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my other best friend left home monday


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USAF retired
Jul 17, 2005
my youngest son was shipped off to AF basic training Monday, kinda sad day for me and the wife but i know he'll be taken care of and i respect him and his older brother for following in dads footsteps. I also would like to say thanks for to all the other parents that send the children away to defend our freedom
Cool, and I would like to accordiangly say thank you, Sir, for being such a great Father and Mentor. It's paid off to the fullest!!! I also wish them all the luck in the world, I know they will make you even more proud of them.

My kids are already being groomed for the Military for atlease 4 years. :smile: Probably Air Force too.....which is what I have been suggesting to them over the last year or so.....

I'm sure you have mixed feelings about seeing your child depart,
but also know we ( support your childs decision to support the USA!
times are different than when we ( you and I ) were in the military, but it's still a huge sacrifice.
Know that we all care!


My son just got his ship out date yesterday - 04/10/12 - Air Force security services.

I am so proud of him, congrats to you and your sons!
Sad day as they are leaving, but you must be very proud. That is a great thing! You did well as a dad to instill the drive to serve this country!