Some new TTA pics


Active Member
May 18, 2004
I decided to pull the TTA out and show some of the changes that I made on it this winter.

To start off with this is something my dad showed me. It's polishing the hose clamps on the MAF pipe (I have T-bolts on the up-pipe), each clamp takes about 3 minutes to do and it makes a hugh difference.


You can see the difference here (the left side is polished some and the right isn't


Then we used tire cleaner and cleaned up the bottles. It worked really well, this washer fluid bottle used to be almost brown.


The engine bay, I had the heat shield and VC powder coated. I also got a new billet vacuum block (haven't gotten to polish it yet)


You can see where I hid the wires in this picture. You can see them wrapped in heat wrap going under the AC box. No problems so far and I've done multiple highway pulls and several runs at the track so far.




Some pictures of my new spoiler. I know some people were asking for them, and I ended up mounting it like someone on here suggested (I think it might have been Jan). Using 3 screws in each side in the stock mounting slots, it worked awesome.




And here's just some random pictures showing the 25k mile paint and how well it reflects :biggrin: This was done on a gloomy day too. And a picture of one of the front wheels, it's got a couple nicks but stays pretty clean.






Looks great. Spoiler looks a lottttt better than a cracked one, even if it isnt stock. I did the same thing you did on the spark plug wires. The paint looks awesome too. Well worth your time. Very nice looking car!

Nice! Polsihing the clamps you say.. damn you to hell now I'll be pulling all them off to do that! :D Nice looking pics! Now you have to get to work on that alternator! Took me about 5 hours to get mine looking like the pics below.. Some simple green and polish on a tooth brush! Then you have to keep bumping the engine over to move it. Mine looked about the same as yours.. Damn alternators on these cars get sh!tty quick and stay that way! You can also get new bottles from GM for the car if they get nasty again. They are cheap! I did that with mine..

phillyturbosix said:
Nice! Polsihing the clamps you say.. damn you to hell now I'll be pulling all them off to do that! :D Nice looking pics! Now you have to get to work on that alternator! Took me about 5 hours to get mine looking like the pics below.. Some simple green and polish on a tooth brush! Then you have to keep bumping the engine over to move it. Mine looked about the same as yours.. Damn alternators on these cars get sh!tty quick and stay that way! You can also get new bottles from GM for the car if they get nasty again. They are cheap! I did that with mine..


Yeah I bought a new Radiator bottle last year but I don't want to have to buy a new one like every year. The tire shine worked well to keep it looking good for longer.

As far as the alternator, it'll be change within the next 2 weeks. I was thinking about just going to Advance having them pull everything that they have up and choosing the one that looks best. If not I'll just take that one off and do what you did. I would also like to get the fan, pulley, and nut from RJC for it.

I think what I'm most proud of is the hidden wiring. It took me a good couple hours to get it all set up right and it's something different that I haven't seen anyone else do. It cleans up that whole side of the engine bay. I'm gunna work on rerouting the wires on the drivers side next.
Save your self time and energy. Get the alternator chromed or powdercoated.



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Quiky One said:


I don't want any more chrome. I have some stuff polished, some chrome, some painted a matte black, and some powdercoated silver. It kind of has a balance that I like of a little bit of everything.

Can you just disassemble them to have them powdercoated? I thought maybe the magnets would mess with the charge used to make the powdercoat stick.
72firebird said:
I don't want any more chrome. I have some stuff polished, some chrome, some painted a matte black, and some powdercoated silver. It kind of has a balance that I like of a little bit of everything.

Can you just disassemble them to have them powdercoated? I thought maybe the magnets would mess with the charge used to make the powdercoat stick.
I know you can have them powdercoated. In fact, Oreillys here in town sells them alreayd powdercoated from yellow to black. Might want to go see them. I personally wouldnt take an alternator apart unless it was bad. All I invision is hundreds of little springs flying everywhere. :eek:

I'm with 72firebird.. all that bling don't look good under the hood of a TTA. The more stock they look the better they look IMO. 72firebird you have a very nice contrast of chrome, powder coating, etc. going on under the hood. Looks good.. If I were to bling up my bay it would be about that much. The GN's on the other hand I think look good with allot of bling. I guess it's the black car and a chrome go really well. White car and chrome don't look that good.

You really don't need to powder coat the alternator on these cars. Some polish will bring it right up. Depending on how much you polish it to the luster your looking for. I polished mine up to make it look like a real clean stock example of how it should be. However if you want to powdercoat it just take it to a local shop that works on them. We have several starter/alternator shops that are local. Have them take it apart for you.. get the pieces powdercoated and have them assemble it back together. That way you can check the brushes while it's apart and it won't cost much to freshin it up while it's apart. I've done that on other cars I've owned and it works out well. Alternators are not hard to take apart but you always wind up breaking the brushes off if your not careful. But try some Simple Green, scrub brushes.. and some polish and I'm sure you'll be happy! :D
phillyturbosix said:
Nice! Polsihing the clamps you say.. damn you to hell now I'll be pulling all them off to do that! :D Nice looking pics! Now you have to get to work on that alternator! Took me about 5 hours to get mine looking like the pics below.. Some simple green and polish on a tooth brush! Then you have to keep bumping the engine over to move it. Mine looked about the same as yours.. Damn alternators on these cars get sh!tty quick and stay that way! You can also get new bottles from GM for the car if they get nasty again. They are cheap! I did that with mine..

Oh Jim I forgot to tell you, I used a dremel with one of the little polishing wheels on it. Then just use your favorite metal polish and they'll clean up right away. I think I'll be pulling the alternator off this weekend and trying what you said for cleaning it.
Sounds good I'll play on my GN with those clamps! :)

Take your time with the alternator and you'll be happy with the results I'm sure! :)
72 Firebird your car looks great inside and out. One thing that no one has commented on is how did you get your AC up near the passenger-side firewall to look so good? It almost looks like stainless.

Also, how hard was it to get your VC's powdercoated?
72 Firebird your car looks great inside and out. One thing that no one has commented on is how did you get your AC up near the passenger-side firewall to look so good? It almost looks like stainless.

Also, how hard was it to get your VC's powdercoated?

72 Firebird's...engine and car looks awesome :cool:

I just did a qick job on mine a few weeks ago...use Mothers Aluminum polish. Rub it on and it will turn black 1st then buff it off with a clean rag. It will shine right up...the more you do it the more it will shine. You can do it on the car...if you have it appart and off the car then a buffer will do the trick better and much quicker.

Here's mine...not as nice as 72 Firbird but its much better then it can kind of see it in this pic

Scott89TTA said:
72 Firebird's...engine and car looks awesome :cool:

I just did a qick job on mine a few weeks ago...use Mothers Aluminum polish. Rub it on and it will turn black 1st then buff it off with a clean rag. It will shine right up...the more you do it the more it will shine. You can do it on the car...if you have it appart and off the car then a buffer will do the trick better and much quicker.

Here's mine...not as nice as 72 Firbird but its much better then it can kind of see it in this pic

Scott, how many times did you buff your AC compressor to get it to look like that? It looks very nice.

Thanks Jason