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Premium Memberships Coming, Need Opinions!


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How much would you pay for a premium AD FREE membership

  • $25

    Votes: 37 42.0%
  • $35

    Votes: 8 9.1%
  • $50

    Votes: 23 26.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 20 22.7%

  • Total voters
Well said Mike. Facebook does not preserve the history like this site does. It's never been about money for me, I turned down good 6 figure offers for this board when the forum scene was at its height. All about the love of the Turbo Regal...
I'ld like to see a regular membership for free with ads but no ability to use the marketplace. Premium fee with only vendor ads and full access and then a lifetime one time fee for members that have been here for 10 years.
Personally I agree with Spoolfool. Tell me a site you go on that doesn’t have ads. They are rare. If the guys that go on here the most can pay for ad free use, then why would anyone pay to be a advertiser? The best thing imop is to promote loyalty to the board and it’s advertisers. Without the advertisements there probably wouldn’t be a I don’t have any problem at all with the ads. They don’t slow my browsing and are generally unobtrusive.

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You gotta go with whatever keeps the site active with site brings the info we enjoy without some costs beit ads or ???? Any lack of response from other knowledgeable sources hurts all of us!!!!!! I & I hope others will entertain a fair charge for the site we depend on & enjoy!!!
I'ld like to see a regular membership for free with ads but no ability to use the marketplace. Premium fee with only vendor ads and full access and then a lifetime one time fee for members that have been here for 10 years.
See this guy gets it.......
See this guy gets it.......

I guess I could wait 2 more years to purchase a lifetime membership, but that puts me at 60 years old...... Only been here since 2010 and I've made an ass of myself about twice a year since then, I did it in this very thread, but Shane and you guys have stuck by me.

I bought my GN in '86, it was stolen in '96. It took me another 14 years to save up and acquire the Turbo T I now own. I'm a "lifetime" fan of these special cars and this site came to be during my "hiatus".

I have no issue with a "pay for play" site. But the fact is, new members are being sought by Shane & Co, along with us members being "sort of" asked to be more supportive. I commend Shane for keeping the site free all this time. And he continues to do so...

I also understand the apprehension long time members might have about new members getting "privileges" for just joining, BUT, we can't let this site die and it needs new blood to keep it alive.

Jus' sayin'.
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I am in! Definitely a great source of knowledge and it was obviously missed when it was down for a few days. Where do I send my check to
I guess I could wait 2 more years to purchase a lifetime membership, but that puts me at 60 years old...... Only been here since 2010 and I've made an ass of myself about twice a year since then, I did it in this very thread, but Shane and you guys have stuck by me.

I bought my GN in '86, it was stolen in '96. It took me another 14 years to save up and acquire the Turbo T I now own. I'm a "lifetime" fan of these special cars and this site came to be during my "hiatus".

I have no issue with a "pay for play" site. But the fact is, new members are being sought by Shane & Co, along with us members being "sort of" asked to be more supportive. I commend Shane for keeping the site free all this time. And he continues to do so...

I also understand the apprehension long time members might have about new members getting "privileges" for just joining, BUT, we can't let this site die and it needs new blood to keep it alive.

Jus' sayin'.
Guy, what part of still free with ads would hinder new blood. The ability to post,ask, inquirie,buy all still in place. If one wishes or has the means to give back they may at their discretion become a paying member. Everyone of us was new here once. And a life time type membership could be available at anytime/purchase.
I'm sure you or I would feel more comfortable buying an item from a newer member if he/she was a lifetime or partial vetted in some manner.
We all know how hard Shane has tried to keep this site free. And it will still be.
Just with some BS perks available with a paid membership and ease the financial burden on the bossman.
We also need a little swag store.
Again for the same reason and we get cool gear.
Jus sayin
O and side amount or level of anything removes paying vendor ads. In fact they'd have less competition and better focus on their ads at that point.
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Guy, what part of still free with ads would hinder new blood. The ability to post,ask, inquirie,buy all still in place. If one wishes or has the means to give back they may at their discretion become a paying member. Everyone of us was new here once. And a life time type membership could be available at anytime/purchase.
I'm sure you or I would feel more comfortable buying an item from a newer member if he/she was a lifetime or partial vetted in some manner.
We all know how hard Shane has tried to keep this site free. And it will still be.
Just with some BS perks available with a paid membership and ease the financial burden on the bossman.
We also need a little swag store.
Again for the same reason and we get cool gear.
Jus sayin

Where did you ever get that I was saying anything different than what you just posted?

My point was that Pronto specifically put an arbitrary number on "length of membership" in his post and you, with no reservation, agreed to his "restriction".

I get his point and understand the request, but are you looking to make the site a "good old boy network", or the site it was intended to be, and already is?
Where did you ever get that I was saying anything different than what you just posted?

My point was that Pronto specifically put an arbitrary number on "length of membership" in his post and you, with no reservation, agreed to his "restriction".

