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Mini Cooper S


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gallo vicioso
Oct 6, 2007
Dats right.
Killed it....

Served him up old school....:cool:

The little mental midget had it coming after he buzzed my drivers door.

Nuff said....
seriously who tries to race with a mini cooper

people are truely delusional these days

Hi....I'm Meanchicken...I will race anything that moves or shows the slightest bit of agression.
Don't care what it is.
That aint delusion....that's awareness... er um....IMHO

In my hightened state of ....awareness.... have found that being delusional can actually get you dangerously elected as Delusional President of the US of A by a Country load of delusional people who's minds are controlled by the delusional star struck media and possibly something named "Bennifer"....hmmmmfff :rolleyes: Understanding that "Meanchicken for President" has absolutely no ring to it (neither does my given/surname combo heh, heh, snort...) and being totally absent of any desire to become President myself, I figure....why not show a sense of humor in the face of all this delusion and spank a Mini Cooper S who's asking for it?

It's either that or sit at home watching another story about a fat cat banker cashing his bail out money bonus check and getting all grouchy about it. If he can keep his "Change" ....why can't I kill a Mini Cooper S?

Next on my kill list ....a SMART car....
No doubt some delusinal idiot will be behind the wheel thinking his little SMART car is actually making a difference while China coninutes to build dozens of coal burning power plants each year and India continues to let thiose greenhouse gas producing cows walk around the streets unchecked and acting all holier than me....yes....the tree huggers actually think that Cow farts are causing global warming.....

Me...I voted for the old guy and the hot chick....:D Making me throoughly rooted in
....and I still thoroughly enjoy my freedom to whup up on a Mini Cooper S if I choose to do so.
God bless America!!!!

Wanna race?:D
I think he was wondering about the guy in the Cooper. How much gas could you waste in the half second it took?
I think he was wondering about the guy in the Cooper. How much gas could you waste in the half second it took?

I missed that context....I'm all grouchy after hearing about some chucklehead banker who's about to get a $100mil bailout bonus for being a complete failure....courtesy of our beloved administrations forward thinking....:rolleyes:
My bad.:redface:

Answer...If I was driving a Mini....I'd still race anything that moved agressively.

...and I still mean everything else I wrote in my last post.:D

...and from my previous note "...China coninutes..." means.... "...China continues..."
I'm all wound up on B-complex vitamins, M&M's and some kind of angry man green tea I got hold spelling is challenging right now....
Hi....I'm Meanchicken...I will race anything that moves or shows the slightest bit of agression.
Don't care what it is.
That aint delusion....that's awareness... er um....IMHO

In my hightened state of ....awareness.... have found that being delusional can actually get you dangerously elected as Delusional President of the US of A by a Country load of delusional people who's minds are controlled by the delusional star struck media and possibly something named "Bennifer"....hmmmmfff :rolleyes: Understanding that "Meanchicken for President" has absolutely no ring to it (neither does my given/surname combo heh, heh, snort...) and being totally absent of any desire to become President myself, I figure....why not show a sense of humor in the face of all this delusion and spank a Mini Cooper S who's asking for it?

It's either that or sit at home watching another story about a fat cat banker cashing his bail out money bonus check and getting all grouchy about it. If he can keep his "Change" ....why can't I kill a Mini Cooper S?

Next on my kill list ....a SMART car....
No doubt some delusinal idiot will be behind the wheel thinking his little SMART car is actually making a difference while China coninutes to build dozens of coal burning power plants each year and India continues to let thiose greenhouse gas producing cows walk around the streets unchecked and acting all holier than me....yes....the tree huggers actually think that Cow farts are causing global warming.....

Me...I voted for the old guy and the hot chick....:D Making me throoughly rooted in
....and I still thoroughly enjoy my freedom to whup up on a Mini Cooper S if I choose to do so.
God bless America!!!!

Wanna race?:D

i hear u can make those mini cooper S are real fast with just a little work...

step 1: roll them back
step 2: while holding rear tires, pick them up move forward about 3 feet
and roll them back again.
step 3: repeat step 1 and 2 untill you hear a click type noise from the mini
step 4: release and watch them go....
for hours of fun repeat step 1-4 as needed, now have fun boys and girls
Or you can get two of them (one for each foot) and skate by the competition.:eek:
Makes me want to go spank a Prius. You know, those cars where the driver's have their nose stuck up in the air.
kirban 2 cents worth

No doubt the Mini S would lose in a a turbo Buick. Having owned a Mini S when we made parts for them, they are a "fun" car to drive and handle much like a go-kart only alittle bigger.

