it's gonna get expensive:eek: I'll have to sneak out there saturday

It's called perimeter shopping. My wife and I just walk around the outside and ends of the isles, looking for deals on the end caps. That's where most of the clearance stuff is stacked.
Pardon my ignorance here, but is this the stuff I need to add to my daily driver's oil to prevent issues w/ my flat tappet camshaft later in life?:confused: :confused: :o :biggrin:
This stuff good? I have no info on it.

I'm wondering too. How does this compare to the actual ZDDP supplement that the vendors have?

Pardon my ignorance here, but is this the stuff I need to add to my daily driver's oil to prevent issues w/ my flat tappet camshaft later in life?:confused: :confused: :o :biggrin:

Yup, ZDDP is what's missing from modern oils.
kirban 2 cents worth

Guys....its real simple....

zddplus which has been made possible by one of the biggest if not the biggest supporter of turbo regals has the exact formula in a handy 4 ounce bottle you can buy from almost every major buick vendor that supports this forum and has put up for the TSA class about 10 grand this year. A bottle is $10.

The 4 ounce bottle of zddplus contains nothing that was not in your oil originally back in 1988. One bottle treats a normal 4-6 quart oil change letting you use whatever oil you have always used. STP is not the answer you seek.

We sell direct to cam companies such as Isky, Crower, private label for Erson.
Many many engine builders some building 1,000 plus HP engines with roller set ups and have seen a reduction in cam scuffing etc....Most of you realize companies like Isky and Crower have been around for 50 plus years and would not endorse and buy this product from us without doing their homework. Nor would we be able to get as a spokesperson Don Garlits if the issue was not real and if we did not have the easiest solution for owners to use.

You can't improve on what we have period. Its the perfect concentration in our bottle. Can't make it an easier. We sell to some of the largest mail order companies in the US. Eastwood, Moss Motors, Year One, and Buick vendors G Bodyparts, several builders of Buick engines as well.

I don't think STP put up 10 grand for any Turbo Buick class lately at the GS Nats......

Don't believe me? If it had the levels zddplus that you need it would have to state somewhere on the bottle not for late model applications because of the warranty issues for emissons relate to the catalytic converter. That is why zddp has been greatly reduced in current SM oils to approximately 800 ppm.

We have all the tech info to back everything up......

The lack of zddp in todays oils is "real" ask any engine rebuilder.
kirban 2 cents worth

Guys....its real simple....

zddplus which has been made possible by one of the biggest if not the biggest supporter of turbo regals has the exact formula in a handy 4 ounce bottle you can buy from almost every major buick vendor that supports this forum and has put up for the TSA class about 10 grand this year. A bottle is $10.

The 4 ounce bottle of zddplus contains nothing that was not in your oil originally back in 1988. One bottle treats a normal 4-6 quart oil change letting you use whatever oil you have always used. STP is not the answer you seek.

We sell direct to cam companies such as Isky, Crower, private label for Erson.
Many many engine builders some building 1,000 plus HP engines with roller set ups and have seen a reduction in cam scuffing etc....Most of you realize companies like Isky and Crower have been around for 50 plus years and would not endorse and buy this product from us without doing their homework. Nor would we be able to get as a spokesperson Don Garlits if the issue was not real and if we did not have the easiest solution for owners to use.

You can't improve on what we have period. Its the perfect concentration in our bottle. Can't make it an easier. We sell to some of the largest mail order companies in the US. Eastwood, Moss Motors, Year One, and Buick vendors G Bodyparts, several builders of Buick engines as well.

I don't think STP put up 10 grand for any Turbo Buick class lately at the GS Nats......

Don't believe me? If it had the levels zddplus that you need it would have to state somewhere on the bottle not for late model applications because of the warranty issues for emissons relate to the catalytic converter. That is why zddp has been greatly reduced in current SM oils to approximately 800 ppm.

We have all the tech info to back everything up......

