propane injection
I'm personal dedicated to convert gasoline engines to LPG / CNG. yes you are right LPG is higher octane rate, the minimum is 100octane and maximum 105 octane.
LPG is a clean green fuel, and had a lot more advantages over the gasoline.
No carbon deposits on the cylinder chamber.
Prolong the life of the engine oil because do not produce particules.
Less wear and internal noise.
depend of the mixture to propane/butane , you can take more BTU power.
of course LPG has less BTU power
Premium Gasoline (91 octane) 125,000 btu
Regular Gasoline (87 octane) 115,000 btu
LPG 60/40 (100 octane) 96,000 btu
LPG 70/30 (105 octane) 95,000 btu
CNG 90/10 1mt3 (125 octane) 36,000btu
CNG equivalent to a 1 galllon of gasoline is 3.57 mt3.
due the lowest energy content you will get less gas mileage that gasoline, but normally LPG has twice the price lowest. so the savings are on the price.
If you get equipped with a high end propane injection system totally computerized (TARTARINI SPA) you can get 10% less gas mileage by a gallon of LPG compare to gasoline. with no lost power. with natural gas you lose 10-15% of power due the big lack of BTU POWER.
i had convert up to 500hp aspired engines, and 350hp turbo charge vehicles. i'm working on my project that is a grand national, after i finish with the tune up on gasoline, i'm going to use on propane.
Tartarini Auto Industries - Gas Equipments
Autotecnigas - Sistema Secuencial de Inyección de 5 Generación TARTARINI GLP/GNP (my company)
as far as i know propane is high octane (higher than 91 octane). if knock is the enemy, this should help? it's octane level is a big reason for power loss but with boost, you are retarding 4deg for every lb of boost anyway. i could advance the timing a bit more and run more boost. i can buy propane for .60c/L the one thing i really don't understand is that propane burns hotter, but has less energy? i think the theory of less energy is a higher flash point and a slower burn. if not.... it burnes
as far as i know propane is high octane (higher than 91 octane). if knock is the enemy, this should help? it's octane level is a big reason for power loss but with boost, you are retarding 4deg for every lb of boost anyway. i could advance the timing a bit more and run more boost. i can buy propane for .60c/L the one thing i really don't understand is that propane burns hotter, but has less energy? i think the theory of less energy is a higher flash point and a slower burn. if not.... it burnes