On the other hand I would not be caught dead in a "smart car" there appearance looks like a golf cart on the highway.

kirban just some food for thought...
I think the real issue is this.

Kids are buying cars with no clue as to what quick is as with each passing generation... they jump in something and thier behind says during acceleration....(wow IM king of the street) much like when smokey and the bandit trans ams came out or 80 camaros or 87 grand wait..they were king of the scratch that one

Tim was just letting fart boy know what evil is all about...Id be willing to bet after that kid finished changing his shorts, he has since slowed down his stupidity perhaps saving his life from a future bone head move that might cost some lady with a minivan full of kids.

But then again... by Tim stopping that boy from a future of reckless driving So because of Tim, that kid will not be racing down a one way street killing the lady that will go one to give birth to a son whom she will name Damien who will one day grow up to bring havok to the whole world and hold it ransom for


Smooth move Tim..shame on you
Just doing my part in winning their hearts and's God's work.:wink:

Hey...and all my kills are done as safely and responsibly as one could possibly do a street trace.
I do not race in traffic...none of that ricer weaving stuff
I do not race when there are pedestrians on the sidewalks or road ahead..but cats and lap dogs are getting road killed if they ask for it.
I do not race when there are blind turns or side streets in the path and I never blow through intersections.
I only race until the kill is complete (either me or them....usually them:D ). For example...Mini boy was dead and buried before I hit I let out.
I don't start them....I only go all in when the other guy gives me a signal.
If the worst happens, the only people who die will be me and possibly my willing competitor....but we deserve to if we are acting stupid.

I'm well insured...:rolleyes:
...and I'm an exceptionally skilled driver....:rolleyes:

I know it's still veeeeeeery stupid and I need therapy...and I always feel reel naughty after I do it.:redface:
but.....I can't help myself....
It's the reason why I had 13 tickets and one reckless driving on my record by the time I hit 18 years of age....:eek:

...and I kinda look like Dr. Evil....

Now I feel all guilty....and I'm not even Catholic....maybe I should go throw some Hail Mary's....I heard that works for guilt...
You're in Cali. Just opening a car up on the highway is to risk losing it forever.

Balls. You have them.
It all started with Volkswagons Sirroco, Sirocco Sirrocco whatever.

Anyway remember the commercial? "It runs like the wind!" Then Volvo had their turbo commercial where their car leaves a garage like a prostocker. Now everyone has their Zoom-Zoom commercial telling you how quick their car is.

But then people thought their 16 second Roadrunners were fast with the 383's in them or their 350 Chevells SS's. My dad thought his 352 63 Ford Galaxie was hot till he rented a 440 Polara one day. Then he went a found a 63 413 Wedge Chrysler 300 with the police interceptor package (I don't know how he got it), that car ran well.

I let a friend who has a beautiful bone stock, show 383 Roadrunner drive my mid 12 second Stage 1 (on pump gas and street tires) and he came back and said it is just as fast as his Roadrunner. I just said "yea okay, cool".

Yes the mighty VW...LOL I remember those Scirroco Vr cars but the lil Golfs were way better and could actually scoot pretty well after a few mods.

The people I don't get is the damn TUNDRA crowd... a few commercials here and there and now they think they have a race truck...idiots

After the take down they are always looking at the White car ( usually at the next light ) trying to figure out what the hell it is...LOL

Its painfullly obvious to me that Chicken needs to stay off of the sugar, caffeine, and vitamins... jesh :eek:
Its painfullly obvious to me that Chicken needs to stay off of the sugar, caffeine, and vitamins... jesh :eek:

Tim is in the export/import bizz and has been all around the world, He secretly confessed that it all started a long time ago during a trip to the far east when he hired a Ricksaw and only after everyone else was flying by him did he notice the little guy pulling him only had one leg.

He vowed from that day forward to never again lose against any mode of transportation.