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sd-slider BBQ/ Spoolfool cool car show @ Bates June 2nd.


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Show update.

We've got an All-Star list of vendors who are donating stuff to the raffle. :) Once I get it sorted out, I'll post up what each vendor is donating. Here's the list so far.

AZ GN/ Nick Micale
TA Performance
Highway Stars
HR Parts
Kirbans Performance
G Body Parts
GNS Performance
Alky Control/ Razor
DRW/ Don Wang

Turbo Lou, Brent, Jessie, Nick Micale/AZ GN and Don Wang/ DRW Trans will be at the show. If anyone wants to buy stuff from them and save on the shipping, contact them and they can bring it with them.

This is an invitation only event for vendors. If someone shows up selling vacuum cleaners, they will be tarred and feathered on site. If you are a vendor that wishes to participate in this show and are not on this list, contact me.

This raffle is to help pay for Bates rental, vendor changes by Bates, and free event T-shirts. As we are not charging an entry free for the cars.:)
If we don't make enough money to cover costs, we're cool with that. If we make more money than we've payed out, We plan on rolling it into next years show. Our main goal is to get as many Buicks together as we can.:)

Mike Barnard
Mike, I don't care what Lou says about you, you're a hell of a guy in my book. Tons of appreciation out to you and Eric and everyone else for getting this back on track! Can't wait!!!
Mike, I don't care what Lou says about you, you're a hell of a guy in my book. Tons of appreciation out to you and Eric and everyone else for getting this back on track! Can't wait!!!
Lou's been pushing me for quite a while to do this thing. Being that this event combines muscle cars and farm animals all in the same place, I think it's always been a favorite of his.;)

Mike B.
Lou's favorite book.....

Mike looking forward to this event, what time will it start, what time do we need to be there by to registered or can we registered on line.can we bring an ez up shade or will there be shade...sorry for all the questions just don't want to forget anything...thanks so much for all your help...

Gates will open at 9:00 AM. Most people will start showing up 10:00-10:30. Bates has food concessions that will be selling hot dogs hamburgers and such for lunch. A quick vendor introduction will happen around 1:00. Followed by the raffle, that should last about an hour. The rest of the afternoon is reserved for socializing, trading raffle prizes with each other and harassing Lou for not bringing a Turbo Buick.

Everyone WILL want to bring their own chair to sit in. The first thirty cars that show up will be able to park under the shade trees. As the sun moves, so will the shaded areas. If you don't want to sit in the sun, move your chair under a tree. Some people do bring EZ ups. Not having a shady place to sit has never been a problem at Bates. There is no registration or entry fee for this Buick show. If you bring a Buick or Buick powered vehicle, you will receive a free goody bag with event T-shirt.

This is a family friendly event. Bates Nut Farm has a petting zoo and store. Here's the link to Bates, for directions, pictures and up coming events.

Bates Nut Farm
15954 Woods Valley Rd.
Valley Center, CA 92082
If you can see your way to find a spot for a pretty dang nice '64 Corvette, my buddy Tom woukd like to join in on the fun and fesivities.

His plan is to drive out on Saturday in the caravan from Phoenix to CA, detour to Lake Forest and Lou's shop with me and then on to the Bate's shindig with those of us who leave from there on Sunday morning.

I'd give up a place in the shade to accomodate his car, seeing as he has soft spot in his heart for the TR's and his 'Vette is a pretty nice car............ but if he has to park in the sun I won't be too heart broken...

Perhaps he and Lou will find a quiet corner to talk Corvette's and sheep herding together........;)
This is a Buick only event. However, if someone pull up in a bitchen hot rod, they wont be turned away.

We may however, make them wear their event T-shirt inside out until after the show as punishment for not bringing a Buick.:p:D

Mike B.
Not much to update.:rolleyes:
T-shirts are being made. Just found out that Brian at Gbody parts is sending us a set of his new aluminum GN wheels for the raffle. Scott from GNS performance just sent us a three pillar gauge set up. Alradco is sending us about a thousand bucks worth of products. Nick Micale is going to bring from AZ a set of his stainless steel headers. Word has it that TA is going to throw in a Stainless steel down pipe. HR is sending us some control arms. RJC is hooking us up with a set of his pulleys. Donnie Wang is kicking down with a $500.00 gift cert for DRW trans. (would be cool if Meanchicken wins it;)). I'll be giving away some Spoolfool Bumber fillers. Turbo Lou will be giving away one of the nicest raffle prizes and he doesn't even know it yet.:D Wait till he finds out. He never liked that ZO6 Vette anyways.:eek:

Then we've got Highway stars, Kirbans, Razors, and a few more.