I get his point and understand the request, but are you looking to make the site a "good old boy network", or the site it was intended to be, and already is?
Heck no that's what the P is for. And you know that.
It's about keeping it in good health. And that takes.$$$.
It hasn't been me or any of us forking out any $ for a place I know you care and many are passionate about.
If it does happen. It's only out of necessity. Or it wouldn't happen.

Does kinda sound like you have some preconceived notion that people want to make it that way. What up wit that.?
I'm either missing your point, or just don't know what this "P" you are speaking of is.

I will say this, I buy parts here all the time. I can say with confidence I have NEVER sold anything here. I have, however, given away hundreds of parts here to people who needed something I had and they needed.

I did this without reservation because that is what this board is about, helping others, not profiting from their needs.

I understand that business is business and that some here are "in this business", they are very necessary to us end users.

I'm just not one of those guys and don't feel I should be held to some arbitrary membership length standard.

Ask those I have sent parts to for free, often paying shipping myself. I feel I've earned my stripes, and I'd be willing to be a paying member on any level.

I feel those that are of the same mindset, and show that they are, shouldn't be held to an, and I will say it again, some arbitrary standard that "old timers" set.
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T6P Guy. You know the ugly stepsister site. (That's still missing)
And you still can nothing really changes.
That's the best part.
Ah yes. Now I understand.......If she was up, I'd be over there MF'ing you like no other.....:cool:
I stand by my free but can't post to the marketplace. I've seen way to many one timers post stuff for sale that are rip offs or never come back to answer the add. It would clean that area of that kind of crap. They could participate just not sell stuff. By paying, Shane would have a real name and address to go back to if someone saw a stolen car or parts or someone not sending parts. The authorities could be contacted and there would be at least some trail. As far as the one time lifetime membership fee, there are lots of very knowledgeable people here that have contributed huge information to the site over a long time. Allowing a one time fee for them would be a nice way to hopefully keep the here. Maybe a one time lifetime reduced fee for vendors too.
And the paying members would only see vendor ads.

I don't disagree with a single one of the points and reasoning you have presented here. I do however, disagree with a 10 year moratorium on the availability of "lifetime memberships" that you suggest.

I've only been on this site since 2010. That is largely because:

A. I no longer owned a TR when came to be. Not by choice, but by theft. The theft of my '86 GN, purchased new in January of that same year, and stolen in '96. It took mea long time to squirrel enough money away to get back into a TR. That doesn't mean I haven't been and currently remain a "lifetime member" of the TR community, it means I was a "currently inactive" member of the community. There are several examples of the same type of member here, I can assure you.

B. I'm a "digital alien" and had never participated on any type of "forum" before this one, ever, at all.

So I will say again, I feel those who are of the same mindset as me and show that they are, shouldn't be held to some arbitrary standard that "old timers" set.

I hope you can see my side of this coin, as I have tried to see yours, because I believe both sides have merit.
Think of it like belonging to a club. After 10 years of paying your yearly dues, you are rewarded by paying one last time and then the lifetime membership come in. The dues paid (since we are currently free) is the time spent at the site. Another option might be a senior membership for 5 year members at a reduced yearly fee.

I don't disagree with a single one of the points and reasoning you have presented here. I do however, disagree with a 10 year moratorium on the availability of "lifetime memberships" that you suggest.

I've only been on this site since 2010. That is largely because:

A. I no longer owned a TR when came to be. Not by choice, but by theft. The theft of my '86 GN, purchased new in January of that same year, and stolen in '96. It took mea long time to squirrel enough money away to get back into a TR. That doesn't mean I haven't been and currently remain a "lifetime member" of the TR community, it means I was a "currently inactive" member of the community. There are several examples of the same type of member here, I can assure you.

B. I'm a "digital alien" and had never participated on any type of "forum" before this one, ever, at all.

So I will say again, I feel those who are of the same mindset as me and show that they are, shouldn't be held to some arbitrary standard that "old timers" set.

I hope you can see my side of this coin, as I have tried to see yours, because I believe both sides have merit.
Think of it like belonging to a club. After 10 years of paying your yearly dues, you are rewarded by paying one last time and then the lifetime membership come in. The dues paid (since we are currently free) is the time spent at the site. Another option might be a senior membership for 5 year members at a reduced yearly fee.
Think of it like belonging to a club. After 10 years of paying your yearly dues, you are rewarded by paying one last time and then the lifetime membership come in. The dues paid (since we are currently free) is the time spent at the site. Another option might be a senior membership for 5 year members at a reduced yearly fee.

I think ( oh my I said I think ) both of your points have a lot of merit. A lot of merit. And I for one cannot say one or the other of you-all’s points out weigh the other Both of you are no ? A credit to this forum and I have always enjoy you-all’s point of views . Now that this is fixed. I’ll go to bed.