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Premium Memberships Coming, Need Opinions!


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How much would you pay for a premium AD FREE membership

  • $25

    Votes: 37 42.0%
  • $35

    Votes: 8 9.1%
  • $50

    Votes: 23 26.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 20 22.7%

  • Total voters
Guys I want you to see the BS I have to deal with. Go to the transmission forum and look at the thread titled ..... This jerk doesn't think he needs's members. He was just posting here as a favor to you guys. He has facebook do he doesn't need the board. We have members here that do not profit one penny that are willing to help with the costs of the board. The ahole makes money off this community and acts like the board owes him something.... Sometimes I just have to SMH at people....
note that I voted for the paid membership, the ads don't bother me, but I never click on them anyway. I know that the board has expenses, and I'm willing to pay my way. did the same years ago when I had my Stealth, its worth it to keep these resources going.


I feel the same way! I don't even notice the ads. When everything is sorted out just say so and I will sign up. (y)
Count me in on all of it. Member fee plus SWAG. You should also keep the ads of the paying vendors (get rid of the google crap). I will add that I click on the ads all the time just so you get revenue :)
where did "ivr" go ??? I was goin to post if ya don't like it here LEAVE. Go start your own website an do as YOU want.. Pretty easy :nailbiting:
guess ill throw my opinion in - I would not mind spending $50 bucks a year for the information provided by this site - actually I feel the members should pay enough to cover the whatever the cost to keep the board running. I would also like it if vendors didn't have to pay anything extra to advertise on this board. our market is small and even tho it may not be a lot for them to pay , it may cause them or others not to innovate new products if they have even more cost added to their thin profit margin. Maybe a vendor can pay extra for the big splash screen at the top if a vendor wants to pay extra to advertise.
I'd pay $50 per year or more just to have that stupid BLOCK AD BLOCKER (Yes, I disabled Ad Blocker for TB.COM) from kicking me off before I even get signed in. Takes 10 tries or more to get on.

Damn, that's annoying.
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I'm hesitant to give my opinion but here goes. I love! I usually come on several times per day. I enjoy reading old threads as well as new to try to learn and understand what makes these cars tick. That being said I was wondering how much does it cost to have the site with all its features bandwidth etc?? I don't mind the adds at all. I barely notice them anymore. They were awful when they were really slow loading. So. Just a quick thought.., we are near 40,000 members. If each member paid $1/mo x 12mos. That's $480,000! I think at that rate would MORE than cover the annual expenses and a hell of a party. If I'm off base feel free to enlighten me. To the guys offering $50/yr. that's like crazy in my small mind. To save you the trouble I did the math. 40,000 members @ $50= 2,000,000 per year. I offered a voluntary donation the other day but before membership fees are set I would like to know what it costs to keep this site running. Flaming may begin [emoji15]

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That one is easy, there are not 40k ACTIVE members. That is our total count from day 1, minus all the banned users, double accts, and bots. Just look at the total number people that actually took the time to vote. Our community shrinks every year. Some of the recent car reality shows have helped with the Barrett Jackson Auctions and such. Last big push was when Fast Furious had the GN scene. I'd be surprised if 100 people actually would purchase them memberships. We just increased our monthly server bill the other day. That should be the increase in speed you noticed....
That one is easy, there are not 40k ACTIVE members. That is our total count from day 1, minus all the banned users, double accts, and bots. Just look at the total number people that actually took the time to vote. Our community shrinks every year. Some of the recent car reality shows have helped with the Barrett Jackson Auctions and such. Last big push was when Fast Furious had the GN scene. I'd be surprised if 100 people actually would purchase them memberships. We just increased our monthly server bill the other day. That should be the increase in speed you noticed....

So Shane, how many ACTIVE members are there currently? By your comment about those voting on this post/initiative, it would be less than 50. I hardly think that is the case.

wb_7354 brings up some valid points. None of us wants to see this site go away, NONE OF US.

You've recently made it very publicly clear that this site is a loser for you due to a multitude of reasons.

If your other businesses are feeding your family, as you state, why not let it be known how much does cost to run on a yearly basis (with a little built in for you and Jay, natch) and ask the participating members to voluntarily (like the idea you are presenting here) fund it?

Myself, I know I would be in 100% for a program like that.

That way the vendor dues can be your "cut" for all the headaches of running the site and chasing them down for payment.

Am I crazy here?
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The ads do not bother me, it's just a normal part of using the internet nowadays. I would be good for an annual $25 fee if that turns out to be the amount to support the group. I do like the the idea of adding hats and shirts to the program.

You dropped this idea two weeks ago.

Where are you in all of it? No word from you at all.

Honestly, I'm not one to gripe and I'm not trying to be an asshole here, but not long ago you said you were going to come in here and "clean things up". It seems to me you've done nothing to do that very thing except attack members. Is it possible that activity needs to stop?

