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Hypothetical Questions........


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I haven't been checked at a Wal-Mart lately here in NWFL (North West FL) at least not lately. Sam's has open carts and visually just does an item count, and seems to me I don't get checked too hard. Guess that is white privilege if you want to bring in the MAGA aspect.

I'll stay in AZ MAGA country, thank you........ but don't worry. We have more than our share of idiots, too.

I just show my receipt and move on. No big deal. They never really even look at. Do my best to never got Wally World though.
A simple answer, Amazon! Most groceiry type stuff I buy from a small chain store. I would show receipt, if asked politely. But, I stay as far away from walmart as possible. My late wife used to work at Target. Some of the stories she would tell about the shoplifters were so stupid. Like men and women changing under garments in the "try on " rooms. She would have to use a stick to pick up the dirty ones. As for stopping shoplifters, they had orders to observe and report never touch.
Man, this just happened to me 3-4 days ago. I purchased 6 distilled waters for 94 cents a piece. I did not feel like taking them all out, so I took 1 out and swiped it 6 times. They didn’t see that and was stopped for a receipt as they saw me take 5 waters. I showed the receipt and was good. But, it was just the thought of stealing 5 bucks in water. I had to laugh
If you don't want to be at walmart, but must shop there why not do your shopping online. A walmart employee will roll the Wally World shopping cart right up to vehicle, and help you unload the cart.

Then you can use your scenario in reverse psychology. Ask the walmart employee for your receipt and let them know you need go through each bag and make sure all my items I purchased are in bag, before I can even think of giving you a tip.

Im curious how that employee would react, this may give you an answer to your hypothetical questions.

But if it was me I would go into walmart " bad mood or good " do my shopping and show my receipt.
Yeah....I feel the same way. You really should not have to, but just show the receipt. It doesn’t cost anything.
Is NOT showing a receipt worth that much. If you're some how showing off your little, itty ,bitty, FLEX on your non existent muscle bound, stupid, "Fuck The Man" attitude, and then messing with the people behind you, receipt in hand, is it worth your time and personal embarrassment? Is it REALLY worth your time and effort?

I just don't get it.
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I'll stay in AZ MAGA country, thank you........ but don't worry. We have more than our share of idiots, too.

I have to admit Hurricane Michael was devastating and thankfully I was minimally affected. I'd never seen anything like it, stayed through Ivan, evacuated for Opal, but seeing Michael makes me think about retiring elsewhere. Unfortunately the number of non-thinkers and people with sun-burned palms (looking for handouts aka free shit) seems to be growing with politicians cashing in by promising it. All I can say is keep voting and make sure you have enough ammo.


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Target has a state of the art forensics lab for shoplifters that they let cops and lawyers borrow some time. They're next level when it comes to security. They don't need to check your receipt because they already have you on 5 cameras. -

Wel, I hope my mining for booger nuggets and yanking wedging out of my sphincter has them rolling on the floor laughing their a$$es off. Hehe
In the 2 Wally-Worlds that I generally shop at, 1 in Long Beach, Ca & the other in Lakewood, Ca they religiously check the receipts as you go out the door and the only escape is when they are so busy that the 2 doors are sometimes separated by a 6 or 7 ft high wall of products and sometimes they just can't guard both doors. I think that stores that have a high product /theft loss have in store policy to check receipts always. I never see anybody escape. I would just as soon show them my receipt as pay for a product cost increase due to theivery. These 2 stores are moving most/almost all products into single lines that make as many shoppers as possible enter/leave cashier registers where they can keep a closer eye on everything. Just my $.02 worth.
I am so happy that there isn't a Wallmart anywhere within the 767 square mile range that I consider my home area.
I agree. I always said it takes "2 seconds" so what? I think it comes down to inconvenience coupled by the fact that these stores just don't want to pay the money to hire extra store security so they can actually watch the customers steal something and confront them vs. harassing them. Cause that in the end is what's happening here. They're FISHING for thieves.....

I can remember at Xmas I waited almost 45 minutes in line to pay for like 2 items I needed. I then seen there was ANOTHER line to actually show the receipt! I only had 2 items so it just wasn't that big a deal I guess but nonetheless more aggravation.

I think what surprises me the most is the fact that many cops I polled actually wasn't sure what the correct answer was to some of these questions.

I asked one Cop if he was working security and he watched someone coming towards the door where everyone was getting their bags checked and decided to go around everyone what would he do? Would he stop him and ask for a receipt? After all THAT is what he was hired by Walmart or wherever to do.

One Cop stated he would surely ask as he can ask anything which is true but I stated what if the guy tells u to go screw what do u do then. One Cop said he had the right to check ur bag and receipt. The other Cop said he had no authority to do so. I said what if the guy refuses to show his receipt vs. not being able to find it? I mean u were hired to check receipts and ur checking everyone else! Are u gonna be punked by this dude? This is what I heard from him.....

Just remember that Cops can fuck things up to and they make plenty of mistakes BUT if a Cop stops u and puts his hands on u I would simply ask if ur being placed under arrest? Cause there is a big difference between someone "Detaining u" vs. "Arresting u". If the Cop says no ur not under arrest but no ur not free to leave THAT is where people get confused and it is confusing.

