Agree about the "feel" part of using precision measuring equipment. I am not allowed to measure holes in aircraft (where I work) with ball gauges and micrometers. There is always a tenth or two difference between some mechanics and inspectors. We use electronic Fed-Max gauges now. Cool tools. Years ago I had an agreement with most of my QA that if a freeze plug is going to be ordered, I would take all the measurements and record them. They could double triple check anything I did, but most didn't have the "feel" down pat. Good inspectors knew their strengths and weaknesses. (Plus they knew I didn't cheat, and wanted it perfect, not just in spec.). But every once in a while I'd get some new person that would tighten their ball gauge to the point it would go BOING! when they pulled it out of the hole. I would just smile and ask them to slide it back in...........of course it wouldn't fit. Lessons learned.
Any news from your machinist yet?