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Premium Memberships Coming, Need Opinions!


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How much would you pay for a premium AD FREE membership

  • $25

    Votes: 37 42.0%
  • $35

    Votes: 8 9.1%
  • $50

    Votes: 23 26.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 20 22.7%

  • Total voters
After the more recent board events consider...

Parts For Sale = Every sale is 1% or no less than $1 each item sold.

Cars For Sale = 1% or no less than $50 per car sold.

Use the money from the above in the ways you deem fit to take care of the board and your time. Hire someone, get a better server e.t.c, the members that do the above would be hard pressed to beat that offer considering Ebay is 10% minimum.

Members who don't pay up don't sell again until they do.
@SGRIM any updates?

With the recent crash, all the lost data and all the valuable members that no longer post here, all that knowledge gone.......I'm not sure it's worth it anymore.

I LOVE this site, I would gladly donate if asked, but a paying membership for a site that is merely/hardly half of what it was when this undertaking was first proposed not so long ago, I just don't know if I could justify it.

Other opinions?
With the recent crash, all the lost data and all the valuable members that no longer post here, all that knowledge gone.......I'm not sure it's worth it anymore.

This sums it up perfectly. Years ago, I would have jumped at a premium membership. Now.....
With the recent crash, all the lost data and all the valuable members that no longer post here, all that knowledge gone.......I'm not sure it's worth it anymore.

I LOVE this site, I would gladly donate if asked, but a paying membership for a site that is merely/hardly half of what it was when this undertaking was first proposed not so long ago, I just don't know if I could justify it.

Other opinions?
I think this is slightly misleading. I am not here as much as I would like...but I was constantly on here when we had the App.
I do not like the TapaTalk deal and I do not have access to a computer during the day except evenings.
I have avoided becoming a Vendor or Selling my products on here because I do not have hourly access to keep in touch with buyers. I would pay for the App even before an Ad free site. This is just my opinion, but I know that a lot of others would be on here more if they had an App. They are on Facebook because of the App, Ebay because of the App...
It only goes to think that a few of those valuable members would spend a few more minutes here. I hate the Facebook pages because its too hard to find the info to recall for future need. Its always here and relatively easy to find.

Just my thoughts
X2 what Coach said. I'd pay either way but I do miss that App.
This should STILL be a option. I do my best to pay forward on this site and share the knowledge I have. Forget what was lost, forget the ads, forget the bickering. Put up a fee. The yearly fee allows you to see and post in the for sale section. This weeds out dirt bags and gives the site more integrity. You don't mind taking free info at anytime you want, but have a problem with supporting a site and the vendors that give you options in upgrading and maintaining your car.... Seems pretty odd to me. You have no clue how good you guys have it until it's gone. We also need to encourage Vendors to come back and support this site by adding moderators to fairly protect vendors from being bashed and unfairly chastised by people. There is more than enough food to go around for anyone to eat. Let their products speak for themself without people trying to taint someone's decision in who they should purchase it from. If the vendors are protected the community will flourish and so would the Buick events. Who ever doesn't like it...... Kick rocks.
Would a paid subscription help bring vendor costs down? Might be a way to bring some back?.... Mike