Collin, i see you got # 3 piston...same as me..sorry about that but i was bummed out when it happened to me..Benny out of Harlem Ga. gave me a low mile piston and i used my old rings...put it in with the motor in the car

..did a leak down test on the car before the TB nationals the worst one was problem was a lean condition so i went to a double pumper.. After i went to a double pumper my mph picked up. everything has been great so far..i don't have any #'s to back it up because i replaced the shocks with double adjustable afcos but i did put down 554hp at 5300 and 619 torque at 4700 i think..not as good as yours but i lost my nerve and let out the gas too soon

i was wanting to race but then the driveshaft let go at the the track

Put you a piston in it and let it ride some more...what do you have for fuel pumps?