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HORSEPOWER gain from recent Cold weather?


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New Member
May 26, 2002
Just wondering just what the seat of the pants gains some of you are experiencing due to the 15 degree chill here in the North EAST?

Regards, blackhawk38
Cold air charge

I'm in Dallas, and when we get way down to the thirties these cars love it! I'm running alcohol with a stock intercooler and the car hums, especially from a 25 mph roll. The only problem with the denser air charge is that the back wheels do not like to remain in contact with the earth.;)
Same here, I don't know if it's the extra power or the serious lack of traction, But it sure is fun!!
3 degrees here in new jersey. i wont even take my car out cause if you jump om the gas you go no were.:D
and smoother running

Mine sure likes this cold. Real smooth cruising at 75-80 on the highway. The challenge is to get it running this well in warm weather. :)
Cold Weather

Besides cold weather, I've noticed that in the summer, these cars love fog. Travelling in the mountains headed to Florida, I've hit patches of fog and it feels like 25 hp, especially going uphill. Be nice to have cold temps AND fog at the same time!
Re: Cold Weather

Originally posted by nascar
Besides cold weather, I've noticed that in the summer, these cars love fog. Travelling in the mountains headed to Florida, I've hit patches of fog and it feels like 25 hp, especially going uphill. Be nice to have cold temps AND fog at the same time!

YES, fog is an anti-detonate, just like rain, free natural water injection.
I hate to rain on your parade, but only a FOOL would bring out an almost 20 year old COLLECTABLE, LOW mileage muscle car out in below 32degree weather. :eek: Leave them in your heated Garages guys and drive your daily beaters!!!
well its gotten down to the high 40's here and all i noticed is a lack of traction. 18#'s on pump gas with 777 02's compared to the 13-15 in the summer is nice but not really that big of a difference. High 40's is our winter so I can't say anything about real cold weather.
The other thing to remember is that, yes your car is running alot quicker in the cooler weather, but so is EVERYBODY else.
Originally posted by Pitbozz
The other thing to remember is that, yes your car is running alot quicker in the cooler weather, but so is EVERYBODY else.
Not when your car is tuned fine for hot FL weather. Cold weather = knock knock, so I just haven't boosted lately.
I was at the track year before last and it was -2'C. I ran a 12 flat on 18psi. The car was leaning out, couldn't feed it enough fuel with my 307. I'm sure it probably would have went 11.7s if I had the fuel. Oh well time for a better pump.
Originally posted by TClassic
I hate to rain on your parade, but only a FOOL would bring out an almost 20 year old COLLECTABLE, LOW mileage muscle car out in below 32degree weather. :eek: Leave them in your heated Garages guys and drive your daily beaters!!!

It was 1* here the other day. My T-type fired right up. We had 6" of snow and ice a few weeks T-type went right through it. Ohh.....wait, you said LOW mileage......nevermind.:D Hahaha

It was 55* here today in KCzee. I filled the alky bottle in the T-type and floored the car getting on the highway for the first time in over a month. Got really bad knock the first 2 times, but it "cleared out" on the 3rd pass. Dunno......probably has something to do with 91 octane winter gas? Or maybe its all the carbon on the top of my pistons, lol.

So to answer your question, seat of the pants gain was a lot, since I hadnt floored the car in the "cold" weather yet.;)
Originally posted by TClassic
I hate to rain on your parade, but only a FOOL would bring out an almost 20 year old COLLECTABLE, LOW mileage muscle car out in below 32degree weather. :eek: Leave them in your heated Garages guys and drive your daily beaters!!!

A bit of an arrogant statement, not to mention complete BS. These cars love cold air, and as long as the streets are dry, what in the world is wrong with driving in cold air? The rest of the car is not effected by cold air, but the intercooler sure loves it. Do what you want with your car, and don't be so presumptious as to call people fools for doing the same. :rolleyes:
Spoken like a hardened veteran of those unbearably harsh, central Texas winters...


Come on up here. There's an inch of salt (and the cinders that come along with it when it's mined) on top of a foot of snow. It was below zero pretty much all day Friday and Saturday. We get almost 100" of snow during an average winter, although the last few winters have been worse. And it's not unheard of to get 3' of snow in a single snowfall.

So, I tend to side with the other guy. Although you're correct - to each his own.

But know this. I'm perpetually amused at folks claiming it's OK to drive in winter if the roads are dry. HELLO! THE ROADS ARE FULL OF DRY S-A-L-T. As soon as your undercarriage gets wet again - say BYE BYE to that priceless, irreplaceable TR you love so much. Do yourself a favor, put your TR away until winter's over, and then only after you've had a few good, hard rains.

Originally posted by TClassic
I hate to rain on your parade, but only a FOOL would bring out an almost 20 year old COLLECTABLE, LOW mileage muscle car out in below 32degree weather. :eek: Leave them in your heated Garages guys and drive your daily beaters!!!
I think he means with no snow or ice on the roads. Besides this is on Daves Riviera T-Type with Front Wheel Drive! When I lived in the snow belt I swear I could have done a 14 second 1/4 in 12" of snow in sub-zero temperatures with my Riv. I put a lot of hole shots on them idioits with the 4WD trucks and SUV's.

Hi Dave, Just make sure you put the top up when it rains on your parade.

Eric Fisher
HI Eric

Originally posted by turbofish38
I think he means with no snow or ice on the roads. Besides this is on Daves Riviera T-Type with Front Wheel Drive! When I lived in the snow belt I swear I could have done a 14 second 1/4 in 12" of snow in sub-zero temperatures with my Riv. I put a lot of hole shots on them idioits with the 4WD trucks and SUV's.

Hi Dave, Just make sure you put the top up when it rains on your parade.

Eric Fisher

Hi eric, looks like I got a fued started here, ya , I like the way my car runs in 15 degree salt and snow free weather , just plain cold, I think the gains of Ice cold air are amplified on these turbo cars, I get to experience what it would like to have an intercooler for a brief period.

Regards, Blackhawk38
Originally posted by strikeeagle
Oh, sorry, I didn't see that it's an '85 Riv. I'd drive it too. J/K!!!

:D :D :D

Well, you're right. I made no reference to what is on the ground, nor was that my intention. Only cold air. That hurts nothing. Grew up in Ohio, so I'm well aware of salt, etc. Guess my only real objection was calling someone a fool. BTW, we get ice and sub freezing temps in the DFW area, tho nothing to compare to the north.
