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I'm going to jail.


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Surgery postponed until this morning, the Ortho doc was super busy with all the athletes that got hurt over the weekend and he's one of the best so I said we'd wait for him.

The goof that caused this is now filing a claim against us for damage to the jeep that he doesn't even own. Five witnesses, three traffic citations and one criminal citation and he's filing against us?

Turns out the jeep is owned by a major roofing company in the area the guy worked for and the owner sold it to this goof six months ago but let him drive around with company tags until he got the title transferred, he never did. The tags expired but he continued to drive around with them. The roofing company owner is now claiming the jeep was stolen but never he filed a police report, yea right bud. I have no idea how this will end up.

You could always cut off his scrotum! It wouldn't be attempted murder and with the right jury you'd get a couple of years but someone would be singing in falsetto the rest of his life.

I can't imagine what you must have gone through worrying about your son. I'm glad the accident wasn't worse than it could have been. Hope he makes a speedy recovery.
Thank all of you for your support and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vince is finally out of surgery and I'm writing this from the recovery room with him (he is still out). Doc took 7 hours instead of 4, I was going crazy! When he came out he said he knew how important the ability to throw a baseball is to my son because of the scholarships and took a few extra hours to make sure it was perfect. Thank you Lord.

The doc said he will not need any further surgery but he will have a tough road of therapy for the next 4-5 months.

Just overheard the wife/mom in the next room crying and arguing with their insurance comapny. The insurance would not cover all the hotel expenses and other famlies with relatives in here put them up for the last 10 days. Now the insurance is leaving them $400.00 short of getting home to Colorado when they are released tomorrow. Her son is here for a heart condition and the husband was struck by lightening. How do you sleep at night doing that to people considering you just paid God knows how much for the heart surgery and won't give them $400.00 more? I'm going next door to give her the money so I can sleep tonight.

Just overheard the wife/mom in the next room crying and arguing with their insurance comapny. The insurance would not cover all the hotel expenses and other famlies with relatives in here put them up for the last 10 days. Now the insurance is leaving them $400.00 short of getting home to Colorado when they are released tomorrow. Her son is here for a heart condition and the husband was struck by lightening. How do you sleep at night doing that to people considering you just paid God knows how much for the heart surgery and won't give them $400.00 more? I'm going next door to give her the money so I can sleep tonight.

That is amazing to help her out like that.

Good luck to you, your son's health, and to his speedy recovery.
Thank all of you for your support and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you sleep at night doing that to people considering you just paid God knows how much for the heart surgery and won't give them $400.00 more? I'm going next door to give her the money so I can sleep tonight.


You are blessed to still have your son, and a blessing to others with your generosity. At the end of the day its just money and people are so much more important. Keeping your head on straight and priorities in order surely simplified this horrible situation and the multitude of prayers surely helped. I hope you guys are back to a week ago before long!
Man what a crappy situation. But very glad your son only has those injuries as it could have been worse. They should put the maximum extent of teh law at that scum in the jeep.
Feakin dirtbag puke, piece of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank all of you for your support and prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vince is finally out of surgery and I'm writing this from the recovery room with him (he is still out). Doc took 7 hours instead of 4, I was going crazy! When he came out he said he knew how important the ability to throw a baseball is to my son because of the scholarships and took a few extra hours to make sure it was perfect. Thank you Lord.

The doc said he will not need any further surgery but he will have a tough road of therapy for the next 4-5 months.

Just overheard the wife/mom in the next room crying and arguing with their insurance comapny. The insurance would not cover all the hotel expenses and other famlies with relatives in here put them up for the last 10 days. Now the insurance is leaving them $400.00 short of getting home to Colorado when they are released tomorrow. Her son is here for a heart condition and the husband was struck by lightening. How do you sleep at night doing that to people considering you just paid God knows how much for the heart surgery and won't give them $400.00 more? I'm going next door to give her the money so I can sleep tonight.


