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I'm going to jail.


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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2004
I'm writing this from ICU. Jerk with no insurance, stolen tags, no license pulls put in fron of a big truck and never saw my son on the motorcycle who tried to avoid him and not go under the truck. He ended up laying the bike down and under the jeep trying for the grassy median.

Investigations ongoing in two Alachua County traffic crashes |

My son is the first cyclist accident that was trapped under the jeep when the jerk pulled out in front of a truck and never saw my son. Vince missed everything but ended up laying the bike down and the jeep ended up on top of him. He was trapped for 20 minutes before the EMT's lifted the jeep off him, fortunately it was not a low car. The other cyclist is in the next room.

Jeep driver was charged with the failure to yield, stolen tags, no insurance, no registration and criminaly charged also.

My son underwent surgery last night for his knee and then will have surgery tomorrow for his elbow, both very minor repairs thank you Jesus. No other damage, no brain, no nerve, motor control or internal injuries even though the rear tire rode up on the face of his full face his helmet. Just some minor road rash and one major skin abrasion that will require grafting on the sid of his knee.

The driver is a 28 year old bum with nothing so this is going to be expensive with all my deductables.

The only thing keeping me from shooting this goof is who will take care of my son? The financial office came by and wants to know how I plan to pay for all this with the deductables on the insurance plans. I may be posting the Turbo for sale this week. They want all my personal account information and vin numbers of all my vehicles. I told them not gonna happen.

Thanks for letting me vent!

God bless your entire family, I will pray for you all...

Is it a private or public hospital?
Your son's motorcycle insurance should cover him. Up here in NJ, all drivers have to pay for "uninsured" motorist coverage for the same reason like the jerkoff that caused your son's injuries.

I don't know Florida law but look into this.

Billy T.
If you couldn't speak it English you would have no problem. So sorry to hear of the misfortune. I hope your son and all involved gets well soon. Hopefully somehow the jerkoff who is responsible for this mess will have to pay you back, even if very long term. Good luck and please keep us posted.
Those are the one's who have nothing and don't care.

Glad your son is relatively ok.

Hospitals only go after those who they think can pay their own bill and the bill of those who can't pay.

Years ago my wife needed a operation. I had good union insurance which they required before admintance. Comes time to pick her up and they want cash and I should wait for the insurance to pay. I didn't have the money. She said if I didn't pay the bill they would not release her. I said OK, and got up to leave (she was getting 3 squares a day and the kids were at home - she was better off). Well, they discharged her and waited for the insurance money. :biggrin:
good for you dont due something that would really make u loose your son , thank the lord hes ok best of luck and GOD BLESS . father of 2 p.s. tell them to get bent on the bills just fix your son .......
They want all my personal account information and vin numbers of all my vehicles. I told them not gonna happen.

Thanks for letting me vent!

Tell them to go pound fuking sand! Azzzholes!

Btw, I've seen a lot of angry family members exact revenge in my line of profession. Some have no regrets, others..... well, im sure if they could turn back the clock they would. There is more then one way to skin a cat.;)

As long as ur son is not cited then I don't see how you will have to pay one red cent. HIS insurance will be on the hook, not urs.
I am sorry to hear this...people that drive around without insurance or a driver's license are looking to kill someone and ruin lives.
Tell them to send the bill to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave :rolleyes:.

At least you still have your son, thats the important thing.
Hope he recovers quickly :(

Ive been a volly fire fighter for 9 years... cant bring my self to buy a street bike even tho I really want to :( I just goto way to many accidents with bikes :(
Im so glade your son will recover from this..the rest will work its way out..:(
This is the exact reason why I sold my Harley Chopper years ago....too many ignorant, uncaring, selfish idiots on the road for my liking. Glad your son is alright....give thanks to the Lord for that. As we do.

Bruce '87 Grand National
God bless your entire family, I will pray for you all...

Is it a private or public hospital?

We are at Shands, Gainesville, Florida (University of Florida teaching hospital public) and have a very good Ortho doc who does the pro ballplayers elbows.

I told the finacial officer I'm not giving you access to our personal accounts or vehicles, just toss us out on the street if think you can get away with it. My personal medical insurance said they will cover all but $3K so we're really okay.

But this is going to get interesting.

1. The guy used his dad's name on his license so the police are picking him up now for falsification of a state document. The address on his license is not real either so they are going to his fathers house to look for him.

2. The guy had no registration certificate, no plates or insurance card and he told the cops it was his so they believed him but the investigating officer called me this morning and told me he had the jeep impounded and they found an expired tag when they searched it. He ran the vin# and plate# and the jeep is still registered to a current, real roofing company just the tag was expired and not on the vehicle so the roofing company may end up liable.

My son is scheduled for elbow surgery this afternoon and the doc said they found no damage on his knee after all so they will do the skin graft at the same time as long as he is out. Man, will he be sore tonight.

Thank all you guys for your concern and prayers.

Prayers to your son and your family during this time.

Tell that hospital that they will be paid. Look into the uninsured motorist insurance, it should cover your expenses. DO NOT give out any private info to them, it is not there business. Hospitals are to help those recover from injuries and ailments, and keep people alive, Not flush your wallets. Worst case scenario is you pay them $5 a month for the rest of your life.

Let the law deal with the criminals. Its not worth the consequence to become a vigilante.
Wow Mikey! This is just a Crazy story!

I'm just glad yer boy will be OK!
Don't blow a gasket, it'll all work out. Would hate to lose ya over it. Reading ya here, ya sure seem like a great guy.

We'll be keeping your family in our thoughts here too.
Years ago when I was out of work for 6 months i used my wifes 125cc Honda enduro to make my rounds looking for work.
I even ran with the headlight on high beam before it was a law here.
I was amazed at the number of drivers that would look right at me and pull out in front of me anyway.
When the street license renewal came for that bike I tossed it in the trash.

Lots of very good bike riders out there - Lots of really bad car drivers out there, and the cars usually win.
We are at Shands, Gainesville, Florida (University of Florida teaching hospital public) and have a very good Ortho doc who does the pro ballplayers elbows.

I told the finacial officer I'm not giving you access to our personal accounts or vehicles, just toss us out on the street if think you can get away with it. My personal medical insurance said they will cover all but $3K so we're really okay.

But this is going to get interesting.

1. The guy used his dad's name on his license so the police are picking him up now for falsification of a state document. The address on his license is not real either so they are going to his fathers house to look for him.

2. The guy had no registration certificate, no plates or insurance card and he told the cops it was his so they believed him but the investigating officer called me this morning and told me he had the jeep impounded and they found an expired tag when they searched it. He ran the vin# and plate# and the jeep is still registered to a current, real roofing company just the tag was expired and not on the vehicle so the roofing company may end up liable.

My son is scheduled for elbow surgery this afternoon and the doc said they found no damage on his knee after all so they will do the skin graft at the same time as long as he is out. Man, will he be sore tonight.

Thank all you guys for your concern and prayers.


Good to hear!

With it being a public hospital you can just pay them a few bucks a month and keep it regular and they can't do squat...

Tell him we are thinking about him and praying for him!