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Premium Memberships Coming, Need Opinions!


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How much would you pay for a premium AD FREE membership

  • $25

    Votes: 37 42.0%
  • $35

    Votes: 8 9.1%
  • $50

    Votes: 23 26.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 20 22.7%

  • Total voters
I have an idea, if being a relative newcomer can submit an idea, why don't we quit debating the issue to death and just do it!
I have an idea, if being a relative newcomer can submit an idea, why don't we quit debating the issue to death and just do it!
Yes,yes and yes.
The only reason this gets bumped is so the Boss man will see it.
He and he only can pull the trigger. Most of us just want him to know the idea has meirt.
I am tired.......................lose photobucket BS & any other idiot ads and just tell us the best way to keep our favorite website at our disposal w/out a lineal of grief and guess work!!
IF U BUY THE BEST U ONLY BITCH ONCE.........time to pay the piper w/out the BS..
The Photobucket is not the sites fault. The member has to pay Photobucket to get the link to their picture or delete the link so that annoying Photobucket pic.
Only 65 people have voted for how much they would be willing to pay for this membership. However my post will be the 125th one. What’s wrong with that picture. Doesn’t really show a lot of interest, which is a shame !!!
I voted and am waiting for this to kick in as well. Another bmx forum I’m on has a similar set up in place where it’s free to join but you don’t get full access to everything unless you are a paid member. Works well and most everybody pays in.

They are also discussing doing something for the long time members and they picked a 10 year cutoff (like what was discussed earlier in this thread). I’ve only been on that site for about three years and don’t feel slighted at all. I’ve been riding bmx since the mid 90s but just found the site a few years ago.

Not trying to pick a fight but just stating personal experience and feelings on it.

Either way I do want to see this site live on, I have said it many times before; I would have sold my car or set it on fire many times without this site!
I have had a TB since 1988 .i found this site ,and have been a regular visitor since.These cars are very complicated to a point .The infomation,i have aquired from this site ,has saved me many hours ,,and no way to calculate how much money

Without the information and knowledge gained ,most of us would have taken our TB somewhere,to get fixed .I think that most TB owners dont want our Buicks ,out of our site .
Let alone driven by some idiot at a shop.

You can count me in for a premium membership.

The pop up ads can stay if it generates revenue .

Swag is the key .i have a couple shirts which show a GN .And over the course of 30 years i have met many GN owners ,just from that

I do appreciate, everyones input on the different forums on TB .Hey we are a family of the chosen few ,that have one of the greatest,cars in history .Lets do our part to keep it alive .. where /how do i send payment.
Well Shane,
I’d be willing to pay for a no ad premium membership, since you and I are probably related in a roundabout family tree kind of way, I’d be willing to help out even a distant family member, and keep the board running, since the wealth of info is invaluable to all of us who own a TR.
Any one of us with the single “M” in Grim, are related in some sort of fashion, since it was changed from 2 M’s after the boat arrived. Haven’t looked exactly at the tree, but am related to most that only use 1 M, and have a lot of relatives traced back to the southern regions of the USA
Im still trying to decide what to do. I want to do it, but every time the site has a few minutes of down time someone goes to complaining. If they complain when it is free I am not sure I can handle the complaints in they pay for it...

Whiners are gunna whine. We know that. Do what you think is best and we will support you.
After all. You have supported us for a very very long time. :cool:


If anyone has another name, please post it here.

CharlieF1 is still very high on the list though. :geek:

Mike B.
This is on a side not but will " TurboBuick " be represented at Bowling Green this year ? Meaning a tent set up to meet and greet folks and I think would be a great way to get more folks to support the site . Every time I speak with a Buick guy and her is not a member I encourage him/her to join . No doubt its the VERY BEST site for us . Just my thoughts Keith
Im still trying to decide what to do. I want to do it, but every time the site has a few minutes of down time someone goes to complaining. If they complain when it is free I am not sure I can handle the complaints in they pay for it...

You just need a clear terms of service to set expectations. The fee is just to defray costs and doesn't guarantee anything. It doesn't garauntee uptime, features, or even that the board will continue. It's a donation and in appreciation, those users might see fewer ads.

Then when people bitch, you tell them to go scream at people on Facebook or better, just delete the message.

You also might want to incorporate so if some sour apple decides to sue you over the fees, you can fold the LLC and walk away.