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Premium Memberships Coming, Need Opinions!


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How much would you pay for a premium AD FREE membership

  • $25

    Votes: 37 42.0%
  • $35

    Votes: 8 9.1%
  • $50

    Votes: 23 26.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 20 22.7%

  • Total voters
Shane, let's just do this! I have 3 of these things, and without this site I would probably sell them off and get into something else as I don't have the time to go to work as an apprentice for a few of the gurus that have helped me tremendously with my cars, ie: Turbo Lou, Richard Clark and Nick Micale@azgn along with having access to all the vendors!
I voted "other" on what I would pay. For my obsession with these cars, $100 a year sounds way reasonable for me. What other Buick parts can ya get for $100? I know other folks would say $25, but I want to see the TB Nationals carry on even if I'm now back in AZ. I had a great time there last year. I'll be back when I can.
The ads don't bother me, if I'm interested I'll click, if not I don't.
With or without the ads, count me in, and a big thanks for keeping this site going!
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Willing to pay 50 a year. Need to keep the tb Buick nationals going. I enjoy that weekend and believe others do too
Before going to a yearly and/or monthly membership fee, I would sell swag (shirts, hoodies, hats, stickers, license plate, etc, etc) first. I would see how the swag does first before doing a membership fee. The swag needs to be of good quality not some Chinese, bootleg fabric that can't make it through a washing. Maybe hook up with Lisa (Turbostitches) for the swag. Don't get me wrong, I have no objection to a membership fee.

Billy T.
Before going to a yearly and/or monthly membership fee, I would sell swag (shirts, hoodies, hats, stickers, license plate, etc, etc) first. I would see how the swag does first before doing a membership fee. The swag needs to be of good quality not some Chinese, bootleg fabric that can't make it through a washing. Maybe hook up with Lisa (Turbostitches) for the swag. Don't get me wrong, I have no objection to a membership fee.

Billy T.
Willing to pay 50 a year. Need to keep the tb Buick nationals going. I enjoy that weekend and believe others do too
Before going to a yearly and/or monthly membership fee, I would sell swag (shirts, hoodies, hats, stickers, license plate, etc, etc) first. I would see how the swag does first before doing a membership fee. The swag needs to be of good quality not some Chinese, bootleg fabric that can't make it through a washing. Maybe hook up with Lisa (Turbostitches) for the swag. Don't get me wrong, I have no objection to a membership fee.

Billy T.
Billy, it will still be 100% FREE the memberships are just for AD FREE viewing. People has asked for it for years...
Im going to mirror quite a few sentiments on here.

I'd pay whatever the fee was because this site is a necessity if you own a TR. The wealth of info and advice is invaluable. Also, isnt there some VIP section here already?
I'll pay for sure. Sadly, I spend $50-$100 on this car like people buy gum or cigarettes.

Whatever I'd spend on this site, I have gotten back in time savings, labor savings, etc. Plus the fun factor.

I really hope the old timers (by knowledge level I mean) stay engaged and impart their wisdom to us guys newer to the TBs. Pass the torch properly so to speak. Not just "use the search." Lol.

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I think a contribution is reasonable for all that we get here.

Curious though, if ads or "clicks" for the ads generate revenue stream just like youtube video's generate revenue by "views", why not up the tech game here and have a youtube channel where members can post their Buick related videos - stomping the competition, diy's, how- to instructionals, maybe some of RC's videos, buyers guides, etc., to maybe generate a few bucks for the site and also create a renewed "buzz" about the Legendary car that still prowls the streets.

I'm not a techie and have no idea if this could work but I've seen other people making money off of you tube by generating "views"- I'm sure a tb channel would be very well received. I'd watch it. :)

Just my .02
As a "gun guy" the only problem I have with the proposal is paypal. They are noted for being anti-gun. As for a life membership as was suggested, being 65 yrs old I'm not crazy about life memberships.
I'm in for this, I think $50 is not bad either. I like the idea of the tiered payments with getting a hat or shirt too. I'm up for some site swag for sure too. I would have sold my car off or burned it to the ground years ago if it wasn't for this site. I think most of us owe our cars running well to this site and people in this tight knit group.
I totally agree with BuickMike231 and would love to have a section to be able to buy things
I'm in for whatever the fee is. Even though I don't post a lot, I'm here way too much!!
I'm in for whatever the fee is. Even though I don't post a lot, I'm here way too much!!


The way I see it, you're moniker conjures different interpretations.

Size is everything......... :D:D:D:eek::eek: At least that is what my EX wife says, I hope she's found some happiness....

No Major here, I'm hung like a field mouse...........:cautious:

But even a field mouse finds a piece grain every now and then..... :cool:

Then again, if you're just plain Nutz, I'm sorry and I never meant any harm....... :LOL::LOL::LOL:
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Ad free meaning the google crap? Hopefully us paying vendors will still have our banner ads in the paid deal?

The way I see it, you're moniker conjures different interpretations.

Size is everything......... :D:D:D:eek::eek: At least that is what my EX wife says, I hope she's found some happiness....

No Major here, I'm hung like a field mouse...........:cautious:

But even a field mouse finds a piece grain every now and then..... :cool:

Then again, if you're just plain Nutz, I'm sorry and I never meant any harm....... :LOL::LOL::LOL:

It was a fitting name back in my young & dumb days. Not so much now. Sometimes I wonder how I'm still alive!