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Need opinion on shooting somebody


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No, thats not why. I should take the time to explain a some things about crime, life, and decision making to you and others that think like you. However, I can already tell it would be a waste of time.:wink:

not really sure on your views in regards to 'crime, life, and decision making', but i don't think it matters... you (anyone for that matter) can't deny that stiffer punishments/greater fear of retribution would drastically lower crime rates across the board.

bruce urie had a quote in another thread, i'm paraphrasing: 'they used to kill people for stealing someone's ride.... they hanged horse thieves.' betcha 2 weeks pay grand theft auto incarcerations would drop like a rock if the law strung up every cocksucking car thief they caught...
not really sure on your views in regards to 'crime, life, and decision making', but i don't think it matters... you (anyone for that matter) can't deny that stiffer punishments/greater fear of retribution would drastically lower crime rates across the board.

bruce urie had a quote in another thread, i'm paraphrasing: 'they used to kill people for stealing someone's ride.... they hanged horse thieves.' betcha 2 weeks pay grand theft auto incarcerations would drop like a rock if the law strung up every cocksucking car thief they caught...

See, just what I expected. We are talking about people taking the law in their own hands, not what if the courts issued stiffer penalties! You can't compare the two, and that is not what the thread is debating. This is so many people get into legal problems. Reading and comprehension...

So what's the chance of a car thief in Texas being armed vs. here in Chicago where we can't have a gun. If a criminal knows there is a good chance that the person they are targeting is armed then you should expect them to be also. Since they already don't want to get caught and know you are going to attack if confronted I doubt they will weigh out their options before shooting at you
See, just what I expected. We are talking about people taking the law in their own hands, not what if the courts issued stiffer penalties! You can't compare the two, and that is not what the thread is debating. This is so many people get into legal problems. Reading and comprehension...

valid point, sort of... i did say 'greater fear of retribution', and what i meant by that was... if there is a chance that if Biff catches you attempting to steal his TR he's going to shoot you 3x, then 99.9% of people are going to seriously reconsider stealing biffs TR. having laws in place with stiffer penalties would only further aid in reducing crime rates..

So what's the chance of a car thief in Texas being armed vs. here in Chicago where we can't have a gun. If a criminal knows there is a good chance that the person they are targeting is armed then you should expect them to be also. Since they already don't want to get caught and know you are going to attack if confronted I doubt they will weigh out their options before shooting at you

yeah good point... because its illegal to own a gun in chi-town, no criminals have them.. y'all are so much safer than the texans... i don't know how much you paid for the crack youre smoking, but you didn't pay enough.. its obviously GREAT chit. :rolleyes:
I've had a turbo regal stolen from me before when it was parked right in front of the house under a street light.

That was one of the worst experiences i ever had,and if i ever caught someone trying to do that again i think i would lose control of my senses and all reasoning.

As far as the question for the thread goes,this is what i would do.

First i would never ask the police anything about what would/could happen if i shot a thief,no need to bring unwanted attention to yourself.

If a thief came to steal your car it's a very good chance that he wouldn't have told anyone what he was going to do or where he was going to do it.

So if i caught him i would have to insist that he come in and be my guest for awhile so that i wouldn't have to shoot him for what he was trying to do to me. If he left his car on my property i would call and have it towed away.I'm not going to go into detail about how i might entertain my unexpected and unwanted guest.Since it's unlawfull to hold someone against their will, I couldn't just turn him loose. I forget what the number is of people who go missing each year in this country but it is very high.
Here it is 2,300 missing persons are reported each day in the USA.