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Over 25,000 Members!


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25,000 members? Thats great! I hope the site keeps growing. I dont think there are even 25,000 TRs still running in the world!
25,000 members? Thats great! I hope the site keeps growing. I dont think there are even 25,000 TRs still running in the world!

You are probably right... The actual number of members who have joined is well over 30k! There have been purges and spammer deletions. The majority of them are TR owners current, past, or future!

I thank all the vendors that support us as well! Thanks guys for keeping us going here and keeping the goodies coming for our cars!

Thanks for all the kind responses! It makes it all worth while:)
Congrats Shane and Jay, this is the only place I consider my second home! :biggrin:
awesome, this site has helped me and i look forward to the advice down the road. im probably mem #24,960
You are probably right... The actual number of members who have joined is well over 30k! There have been purges and spammer deletions. The majority of them are TR owners current, past, or future!

And probably 10,000 members who signed on and posted once in the Joe Cipolla thread. :D
Freakin' Awesome! I have been a member of several boards (not relating to TR's) but this one is by far the best I have ever been a member of. Way to go!!
So what

So lets Dance,

This site is great.

I have created a monster LOL


I have created a monster LOL



And yet you won't share with the rest of us.:p

How about making some of the before black post stickys SGRIM? We need a few more for those of us doing it the hard way PLEASE!:biggrin:

It's great that there are 25k members though.:biggrin:
Thanks, Shane, Jay, administrative staff, supporting suppliers, past, present, & future, all members, & especially the rough & tumble, rude, crude, & socially unacceptable SouthWestern Section for making this forum what is is today.

yes gary thanks to our rude humor we had a slight affect on the increase, congrats to the staff, vendors and board members:cool:
Congrats & thanks to ALL who make this board what it it.

I've been meaning to make a general "thank you" post concerning the board. This is a prefect thread to do so in IMO. So....

I've been a registered member here for several years. However, I was only an occasional lurker who would pop in from time to time to see some bad ass TB's. But as life and some good luck would have it, in October, 2008 one of my dream cars came into my possession and my addiction to this board began. Since then, I can't count the number of times I have searched threads for answers to MANY kinds of questions. And so far, there hasn't been an issue I couldn't find the needed answer for. Also, the majority of the parts acquired for my car came from vendors or members here.

MAJOR thumbs up and a ton of appreciation for those who have contributed to the wealth of knowledge here and the overall greatness that makes this such a really awesome car community.

Hopefully I can add some helpful info of my own here as time goes by. :cool: