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Sand in my motor?


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[quote="bison, post: 3407934, member: 18820" There's no way in hell that engine went 6000 miles with all that sand in it. It was done maliciously
[Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk[/quote]
I have to agree w/Bison- the amount of sand is too great and for the engine to servive 6k miles. Having worked in a casting dept. for 2 years, granted, it was back in the middle 60's, I would find flaws after the parts were cast.
That would never happen to me. My wife doesn't want to know how to open the hood. She will put gas in the tank, that's it.
That is outrageously f*cked up. That definitely looks like regular ol' sand, but how did they manage to get that into your engine without anybody noticing? (if it was vandalism)
Well I've been single for awhile so no real worries there. If it was vandalism, I have no idea when it could have happened. I would think it would be hard to do something at a car show and any other time the car is secured indoors. So I am now the only guy in the Buick world that is not really excited about building a new stroker motor.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Collect the sand. Clean it with brake fluid and inspect it to see what it is or may be.

Show friends and post pics here.

You may find answers.

How long was your drive to Kirbans?

Does he have cameras in the area your car was?

Very strange. Definitely looks like it was intentional.

I'll see it first hand this weekend. Bill Anderson washed some of it off and it looked just like beach sand. Kirbans was a 300 mile round trip. My car was right up front next to Kirban's personal car. It would have been difficult to do something without 100 people noticing. Probably happened before then. First thought was bad oil pressure sender but it was verified with a mechanical gauge at Andersons.
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Don't have a pic of the pan but before the motor was pulled the pan was dropped and was told there was a layer of grit in the bottom. As far as in the heads the only area where it was found in quantity was at the rear of the passenger side head. No piles of it around the breather area. Unless someone used a funnel.
That's a lot of material in there. A lot of these explanations are plausible but Bison is right, there is no way this stuff has been floating around for 6000 miles. I may have been in the cast somewhere and let loose recently or someone helped it get in the motor. I would think if someone dumped a few teaspoons of material in the engine you would have heard it grinding it's way through the motor initially?

If there is that much in the motor I wonder what the filter looks like. If the engine builder determines it's sand and not media material I would think you have a case for vandalism through your insurance company. I would call them and at least have an adjuster come out if you think it's sand. Just because you didn't catch the vandal doesn't mean it wasn't vandalized. Your insurance should cover you.
That's a lot of material in there. A lot of these explanations are plausible but Bison is right, there is no way this stuff has been floating around for 6000 miles. I may have been in the cast somewhere and let loose recently or someone helped it get in the motor. I would think if someone dumped a few teaspoons of material in the engine you would have heard it grinding it's way through the motor initially?

If there is that much in the motor I wonder what the filter looks like. If the engine builder determines it's sand and not media material I would think you have a case for vandalism through your insurance company. I would call them and at least have an adjuster come out if you think it's sand. Just because you didn't catch the vandal doesn't mean it wasn't vandalized. Your insurance should cover you.
Engine builder says it was sand 100% and will give documentation. Will probably call insurance tonight just to see what they say.
That's disturbing. I can't image someone at Kirbans doing this. You piss off any Mustang owners lately?
Then I would say you have a claim. Why would this be any different than if someone bashed out your windows, slashed your tires or stole your stereo. They damaged your property and that is why you have insurance. Good luck I really hope they take care of you.
Car always puts a hurting on Mustangs so anything is possible. I really have no enemies to speak of so I haven't the slightest idea who would have the balls to do this :(. I'll keep you all in the loop and see what they say.
I would think the insurance company would want a police report but I could be wrong. Without knowing the time or place where it occured it may be a tough sell to the insurance company.
My girlfriend is an investigator for an insurance company.

I ran this by her.

She says if you have fire and theft insurance minimum (comprehensive) that it is covered.

They will have to check the motor for any other damage to clear you. An autopsy per say.

As long as it doesn’t show damage that was caused by something other than the sand your claim should be good.

She says to tell the shop to NOT do anything else to the motor until the appraiser can come look at it.

It will be treated as a vandalism.

Good luck

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Can't fathom one "car person" (friend or foe) doing something like this to another. Its like Pulp Fiction, " Don't F#&! with another man's vehicle."

This is usually something perpetrated by juvenile delinquent types.