kirban 2 cents worth
The fact we got Don Garlits as a spokesperson who has 144 national wins and has always been a hands on drag racer also adds tremendous creditability to the product.
Some of you may have heard of the Engine Masters Challenge. They get about 30 entries every year. The scoring is based on the average power and torque per cubic inch over the full dyno sweep from 2,500 to 6,500 rpms.
Engines as small as 302 to as big as 464 compete.
In 2007 several had cam issues during the contest including DOVE PERFORMANCE.
Dove should be a fairly familar name to some of you hard core racers as they are the largest manufacturer in the US for aluminum roller rockers producing in excess of 40,000 every year for 20 years. They do them for other companies as well.
Last year 2008 Dove entered a 352 Ford FE engine pushed out over 500 hp and did 25-30 dyno pulls with ZDDPlus™ in the oil. Tear it down saw no wear in the cam or lifters.
I expect to get a testamonial from them soon. Mopar big blocks and Ford with shaft mounted rockers will definately benefit from ZDDPlus in the oil. DOVE phone number is 440-236-5139 Earl Valtman is who will attest to this.
You can see how important this issue has become as several companies have rushed oils onto the market place stating we have zinc....zinc is great however zddp is the entire molecule you need not just zinc.
Look at your visor decal on your 1986-1987 Turbo Regal it clearly states use a QUALITY SF OIL....
Todays oils if it has the star burst on the back no matter whose brand it is can not have more than 800 ppm of ZDDP. Some do not even meet that level. Under SF it had 1,600 to 1,800. Each succeeding bump in the category SG SH etc more zddp came out of the concentration. The SM crossed the line from being adeuqate to now being on the short end of the stick. In a matter of speaking.
Adding to the problem is, zddp depletes at a faster level for the first 1,000 miles of if you start with 800 drive a 1,000 miles now you are really at the low end of zddp that you need when originally it was around 1,600 to 1,800 ppm.
Having a performance engine increases the problems, grand ma driving her V6 to church on sunday will never have an issue..... probably uses the cheapest gas and never hears her car knock either.
Years ago oil was supposed to be backwards each new category came out. Blame the oil companies or the government the point remains if you have an engine with a flat tappet cam you care about you best be adding zddplus to be safe....wear happens gradually and translates into metal particules going somewhere.
Their is some very very smart people behind this product our company is simply the major marketing company because of our connections and experience in the automotive business and being a long time personal friend of Richard Clark.
Personally all my cars I add it to my 1994 and 1997 cars and it has eliminated the ticking in the valve train on a cold morning, even my 2000 Corvette, ....makes sense because even back in 1994 and 1997 oils had well over 800 ppm....of zddp in the oil.
Its because of new car warranties and emissions centered around the warranties on cataltyic converters having to go 120,000 miles or so. The claim is zddp can can coat the converter.
As for why it is not in stores.
We are trying with several national chains, but with the tough economic times etc until customers start asking for this product by name it is tough to get into any of the major chain stores. Plus we have no track record or other products in stores. Some chain stores do buy from us for independant run stores and speed shops etc.
However, in the aftermarket world we cover many of the big names:
Year One, Moss Motors, Mac Antiques, Clarks Corvar, Myers Studebaker, Casco T-Birds, Bill Hirsch, Engine & Performance Waheouse, Ecklers, National pars Depot, Corvette Central, to name a few. Even sell direct to a Lotus company.
It will happen. We have done quite well for only being available for less than 2 years time. While other solutions exist, ours is one of the easiest if not easiest since its only 4 ounces and you can use whatever oil you have been using.
Market is big enough for everyone over 10 million 1987 and back cars are registered in the US.
The choice is yours $10 you are gambling that we are wrong and you are right.
Problem is if you lose a cam its far more than $10 to correct the problem.
Neither Richard nor I recommend any oil over another. Just be certain to add ZDDPlus™
Remember the government does not really care about older cars....
The passion for them has to come from you the owner......
Check out our tech briefs....they are far more technical in nature than what I have stated above. I have spoken at many national events for various clubs on this subject. The internet is full of forums about the topic. The solutions may vary but the topic is well covered as being an issue now recognized no matter what car/truck you first companies even like Comp assumed it was simply a problem at break in only....break the cam in properly and you won't have any problems. not true.....neither is their current solution with what they offer to do to the cam.
The solution is simple. The decision to do it is one you have to make.