Help us build "Nasty Wendy 2"- AKA "The Phonix"

The new header panel had the holes filled and then was blocked out and is ready for paint.
Okay Guy's this is definitely "Crunch Time" seeing there is only several weeks left to the unveiling @ Bowling Green so this is when we really need to team up together and make this happen! PLEASE if you have parts laying around or if you haven't already donated please step up and help make this happen..... To those of you 160 + people who have already donated, from me personally, Thank You!

No Matter how anyone looks at this situation, Clay lost his car into a burnt pile of rubble and without us he would be stuck looking at that burnt pile of rubble that he loved just like all of us ... Who here would like to walk into their garage and stare at that every day ? Not me that is why we done this for him regardless of the fault or what happened, in the end It Happened and he Lost his car that he loved!

This whole story will be covered by one of the well known ex GMHTP editors who has left and started his own on-line GM publication which will take over covering our cars and or hobby. We are proud to have him around to still cover our cars and our hobby and we look forward to reading his on-line articles and his continuing dedication for all of us... He plans to be in BG for the unveiling to shoot this event and we hope things work out for him to do so...

We have every single name of every person who donated and the amount they donated and GNS is working on something pretty cool to show case this for those people and that will also be at the unveiling for everyone to see....

Now is the time to be part of something pretty damn cool in a long time ! This car was built by All of us who donated, that is Awesome!

These following guy's are working their asses off to make this happen! Without these two, this would not happen period!

Shawn O'Conner is working morning, noon, and night right now putting Clay's whole car back together... (Needs help I'm sure so if anyone is in the PA area let Coach know)

Coach is putting $80-100 in his gas tank each and every time he makes the round trip from his house to Shawn's just to deliver parts and to help with this process...

I have put crazy hours in this so far putting this together from keeping track of all the donations from the beginning to now putting together the unveiling, to donating parts and getting someone to cover the story of what this community did for Clay.... That is some nice exposure for the higher ups at not to mention the vendors who donated!

There is still several vendors we would like to be on board with this and donate either parts or if they don't have what is needed right now a $$$ donation still works so we can purchase exactly what is needed, Remember if you own a business "This is a right off"!! (y)
Still need a third brake light?
I have a growing feeling that a few items will be being installed in BG. We still need a HOOD PAD, and GNX style centercaps for the rims. There will be other items that can be finished off before the car is presented.
This has grown into a 14 month project of collecting $$$ and parts as well as the actual building of the car. Well it is way harder to look at a pile of items and guess you everything then I would have thought. We are just now finding what I call "trinket" items that need to be found.
Horn Ring and medallion
radio/ heater bezel
3rd brake light
complete shifter handle.
I'm sure we will come up with other small things...
I just want the car as complete as we can get it for presentation.

Thank you all
I will check my parts , I believe I have a radio bezel. I know I have a cluster bezel ...
Coach, I have a Horn ring and medallion in great shape.... I will send it to ya ...
Guy's we need Body bushings, could be good used ones so they can get the body on the newly blasted & painted frame....
OK Guys,
Scot had a medallion so all we need is the horn ring and the metal button with wiring.

Thank you