Yes, it needs to.

So far, all I have seen you do is criticize several members, and in my eyes, set up a money grab.

I'm just expressing what I, as a casual observer and frequent visitor, see on a day to day basis.

Lately, you've been preaching all kinds of tough changes. In addition, Y'all been doin' a bunch of crying, but, the fact is, you haven't bothered to be around to control anything in a very long time.

Now you want to "reign it in" , but you don't know where to begin.

The result of where this board is now, and it's financial situation is completely on you, and you have no one else to blame but yourself.

Many here are willing to help, but your ego needs to get in check. I'm just a little guy in this whole thing, but I think I have a valid point here.

Y'all can justify your side all you want, but your inattention this board put you in the position you are currently in, and it now is exactly what it is.

Think about it.

I guess I need to clarify a few things. 1st and foremost please everyone understand the MAIN reason for the premium memberships is that people have been asking for an AD FREE VERSION for years. Everything will still be 100% free....

Who are the SEVERAL members I have criticized? I had a big disagreement with a vendor. I voiced my opinion. My point of this board costing me money is JUST that I refuse to take crap from anyone while NOT PROFITING from it....

Crying about what?

Let me be 100% clear. I DO NOT NEED YOUR MONEY. If you don't like this board hit that little log off button and don't come back. Have I ever asked you for anything? Have you paid one bill here? So what gives you the honor to sit on a high horse and degrade someone that is providing you with a free service?

You obviously see things differently than I. Your approach is combative IMO.... Please get your facts straight before attempting to lecture me.... Not trying to be a jerk, but the more I read your posts the more blown away I am... Your first post was fine, your second one jumped the shark..

I have not asked one person to sign up for this. I am SIMPLY SAYING there is an OPTION COMING for people that have asked for it....

I have not asked for one donation. ALL I HAVE ASKED FOR IS THAT DEBTS THAT ARE OWED TO ME BE PAID.

Anyone that wants to help I appreciate it. I appreciate every single member here. Will do anything I can to help anyone. However I don't intend to take flack from anyone will doing it...


People get what they want out of things I guess.

I hope everyone enjoys the site, no one but the vendors will ever have to pay 1 dime to view the content... Sorry if free isn't good enough for some people.....
Bottom line for the gazillionth time.. It's Shane's"house".:D Have any of you guys ever organize a track rental. We could only have 10 cars at that time at our track.Melissa did it for YEARS ! What a shit show. Everyone wanted in of course then the crap started.. Guys wouldn't show up an guess who had to pay ?? :nailbiting:
I see a lot of guys have all the problems solved with this site !! SOOOO start your OWN site !!! Has to be better than here right ?? What is your problem ??? Easy as 1 2 3 .. Prob an hour a day to keep things in order. Then sit back an watch the $$$$ pour in :cool:
I am here for entertainment value... Thats it. I prob wouldn't make it as the owner cause the personality problem I have (y)
Hell for me, as I speak for no one else. I just want this place to stay alive and viable. I'm now an old man and was raise to believe that nothing in this life is free nor can one satisfy everyone. However there is really good info to be had here, also there is some cool and funny stuff to read. Can't beat that with a really ugly woman. And it's FREE. I would gladly pay to help to keep this going. As NOTHING in this life is free. Lastly nothing is run perfectly nor will it be ( hell look at all the poor poeple driving fords ) Overall this site does pretty good. My three cents. Thanks Ray
I'm not trying to kissing anyone's a$$ but let me say, I love his site! I'd be lost with out it. So many great members and they share loads of experience by their own choosing. I've dealt with Shane on numerous occasions and think he is doing a great job running this site. Let's face it, we all can be a tough group/individuals to deal with on certain things.
We all have opinions and we can voice them. If this starts a feud or fuels bad feelings though it does nothing for the good of the board and only tears our community apart.
Let's get back to making TRs feared in the streets again or admired at shows.
Like most have said, it's worth something to keep this board up and running. Not rely on someone else to foot all the bills. We members benefit from it in the long run. I'd be in for at least $50.
Add me to the list of "i would pay 50/yr" for all the reasons stated above. I like the 3 tiered system described on page 1, maybe have a "109 membership" for 25, "stage 1 membership" for 35 and a "stage 2" membership" for 50 and couple them with progressively cooler merch (hat, t shirt, hoodie). Im wondering about tax obligations from collecting money for memberships and merch sales, would that be "income" and subject to taxes? That would suck if a chunk of the donations would be snatched by uncle sam instead of supoorting the site as intended. Also, it takes a big outlay of money up front to get merch sales going, and nobody wants to be stuck holding a case of shirts in an oddball size or a color nobody wants etc. I handle the merch sales for my union and its an absolute shitshow, some guys want zip up, some want pulovers, some hate black, everyone has logos and designs that they love/hate etc. That being said i would buy a t shirt and hoodie in a second hahaha.