Police Chase... Holy Sh!T

Instead of jumping on the hood like RAMBO, why didnt he just shoot the tires out and follow the damn car until it lost control or ran out of gas. Obviously the cop was close enough to shoot the tires or disable the car somehow wasnt he? I am both sides of the fence on this one. I hate criminals and think they have it made in this country but that was pretty harsh.
I think the officers could have positioned their cruisers in a way to stop the car instead of just ramming from the front. But I imagine the adrenaline was pumping and not much time for them to act. I agree completely with the action of the officer except for jumping on the hood.
maybe thats what he had to do becuase if he didnt he might have got crushed between to vehicles.
Its easy to monday morning quarterback the guys that had split seconds to make the decision that they made to fire. I do not disagree with what they did based on the totality of the circumstances. Personally, my previous experience and training tells me that the hood jump manuver probably wouldn't be the most sound tactical decision made, but from the video, I do not see how the officer came to be there, the officer will have to explain that and live with the decisions that he made.
In examining the decison to deploy deadly force, the officer must weigh the risk to his own life and/or the life of other persons. I do see that the life of the passenger was placed in jeopardy for over 4 minutes by the driver. If the pursuit was not ended, I feel that the risk to the passengers life would have continued to be in danger. The speeds of the pursuit and duration also lend to an increased risk to public safety at large. In an effort to prevent the continued risk to the loss of life of the passenger and to prevent harm to any other potential persons who may have been placed at risk, I think that gives justification for the shooting. The vehicle is a weapon as well, you don't need a "smoking gun" to justify the officers actions.
I give those guys a thumbs up, they were professional and they certainly were not out on a "killing spree" that night.
unless he really was trying to run over the officer,then i too think the guy needed a bullet,maybe in the stomach or something tho......o well spilled milk...

In the above interview, the passenger said that the driver was trying to run down the cop. With 3,000 lbs. metal, plastic and glass hurtling toward you, you're not going to take precious split seconds to find a way to inflict minimal damage on the operator of the vehicle.

There are infinite other outcomes in that scenario, but as you say any other is spilled milk at this point.

The officer did a great job, in that he made sure he killed 1 person instead of both.... he deserves a MEDAL!
amen brother. The person guilty for this whole chase was the only one killed. good police work.. The only one I feel bad for is the poor person who had their Monte stolen by this piece of trash..

The officer did a great job, in that he made sure he killed 1 person instead of both.... he deserves a MEDAL!
I think the officers could have positioned their cruisers in a way to stop the car instead of just ramming from the front. But I imagine the adrenaline was pumping and not much time for them to act. I agree completely with the action of the officer except for jumping on the hood.

I guess they would rather all out kill the guy rather than dent their cars? :confused:

I think the crybaby cop at the beginning of the chase got the others all pumped up with ..."he's trying to ram me!" :rolleyes:
As an ex-law enforcement officer of 8 years I can only say that unless you have walked in those shoes and wore that uniform...dont second guess what those officers did. I had that happen to me alot and it made me mad. They did the right thing and made judgement calls based on the situation. You dont EVER want to have to shoot someone as a police officer but you want to go home at night to your family and you also want to stop a suspect from harming someone elses brother, child, husband, mother, etc...

I have knocked on a few doors in the middle of the night to give someone the worst news possible. Those officers didnt have to knock on any doors that morning to tell a family their loved one got hit by a person driving a stolen car.

My hats off to them for doing a great job.
As an ex-law enforcement officer of 8 years I can only say that unless you have walked in those shoes and wore that uniform...dont second guess what those officers did. I had that happen to me alot and it made me mad. They did the right thing and made judgement calls based on the situation. You dont EVER want to have to shoot someone as a police officer but you want to go home at night to your family and you also want to stop a suspect from harming someone elses brother, child, husband, mother, etc...

I have knocked on a few doors in the middle of the night to give someone the worst news possible. Those officers didnt have to knock on any doors that morning to tell a family their loved one got hit by a person driving a stolen car.

My hats off to them for doing a great job.

Well said.
3 things that would have made that chase more satisfying...

Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Rush Limbaugh.....all shot.

I can live with the results otherwise.

It seems to me they did all they could to protect the public and stop the retard.
In the above interview, the passenger said that the driver was trying to run down the cop. With 3,000 lbs. metal, plastic and glass hurtling toward you, you're not going to take precious split seconds to find a way to inflict minimal damage on the operator of the vehicle.

There are infinite other outcomes in that scenario, but as you say any other is spilled milk at this point.

i think cops are and should be trained to put a bullet in the right spot,im sure with the officers training he knew where that bullet was headed and it would have took no more time to aim hi or low,imo...spilt milk...:smile:
The thing that really pisses me off about these chases is that we dont get to see the chases that end up with families killed becuase they pulled out of their driveways at the wrong time. My buddies sister and her friend were both killed while pulling out of their driveway and were hit by a truck that was being chased by the Police. The MORON running was wasted, ends up I know the guy and unfortunately have to have him as a boss at times. He was driving a company truck and was in the town I grew up in that had one blinking stop sign, one bar, one post office, and about 60 houses. Now, dont you think that the police officer could have let him go and arrested him tomorrow? Or how about go to his house and wait till he showed up. he was easily identifiable with the company truck and eveyone knows who he is anyways. He was also only about 3 country blocks from home. On the other hand, is he going to kill someone drunk driving for 3 country blocks? maybe? Maybe not? He probably would have put it in the ditch on the gravel road. BUT, lets chase him and get a drunk speeding at 100 mph down the road with house along the side. Seems a little more dangerous to me! And it was proven with the horrific deaths of 2 high school girls. Well, at least we have the court system that we have and he can enjoy his life every day at work, the bar, where ever else the jerk hangs out.
here's my 02 worth. I have 19 yrs exp on the job and imho if you base your judgement only on the in car video in the above clip an accurate account of events can't be made. If we had the opportunity to view all the video from all the responding units on the scene then we would have a better understanding of the incident and the reason deadly physical force was used. Making the statement "I'm going to take'em out" over the air wasn't the brightest move.I expect law suits and Grand Jury action but in the end I feel the Officers will be justified.
In referring to the officers statement" Im going to take him out"...as en ex-law enforcement officer I can say with 99.9% accuracy that he was referring to the Pitt manuever in which he strikes the rear quarter panel of the suspects vehicle causing him to spin out or just ramming the vehicle to disable it. "Taking him out" means taking him off the roadway and making his vehicle undrivable. Do you honestly believe that this was some bloodthirsty officer wanting to just empty his gun into someone because they ran from him??

That second guessing is what makes me made. Either an attorney trying to spin something or a civilian trying to interpret the officers lingo. I knew immediatly what the officer was saying the first time I watched the video. Lawsuits aimed at officers is what makes good people not want to be in that profession anymore. If you start second guessing yourself when its time to make a life and death descion then you are no good as a police officer anymore. Its easy for someone to dissect a situation after the fact and take weeks to do so when an officer on the job has to make the same descion in less than a second.
I agree nat. When he said Im gonna take him out I thought he meant the spike strips or a ramming maneouver.. Not killing him
Well when the car was barely moving he jumps on the hood and empties his gun.
Just may be.

By the looks of the video
The cop was standing next to the car not in front of it.

But if I was a cop and looked at the same video I would see the same cop standing in front of the car with his life in danger.

The needed to be stopped but assassinated not shore about that.

BTW 2 second after a big hit like that maybe the guy was out of it.
No way
He could have he is a criminal and we all know that criminals don't react to car accidents like the rest of us.