I don't know you, but I have read your story here and in the other thread. You sir are most definately a stand up guy. Peace to you and yours, Brother.
Florida is a No Fault state. You will have PIP insurance on your own auto insurance, at least $5k (which'll be a drop in the bucket with what you have going on) and you will want expir3e that first before going to your personal health insurance. Actually your health insurance will likely deny the claims until that is expired.

Hopefully you have some type of UMI (uninsured motorist insurance coverage) if so your insurance is now the "at fault" insurance company and should cover your expenses. I'm not sure but I think it is a required coverage in Florida.

Don't worry about the Hospital and don't pay them anything other than your ER co-pay until they bill you auto insurance THEN your health insurance and you receive the insurance EOB. I would call an attorney you will more than likely need one, shop around you have time there is no rush for an attorney. Some of the firms that do a lot of advertising are not always the best places to go. Find out which ones actually litigate cases and not the ones who just settle cases. Most of the time you only find these guys by word of mouth. You need a PI attorney not a divorce, business, probate etc atty that says he does PI. I hope you don't have Allstate either.

Hope all is well with your son don't be afraid to get him some chiropractic care and physical therapy following this he will benefit from it especially in the long run. Time heals all but its how it heals than makes the difference. Look around and find someone reputable who knows a lot about treating motor vehicle trauma its not the same as treating a typical sprain/strain. I'm certified by these guys they wrote the book literally on this stuff.
Whiplash Information - Spine Research Institute of San Diego - Specializing in Whiplash Injury Research

PM with any questions healthcare or insurance related I have been dealing with this stuff for years. I am in Ohio but have had several Florida personal injury patients over the years and know a little but about it.

OH yeah dont shot the guy he obviously isnt worth it. I cant stand when my daughter has a cold I cant imagine how you feel with your son in ICU. He'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Good Luck
in florida you do not have to put insurance on a motorcycle..I doubt he had insurance on that motorcycle unless he had a loan on it.
in florida you do not have to put insurance on a motorcycle..I doubt he had insurance on that motorcycle unless he had a loan on it.

I'm no expert but, it might not matter. My guess is if he is covered on an auto policy somewhere I would bet there is still coverage. But then again that's what an attorney is for.

I actually just had an example of a similar situation yesterday. A 19yo girl came in with injuries from a MVC was was involved in as a passenger in her friends car. She is an insured driver on her parents auto policy. Her parents auto policy will still pick up her medical treatment even though they weren't involved but she was, even as a passenger in another vehicle.

Obviously every state is different, I am surprised FL doesn't require some type of coverage for motorcycles. I live near Youngstown Ohio and 50% of the drivers in the city of Youngstown have no insurance or a license. UMI coverage is optional in Ohio and the state min ins requirements are a joke, you'ld be nuts not to carry it. I see people injured all the time that have no or minimal coverage due to some other idiots negligence. I also see $20k plus ER bills on a routine basis, even for simple injuries especially when a head injury is involved which is often. A trip to the ICU is going to be a six figure ordeal. Helps to have a good agent.
You could always cut off his scrotum! It wouldn't be attempted murder and with the right jury you'd get a couple of years but someone would be singing in falsetto the rest of his life.


That's right....this way he'd never have the balls to pull a stunt like that ever again.:biggrin:

Bruce '87 Grand National
Mikey, that's an incredible thing to do for those people. You have a big heart. Just incredible.

You're seeing how insurance companies can really be.....they are out only for the money, make the biggest profit off anyone's misfortune.....they don't care about the people who have to pay out (and with a gun pointed at our heads, thanks to the law). We pay out big money all of the time, and they give us big excuses as to why NOT to pay.

They are the most crooked LEGAL organization ever. I have hated them for decades due to quite a few raw deals with them. But.....I still have to PAY, like it or not.

They are the author of the famous book "1001 Excuses Why We Don't Have to Pay You."

God bless you for caring about those people next door. What a great example you are setting for all of us.

Bruce '87 Grand National
The other family is finally on their way back home to Colorado, God bless them.

My Blue Cross family insurance is picking up everything left after the PIP except for $3K deductable so we're good that way.

"Who are all these girls" coming to see him the parade doesn't end? I'll never remember them all holy cow!

The whole varsity baseball team he plays on came up; kids from two high schools coming to see him. The two ICU nurses got in alot of trouble letting them all in to see my son but they said they loved all the excitement and fun the other patients were having with the mobs of kids and it was worth it. They are great nurses here.

The doc just came in and said he goes home Friday.

Feakin dirtbag puke, piece of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't believe the cops here. I've never seen such worthless LE's in my life. I find out the guy that ran over my son is driving yet another vehicle with expired tags when a friend calls me at 4 PM after he sees this guy in a parking lot. He looks at the tags and they are expired by over a year. I called the cops and told them where they could find him and they said "if we have a car in the area we'll check this out". I screamed "what, if I told you I'm going over to the parking lot he's in right now you'd be there before me to arrest me before I place an attitude adjustment in his brain". I can't believe they are going to let him drive away. So my buddy asks if I want him to follow this guy until I catch up and I was tempted but say no; if I had went there I would have killed him. I can't go to jail right now. I'm going to the police chief tomorrow and just vent at what worthless pieces of crap they are here in G'ville.

As for your son going home, that's just great news! As for the cops down there.......unbelievable, Mikey. Just unbelievable! How you stay so cool over all of this is just a testament to your character. Give that chief a well deserved piece of your mind. What a world!

Bruce '87 Grand National
I wrote a letter to Florida DOT about his fine of only $365 for no insurance, failure to yeild, and non registered/titled vehicle and he is still driving it with no further action by LE's.

I'm out $10K in deductables and Insurance still hasn't committed to paying the other $200+K yet and this guy walks away with $365 in total fines.

The State writes back that there is a Department of Financial Responsibility that will go after him for me. I need to file a copy of the hospital bills, deductables, accident report and any other incidentals I'm paying for out of pocket. They will revoke his drivers license and he can never own or register/title a vehicle until he makes restitution for up to 20 years.

I don't know how much good it will do but at least it's something. He will have to pay back all $225.000.00 if he wants a licenses again. I guess I'll keep my insurance.

Vince is doing very well and in therapy (whining about the pain) but he is in therapy with wounded vets who are encouraging him so he is feeling the love. His brace is off his leg and he's walking, running okay. His elbow and hand are coming back quickly so they said they will take out the screws and plates around Christmas.

I wrote a letter to Florida DOT about his fine of only $365 for no insurance, failure to yeild, and non registered/titled vehicle and he is still driving it with no further action by LE's.

I'm out $10K in deductables and Insurance still hasn't committed to paying the other $200+K yet and this guy walks away with $365 in total fines.

The State writes back that there is a Department of Financial Responsibility that will go after him for me. I need to file a copy of the hospital bills, deductables, accident report and any other incidentals I'm paying for out of pocket. They will revoke his drivers license and he can never own or register/title a vehicle until he makes restitution for up to 20 years.

I don't know how much good it will do but at least it's something. He will have to pay back all $225.000.00 if he wants a licenses again. I guess I'll keep my insurance.

Vince is doing very well and in therapy (whining about the pain) but he is in therapy with wounded vets who are encouraging him so he is feeling the love. His brace is off his leg and he's walking, running okay. His elbow and hand are coming back quickly so they said they will take out the screws and plates around Christmas.


i am very happy for you guys
Had to post this update.

Vince pitched in a varsity game last Thursday for the first time since him getting run over last October.

He K'd 4, walked one and had two thrown out at first on infield squibblers with 27 pitches. He was awsome and had complete command of his fastball to paint the coners. Only threw 3 offspeed pitches with one nasty curveball to get the final K on a batter. He asked to be taken out after two innings because he was tiring and still has a ways to go to get his strength back to 100%.

People who know me for being vocal in the stands were asking why I was so quiet during his first outing (I was crying).

Great news! Please tell me he no longer has a bike? Love them but haven't ridden in about 30 years now! Too many close calls back then and that was BEFORE cell phones, texting, etc.