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Hypothetical Questions........


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People like u tend to "Follow The Sheep" cause its just easier..... not everyone is interested in "Following The Sheep" like u. So many people dont know what to do on either side of this situation or what their rights actually are cause most people just "Do as their told" and play along. Not everyone is interested in doing that, especially when their in a hurry and need to be somewhere and not interested in playing the show me ur receipt game.

Your response is just too F'n funny.

It's a fucking receipt for items you purchased in a store you shopped in, nothing more, nothing less. Fuck you and your "Sheep Shit".

Show it and be on your way. How hard is that?

You're LEO, why would you want to waste your time on this bullshit when some stupid fuck "sovereign citizen" pulls his "I'm not responsible to you or for your laws" bullshit?

Again, it's a fucking receipt, what is your guys problem?????

Maybe your just that lazy LEO who would rather deal with this type of call instead of stopping REAL crime, no?
You've obviously missed the point I was trying to make.

The original question was about showing a receipt for items purchased at their store, on their property. Nothing about "rifling through your shit" or unlawfully searching your dwelling.

Let's not bring situations that are not germane to the original post into the mix. It only mucks up the discussion with your own political values, which are not being discussed here.
I was replying to what you were talking about. You brought up being pulled over and LEO's. If you don't want that in the conversation then maybe you shouldn't have brought it to the table.
Not sure why people like to complicate things so much. I know this was a "what if" question but the answer shouldn't be so difficult. First if the store's policy is to check receipts, I have no problem with that. Yes it may not be the "most effective way" to deter theft, but it is still a deterrent. I know of stores that have closed down or moved out of neighborhoods due to high inventory losses. Plus it is not really that much of an inconvenience. The last thing that you get when you come thru check out is your receipt. How difficult is it to hold on to it from the register to the door? If someone is incapable of holding on to a small slip of paper and loses their receipt in such a short window of time, should they be doing more complicated things like driving? The third thing is that this is a free country. If I choose to shop at a particular store or use a particular service, I do that freely and therefore should freely agree to the rules they conduct their business by. If I don't want to show my receipt then I won't shop there or use alternate means of doing so such as on-line. Showing a receipt is a minor issue compared to keeping business in the neighborhood so I can exercise my freedom of choice when it comes to where I shop.
No different than when someone asking to see your LTC... Just show it and move on no big deal.
Not sure why people like to complicate things so much. I know this was a "what if" question but the answer shouldn't be so difficult. First if the store's policy is to check receipts, I have no problem with that. Yes it may not be the "most effective way" to deter theft, but it is still a deterrent. I know of stores that have closed down or moved out of neighborhoods due to high inventory losses. Plus it is not really that much of an inconvenience. The last thing that you get when you come thru check out is your receipt. How difficult is it to hold on to it from the register to the door? If someone is incapable of holding on to a small slip of paper and loses their receipt in such a short window of time, should they be doing more complicated things like driving? The third thing is that this is a free country. If I choose to shop at a particular store or use a particular service, I do that freely and therefore should freely agree to the rules they conduct their business by. If I don't want to show my receipt then I won't shop there or use alternate means of doing so such as on-line. Showing a receipt is a minor issue compared to keeping business in the neighborhood so I can exercise my freedom of choice when it comes to where I shop.

Couldn't agree more. Some just don't get it, they must be those "Rebel type whipper-snappers" we sometimes hear about.

You know, tough guy's 'n' such......... :rolleyes:
No different than when someone asking to see your LTC... Just show it and move on no big deal.

Oh, but it is a big deal.......... to some. And it always seems to be the asshole who's just in front of me in line when all I want to do is get to my next task in the day...... Thanks Pal.:cautious:

Just fuck off and never come back if it's so inconvenient for you to just show a receipt. Better yet, go shop at the "everything you can grab is free" store.........
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well I think that about covers it
I still need more cow bell
well I think that about covers it
I still need more cow bell

Ask and you shall receive........

Didn't see a Got Damn person follow the sound, either..........

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Such a tough guy this one is......


He's good to go!!!!!!!!

He's such a bad ass, huh? He has a WAY bigger dick than those pesky Walmart employees, doesn't he?

Yep, he's a real tough guy, and he stood for????? What, exactly?

(Snickers to self.......)

What the fuck ever............
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What the fuck ever............ have fun spending your time "Standing up to the MAN"........ but please move over to the right, so I can get on by, OK, sport?