Operation Overthrow! Unleaded Gas for $1.35/gal

I can't recall,if it was the ceo or vise president of exxon/mobil that recieved a 400 million dollar retirement package,but no overcharging . I give everyone there right to there opinion ,but don't try to say that were not gettin over charged by gas companies. Oil and gas are publicily traded the price driven up because of say,so and rumor ,no real fact to drive prices up.

just my.02
I don't own a Vette and I probably never will and I've never been to Paris. The bragging you are talking about sounds like it's coming from one individual. I don't see companies bragging about thier profits, I see the media bragging for them and making a huge ordeal of it. Not everyone who has money invested in the oil industry is a millionaire.
Companies don't brag about their profits, they report them. They have too if they are a publicaly traded.

Don't buy into the hype that these guys are all a bunch of money grubbing snobs who would snatch a dollar from a child if they could. Companies like Exxon,Shell,Valero and others invest a lot back into the communities where they operate. They sponsor school activities,and donate to many charities. Sure there are some bad seeds in the business but that can be said about any big company.

Well, you make a good point here.....I read it and do agree with you.....no problem....Sorry I stated it the way I did...it was the anger speaking....take care now, and don't take it personally, as I didn't mean it that way...I just said it all the wrong way.......sometimes I wonder about my brain.:rolleyes:

Bruce '87 Grand National
Judging by the amount of traffic on the roads around here and the full parking lots at the mall on any given day of the week. I'd say the majority of people are not concerned or it does not affect them.

Again, I'll have to agree with you......I think the same thing everytime I go out on the road....(which is rarely) You make another good point...it doesn't seem to bother most of the people driving all day on the road....the traffic in Fredericksburg, Va, is horrendous during the day, and I wonder how they can afford the gas during a work week.....it's just rediculous. My wife and I are out on the road about once a week or every two weeks, and we combine ALL our chores for that day, shopping, parts, everything......we try to conserve gas by less travel, but still, to see all of these people driving all during the day....don't they have jobs?????!?!

Bruce '87 Grand National
It's all about supply and demand. All we gotta do is spend less time at the pump. Anyone notice since statistics showed driver's are traveling less, then 2 weeks later gas drops 30 cents? Not much of a coincidence there.
Big oil DOES NOT control oil prices either. Oil is a publicly traded commodity and it's price is determined through the open market. Everyone should kill the hedge-funds and large brokers who are driving up the futures.
Well said.
Not to mention there are only a handful of drillers/ producers compared to the number of retail outlets. And probably even fewer refiners than drillers. Exxon already sells oil to all of them. No matter where you buy your gas, oil from various producers all sell it to the same refiners generally so you are still buying exxon oil no matter where you buy since it was all mixed together at some point by a refiner.

Gas will never cost what it was ten years or more ago due to worldwide demand. China has the largest growing population of middle class, what do you do when you have more income? You get independent and buy a car rather than use public transportation. China uses more fuel than the US which used to not be true. And now India is experiencing the same growing pains and consuming large amount of oil.
Now that said, the US has a ton of newly discover oil formations using cracking technology just like propelled us to an abundance of natural gas. The bakken shale and eagleford shale formation could easily triple the amount of oil produced by the US. Not to mention converting diesels to nat gas would cut cost of goods and cut oil imports to the US by almost 50% if the goby would pull their heads outs of their azz and quit wasting time and money on battery powered subsidies!
This is a free country and you can make as much money as you are willing to work for. There are thousands of stories of extremely poor folks making it big in this country by just hard work alone. Hard work means working 12-14 hours a day 7 days a week. I've worked two jobs most my life. My daughter use to work 4 jobs. My son works 12 hrs a day and weekends. My wife works two jobs, too. I'm not rich, but do have a few nice things that I worked VERY hard for. No one is holding you back except yourself.
I work with a guy from Ethiopia and we were talking just today at lunch how guys are standing on the street corner holding signs asking for hand outs. He said "I came all the way from North Africa and have never asked for anything except an opportunity. He use to sit in the dark with a single candle reading the only book he had. It was a physics book his grandfather had given him. He read it and read it over and over, because it was the ONLY book he had. Now he works full time 56 hrs a week and goes to college at night WITH two young children. Ya, he looses alot of sleep, but it is moving him forward.
I grew up in a weathly family, but have never recieved ANY help from them, nor will I. BUT, my dad gave me the best gift.......The ethic of hard work. (just don't ask my co-workers if that's true.;)) As long as I can remember my dad worked 6 days a week 12 hrs a day.

This whole boycott this or that company is pure SOCIALISM/COMMUNISM at work. If you don't like the profits of XYZ company, BUY SOME SHARES in them! Heck, by 51% of the shares and then you can cut the employees salaries and costs of the products. Are CEO salaries out of control? Ya, I think so, too. (I work for a BIG company) What is more of a scam though is that the Fed is selling ALL of us down the road. Fannie-Mae and Freddie-Mac really screwed alot of folks, more than all of the Wallstreet guys could ever dream of. What Bearnie Madoff did was peanuts compared to what the Fed is doing to ALL of us. THAT is worth boycotting. (Though not sure where to start.) Ya I don't like paying $4 a gallon, but aside from a few station owners gouging a bit, it's the Futures market as stated already. There are ALOT more players in it these days than just 10 years ago. If we stop buying oil from everywhere, then China and India will step up. Be thankful that we DO have oil if we can ever get to it. Someday it will happen. Maybe after the middle east is sucked dry?
Well we, in Kentucky, became enlightened when the Atty General sued Marathon oil for price gouging. The court said he didn't have enough evidence and ruled in favor of Marathon but during the trial it came to light that Marathon (Ashland Oil) actually provides 100% of the gas in Louisville. Kentucky's largest city. They also provide 70% of all the fuel in the state. That, my friends, is a monopoly and they sure can manipulate the prices. Gas is higher in the cities than in the country when in fact it's harder to deliver it to rural areas. WTF. It's higher closer to the main highways than the small towns 2 or 3 miles further down the road. Diesel fuel is actually a byproduct of the refining process but it's now a cash cow. Count the trucks on the road next time you take a trip.