This is where u can either play along or test the waters. If ur NOT under arrest and NOT free to leave and u do in fact do leave u will likely be placed under arrest. U can NOT resist a lawful or unlawful arrest just something to think about when u get all righteous and u may be 100% right but resist and obstruction with be ur conviction.

Is NOT showing a receipt worth that much. If you're some how showing off your little, itty ,bitty, FLEX on your non existent muscle bound, stupid, "Fuck The Man" attitude, and then messing with the people behind you, receipt in hand, is it worth your time and personal embarrassment? Is it REALLY worth your time and effort?

I just don't get it.
I agree. I always said it takes "2 seconds" so what? I think it comes down to inconvenience coupled by the fact that these stores just don't want to pay the money to hire extra store security so they can actually watch the customers steal something and confront them vs. harassing them. Cause that in the end is what's happening here. They're FISHING for thieves.....

I can remember at Xmas I waited almost 45 minutes in line to pay for like 2 items I needed. I then seen there was ANOTHER line to actually show the receipt! I only had 2 items so it just wasn't that big a deal I guess but nonetheless more aggravation.

I think what surprises me the most is the fact that many cops I polled actually wasn't sure what the correct answer was to some of these questions.

I asked one Cop if he was working security and he watched someone coming towards the door where everyone was getting their bags checked and decided to go around everyone what would he do? Would he stop him and ask for a receipt? After all THAT is what he was hired by Walmart or wherever to do.

One Cop stated he would surely ask as he can ask anything which is true but I stated what if the guy tells u to go screw what do u do then. One Cop said he had the right to check ur bag and receipt. The other Cop said he had no authority to do so. I said what if the guy refuses to show his receipt vs. not being able to find it? I mean u were hired to check receipts and ur checking everyone else! Are u gonna be punked by this dude? This is what I heard from him.....

Just remember that Cops can fuck things up to and they make plenty of mistakes BUT if a Cop stops u and puts his hands on u I would simply ask if ur being placed under arrest? Cause there is a big difference between someone "Detaining u" vs. "Arresting u". If the Cop says no ur not under arrest but no ur not free to leave THAT is where people get confused and it is confusing.

This is where u can either play along or test the waters. If ur NOT under arrest and NOT free to leave and u do in fact do leave u will likely be placed under arrest. U can NOT resist a lawful or unlawful arrest just something to think about when u get all righteous and u may be 100% right but resist and obstruction with be ur conviction.

You just used a WHOLE LOT OF WORDS to say exactly what I said before and, as I said, you already knew the answer.

To be clear, I said "Is it REALLY worth your time and effort?"

The simple and obvious answer is NO, just comply, unless you have something to hide. And then you're fucked anyways.
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My question is what is your gripe?

It's Walmart, you straight up walked with a preconceived notion for Cripes sake.

Why the fuck are you BITCHING?????
The simple and obvious answer is NO, just comply, unless you have something to hide.

Just like you want anyone YOU pull over to do, no?

I don't fuck with LEO, I have no reason to, ever.

Why do YOU, as LEO bring this kind of situation to the forefront? Are you looking/expecting for shit to happen and then call it good to beat the snot out of someone? Or just call it good and send someone on their way?
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The simple and obvious answer is NO, just comply, unless you have something to hide.

Just like you want anyone YOU pull over to do, no?

I don't fuck with LEO, I have no reason to, ever.

Why do YOU, as LEO bring this kind of situation to the forefront? Are you looking/expecting for shit to happen and then call it good to beat the snot out of someone? Or just call it good and send someone on their way?

This issue I have with just comply if you have nothing to hide is to me it's like pissing on the graves of those who died to get us those rights. That and I don't want some stranger rifling through my shit. They certainly wouldn't want to going through all there stuff in their house....but why not if they have nothing to hide?
This issue I have with just comply if you have nothing to hide is to me it's like pissing on the graves of those who died to get us those rights. That and I don't want some stranger rifling through my shit. They certainly wouldn't want to going through all there stuff in their house....but why not if they have nothing to hide?

You've obviously missed the point I was trying to make.

The original question was about showing a receipt for items purchased at their store, on their property. Nothing about "rifling through your shit" or unlawfully searching your dwelling.

Let's not bring situations that are not germane to the original post into the mix. It only mucks up the discussion with your own political values, which are not being discussed here.
People like u tend to "Follow The Sheep" cause its just easier..... not everyone is interested in "Following The Sheep" like u. So many people dont know what to do on either side of this situation or what their rights actually are cause most people just "Do as their told" and play along. Not everyone is interested in doing that, especially when their in a hurry and need to be somewhere and not interested in playing the show me ur receipt game.

You just used a WHOLE LOT OF WORDS to say exactly what I said before and, as I said, you already knew the answer.

To be clear, I said "Is it REALLY worth your time and effort?"

The simple and obvious answer is NO, just comply, unless you have something to hide. And then you're fucked anyways.