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SD2/Powerlogger Pro general discussion


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You insist on doing things the hard way don't ya? ;) Why use the F12 key. Just RIGHT CLICK in the graph you want and the entire list of choices is displayed for you to select from.
LOL, ya got me Dave! Learning something new all the time... I should just RTFM then, eh? LOL But really, thanks - I did not know you could do that.

So, FWIW, AFR Correction does show up with a right click and I can select it. It does not show up on my desktop when cycling through with F12 (or F9, F10, F11 for that matter). Pretty sure its the only variable that does not show up. And it works fine on my laptop. Weird...
So, I got home and checked my numbers and found: Boost Solenoid DC (1/2) =(84.7), Boost DC (3rd gear)= (80), and Boost DC (4th gear) =(80). Are these the default values because I don't recall ever changing them? Also, what impact do they have on my boost levels? I've been struggling with high boost and now I wonder if this could be part of the problem.
So, I got home and checked my numbers and found: Boost Solenoid DC (1/2) =(84.7), Boost DC (3rd gear)= (80), and Boost DC (4th gear) =(80). Are these the default values because I don't recall ever changing them? Also, what impact do they have on my boost levels? I've been struggling with high boost and now I wonder if this could be part of the problem.
If you are you using the stock solenoid to control your boost them figures will control your boost levels at the different settings .
My set up is an adjustable actuator with stock solenoid and a bstc boost controller. What is the impact of changing the numbers in the powerlogger pro?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
My set up is an adjustable actuator with stock solenoid and a bstc boost controller. What is the impact of changing the numbers in the powerlogger pro?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
By looking at Daves settings the higher the number the more the boost , I would move one area and log before and after and see how much it moves your boost , the log will show that .
My set up is an adjustable actuator with stock solenoid and a bstc boost controller. What is the impact of changing the numbers in the powerlogger pro?

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
If you're using the BstC for boost control then the power logger won't take control until you shut the BstC off.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
Sorry to be dense, does that mean no matter what number I put in the field there is no impact unless the controller is off?
there appears to be one or two lingering glitches with that stuff.

can you try to see if its repeatable and let me know the sequence of things that makes it happen?

Sorry to be dense, does that mean no matter what number I put in the field there is no impact unless the controller is off?

Bob, can correct me if I make any mistakes here, but this is how I understand the BstC workings in relation to the ECM. I have a BstC that was in my 86, but now in my 87.

If you remember, as you installed the BstC you have to cut the boost control signal wire leaving the ECM and wire the BstC wires to those two ends. That means the BstC breaks the ECM signal and sends its own signal to the boost solenoid.
Except when you turn the BstC off, then the ECM's signal is allowed to pass through the BstC and control the solenoid.

So, logic tells me that with the BstC turned ON, the ECM/Powerlogger boost signal is intercepted and not allowed to pass and the BstC signal is sent out to the motor.
By turning BstC OFF, the ECM/Powerlogger boost control signal is then allowed to pass through the BstC and go out to the motor.

Clear as mud? Hope all that's correct.

I don't know if those numbers in your boxes are defaults or not, but they seem awful high. They might work if your actuator is NOT a high boost model though.

If you decide to turn the BstC off and play with those numbers either lower them some or watch you boost climb and be ready to get out of it if it climbs too high.
Thanks Dave. Good explanation and that is how the BstC controller is installed. I had an HD actuator but installed a standard one this week to try to help bring my boost down a bit. It wouldn't go below 23 even if I turned the controller off and now I'm wondering if those numbers kept it high.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
That's possible. the only way to tell is to play with those numbers and see the results. Reduce each box by 10 or more and see what the boost does (BstC turned off).
The nice thing about powerlogger is that it logs wastegate duty cycle %, so using the BstC to control boost, log a run with your boost set to where you're comfortable and see what the wastegate duty cycle logs at. Use that number in the appropriate box in the tune page, so you will be close when you turn the BstC off.

I believe that's where I got my numbers to plug in, by looking at old logs when I had the BstC hooked up.
the PL can't see what the BstC is doing.

unplug the solenoid and see what the base boost is.

at 100 % DC the stock solenoid will generally raise boost 1.5x the base unless there are other issues (wastegate hole size, and backpressure effects)

The boost rise to dutycycle is not a linear relationship, and will take some trial and error to find, thats just the way it is with open loop boost control.

Okay. I will give that a shot. Currently when I look at my logs the wastegate solenoid part of the log is exactly what is in the fields from the parameters page even though the BstC controller is on.

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
So I unplugged the solenoid and I got 25lbs of boost. I plugged the solenoid back in and disconnected the actuator rod (slower spool) and got 23lbs of boost. Puck moves freely and the hole has been ported. I am not sure what is going on here. The logs are attached.


welcome to the wonderful world of low backpressure turbines......

this is/was a common issue when that turbine came out. I've never had to battle it, but there were some porting techniques that
helped I think. It had to do with radiusing the short turn where the exhaust gasses enter the wastegate hole.

the issue is that the sharp turn the exhaust has to make to go thru the wastegate hole is harder to do than to just go out thru the turbine wheel.

am I making sense?

I believe so. Is there anything else to do or is my lowest boost 23lbs? My turbo has the S Ported Shroud if that matters.
an external gate on the header is the surest fix. otherwise, I don't know what contouring you did on the inside of the wastegate port
Bob has made some excellent points!! I might add, if you can't get your boost under control with your present BstC then trying to control it with Powerlogger isn't going to solve anything. At this point you need to resolve whatever is causing such high boost, get it under control with BstC, and then....