This is what I'm going to do. I was trying to do it yesterday, but my battery had died. I've gotten the PTE SLIC removed and I can almost see where I felt the oil leaking from. I need a dental mirror to make sure I can see. If it is leaking from the pump mating to the front cover, I would certainly like to know what caused it. My oil pressure on cold start was always at 80 psi and at hot idle 25 psi. I do know the pump was rebuilt with the engine rebuild, but it's not a high volume pump. Hopefully I will be able to take a look at it this evening. Hopefully it is some freak failure and I didn't hurt the bearing or the engine in general. If I toasted my engine, I'm probably going to rebuild with 3800 Series II. I already have a machined block, crank, main caps, heads and ARP hardware for the mains and heads.