The lack of zddp in todays oils is "real" ask any engine rebuilder.


i just said a little prayer for the people that think STP is the same as zddp.
if you get what you pay for. i'd rather have $10.00 of engine protection instead of $0000.97cents of protection.

oh yeah, that's my .02 cents :)
I think it's interesting that we spend big bucks on parts, ARP fasteners, big name products then try to save a few cents on the life blood of an engine!
Just buy the right stuff, from companies that support US!
Just passing on the fact it's cheap, so cheap that even a TB owner who doesn't add anything to their oil may decide to run it for 97 cents. I'll have to check out the "real" stuff when I get my low blm issue sorted out. Too many oil changes right now:mad:
kirban 2 cents worth

Granted its cheap so why would you put something like that in your engine that is well worth more money. STP is extremely thick....and the amount of zddp is practically nil.

Zddplus can be added any time does not have to be added at an oil change....

we also sell to some of the largest engine warehouses in the US that sell only to engine builders. I guarentee you there is nothing in our 4 ounce bottle that was not present when your car was new.....

If you have are running current SM oil rite now in your car with no zddplus added your cam is starting to happens gradually....

Life is a gamble as they say, but here is one sure method to take the gamble out of the equation concerning your turbo engine.

The largest seller of zddplus in the country...period.
kirban 2 cents worth

Guess what roller cam with current sm oil....still not good. We have a engine shop that builds 1,000 hp engines tears them down and has notice a reduction in scuffing using zddplus in the oil....I have proof of that testamonial company actually has built engines for magazine cars.

Roller set ups need zddp......

send me pm with your name & address and I will send you that testamonial....
YA,,,,,and where do we poor canadians procure such a fine product...:confused:

kirban 2 cents worth

product can't go by mail but ups to canada order from or herb fishman who posts on this forum or our website

or call my office as I think we have 1-2 distributors in canada 215-766-1611
kirban 2 cents worth

Guess what roller cam with current sm oil....still not good. We have a engine shop that builds 1,000 hp engines tears them down and has notice a reduction in scuffing using zddplus in the oil....I have proof of that testamonial company actually has built engines for magazine cars.

Roller set ups need zddp......

send me pm with your name & address and I will send you that testamonial....

They don't need it as bad flat tappet cams though. How on earth do engines (millions) survive without it?

I will keep YOUR ZDDP product in mind when I go through one of my spare engines and stick it in the buick.

Does the testimonial also come with a 4oz sample of the product? Thanks:smile:
They don't need it as bad flat tappet cams though. How on earth do engines (millions) survive without it?

I will keep YOUR ZDDP product in mind when I go through one of my spare engines and stick it in the buick.

Does the testimonial also come with a 4oz sample of the product? Thanks:smile:

kirban 2 cents worth

thing about this for a minute....

its true millions of cars survive without it...however the sm oil with the greatly reduced amouts of zddp has not been out that yes cars up until over a year ago had no issues...and grand ma and grand pa in their cars will never have an issue as they are not performance engines.

Your telling me for $10 you are not willing to protect your investment?

Here is another fact!

My source had the break in oil from a 2007 vette zo6 tested.....from the factory that oil contained 3,000 ppm of zddp....the new oil available has about 800 ppm/......

kinda like may make it to old age but the numbers are against you.....once wear starts adding our product later will not reverse the situation.

Their is nothing in our bottle that was not in the oil originally.....the guy behind it has more GNs and GNXs than most and he was concerned enough to have it produced and marketed......

You need to decide if its worth $10 that we are rite......
Why would a person not buy a $10 bottle of ZDDP to protect your investment? Pretty cheap insurance to me!
kirban 2 cents worth

thing about this for a minute....

its true millions of cars survive without it...however the sm oil with the greatly reduced amouts of zddp has not been out that yes cars up until over a year ago had no issues...and grand ma and grand pa in their cars will never have an issue as they are not performance engines.

Your telling me for $10 you are not willing to protect your investment?

Here is another fact!

My source had the break in oil from a 2007 vette zo6 tested.....from the factory that oil contained 3,000 ppm of zddp....the new oil available has about 800 ppm/......

kinda like may make it to old age but the numbers are against you.....once wear starts adding our product later will not reverse the situation.

Their is nothing in our bottle that was not in the oil originally.....the guy behind it has more GNs and GNXs than most and he was concerned enough to have it produced and marketed......

You need to decide if its worth $10 that we are rite......

Who did the testing, Blackstone? What's wrong with just running higher end synthetics in a modern engine?

Forgive me for posting this as it seems to have stepped on the toes of some vendors that "support" the board here. I'll just post it on fatwallet, where there is no external influence (control) as to what can and can't be posted. Thanks!