108 Event T-shirts have been ordered. No money will be taken for these Hanes shirts or show entry. (Gary insisted on Hanes
or Eric and I would be banned :eek::D). If you care to support this show, Buy a raffle ticket. You will not regret it.;)

Our goal of this show is to get as many Buicks as possible to show up.
A month ago, the Old Town TB event in FL. got about fifty Turbo Buicks to show up. Kirbans show got about the same. I'm not sure how many Turbo buicks they got at the Gbody event last week. Also not sure how many were at Bowling Greens. All the biggest Turbo Buick events have been East of the Mississippi. I'd like to see the Biggest Turbo Buick event in the USA in the South Western Section.

I think we have a chance. It could happen. I don't usually ask much from people, but I'm asking now. Let's Rock this thing.

Mike B.
What a great event this is shaping up to be. Very sad that I have to miss it. Mike we just finished up a batch of radiators so we'll be putting our shipment together for you.
sd-slider BBQ / Spoolfool Cool Car Show @ Bates June 2nd.

01) Eric.-----------------sd-slider-------San Diego, PRK-------’87 GN-----
02) Mike Barnard-----Spoolfool2-----Hntgtn Bch, PRK-----’87 GN
03) James---------------Squid4life------San Diego, PRK ------No car
04) Neal Steward.-----750H.P.V6-----Somewhere, PRK-----’87 GN
05) Al Vargo------------AlVarog1983.-Somewhere, PRK-----’87 GN
06) sand1---------------Unknown------Phoenix, AR------------?????
07) John Saleeby------John Saleeby--Walnut, PRK-----------’87 GN
08) Lil Truck-----------Unknown------Somewhere, ??---------’87 GN
09) 87GN4S&S---------Unknown------Somewhere, USA------’87 GN
10) Reggie West-------Reggie West---Somewhere, PRK------’87 Turbo T
11) Reggie West, Sr---Reggie West SrSomewhere, PRK------’87 GN
12) Luis------------------luisturbog-----Somewhere, PRK------’86 powered
13) Rafael Vasquez----Ralph----------Somewhere, PRK-------’87 Limited
14) Jorge Vasquez-----Jorge-----------Somewhere, PRK--------Monte Carlo DT
15) Javier Vasquez----Javier----------Somewhere, PRK---------T-Type
16) Sergio Vasquez---Sergio----------Somewhere, PRK---------GN
17) Lou------------------turbolou-------Lake Forest, PRK----------Vette ZR1
18) Chris--------------TType85-------Somewhere, PRK---------’85 T-Type
19) Nick Micale--------Nick Micale----Phoenix, AZ----------------??????????
20) AZMotorgod-------Robert----------Phoenix, AZ---------------’87 GN
21) Rodney87GN------Rodney---------Somewhere, PRK--------’87 GN
22) Gaby-----------------?????------------Somewhere, PRK--------’86 T-Type
23) Gilbert--------------EVRGL----------Somewhere, PRK---------?????
23) Mike Grauer-------Mike Grauer---Somewhere, PRK--------GN
24) RJ RENOLDS-------RJ Renolds-----Phoenix, AZ---------------WE4
25) RJ’s son-------------?? Renolds-----Phoenix, AZ---------------WH1
26) Guy Cunningham-TurboTGuy----Phoenix, AZ---------------’87 Turbo T
27) Rick Seltz-----------02WS686GN--Hemet, PRK--------------’87 GN
28) Mikaljavian--------Mikaljavian----Somewhere, PRK--------’87 GN
Hey all, this sounds Great! I won't be able to make it this year darn it, but will sure put it on the calender for the next one. I know I could win the prettiest turbo t competition!:p