Cody showed up

Talk about kickin ass and takin names...Seats got put in and everything under the hood except the radiator got put in. Hopefully I get it today. By the look of packaging and supplied anti-seize, the DENSO is a nice 02. WAY easier to put in than the big clunky Bosch piece too. Cheaper than the bosch too.
After spending some time under the car I really don't like the way the stock trans lines are routed. It's retarded to say the least. By the looks of it they could have easily been ran along the frame. Looking back on it I should have ran some new ones.
Tonight I plan on getting it buttoned up. I have some interior issues to take care of also. Driver's window regulator needs adjusted, dash plaque needs to be put in, dash strip, and for some reason the driver's track doesn't move even though the cable is in tact

Good thing I have a spare:biggrin: