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Stage 1, ta performace alum heads, blowing smoke and oil out of both breathers after fresh rebuild. less then 300 miles on engine.


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We can all clearly see why Steve stepped in.

With a whiny, picky, limited knowledge having customer, anyone would’ve stepped in too before stuff got out of control. As it clearly did.

We have yet to diagnose the CURRENT issue.

Lol I spent 22k+ with this guy I supplied all the parts and what not. And then he made money on a turbo to recoup some loses from blowing up the engine. And he sent me an email saying don’t post on the board. And he went and posted looking like the hero. What reputable person does that?
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Condensation generates in a motor is from cool nights, on engine cool down.
Once the temp stay warm though the night you will see little if any condensation burn off.
N0,warm humid air condenses when it come into contact with something cold. The cold causes the water vapor in the air to change it's state from a gas to a liquid. This happens upon engine start up,not cool down. I think you are confusing dew with condensation. The engine always produces condensation upon start up. It's just more noticeable when it's colder outside. just look at what comes out of the tail pipe. Even if it was condensation being pushed out in the videos,that's not the point. The problem is that something,obviously pressure, is forcing what ever it is out of the crankcase at a great and alarming rate. The question is where is the pressure coming from.
That's when others and you jumped on that band wagon.

YOU weren't here before Steve V stepped in, pal. Why are you casting aspersions now, do you have a dog in this hunt?

I'm still not sure I see smoke and not steam. I sure don't see any oil being blown about.

Compression test was good, let's wait for the leak down and see where that leads us. Which, if any, plugs are fouled?
YOU weren't here before Steve V stepped in, pal. Why are you casting aspersions now, do you have a dog in this hunt?
I'm simply recounting and drawing your attention to what happened/recorded history. It's not open to debate. You statement that The OP attached Steve doesn't pass the truth test. The opposite is what happened based on the recorded evidence. The evidence tells us what the truth is. It's not open to a debate or a vote. It's the truth.

Let me guess,You're allowed to have a dog in this hunt,but not me.
None of these guys remotely scare me. In fact in makes me laugh. I get attacked I defend myself it’s my fault.
We can all clearly see why Steve stepped in.
Actually, we can't know for sure why Steve stepped in. What we do know for sure is that he didn't step in to defend his good name as his name was never mentioned. One possible reasons that he stepped in was to attach the OP's character,but not to defend his own as he was not attached.
Actually, we can't know for sure why Steve stepped in. What we do know for sure is that he didn't step in to defend his good name as his name was never mentioned. One possible reasons that he stepped in was to attach the OP's character,but not to defend his own as he was not attached.
But the best part about it all is that he sent me a email saying keep everything between us then he went and posted a whole lot of nonsense and diversion. And no he does not have a good name. People are a afraid to come forward. Just look at what’s happening to me. I had to find out I had a copper tube put into my motor that he ruined.
I'm simply recounting and drawing your attention to what happened/recorded history. It's not open to debate. You statement that The OP attached Steve doesn't pass the truth test. The opposite is what happened based on the recorded evidence. The evidence tells us what the truth is. It's not open to a debate or a vote. It's the truth.

Let me guess,You're allowed to have a dog in this hunt,but not me.

I have absolutely no dog in this hunt. I'm looking at this train wreck from 1000 feet up in the air and am trying to see both sides, but this thing, if it is an "informational and technical thread" as it was started as has gone completely sideways, largely due to the OP and his continuous engaging in useless banter UNRELATED to his CURRENT issue(s).

He IS NOT going to let Steve V touch his car again, therefore, he needs to desist in engaging with him in this particular format.

That is where we are. Everyone needs to quit beating a dead horse and move towards a solution to the OP's issue(s).

Get it?
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Ok so do what?

Leakdown test.

The plugs “look” like they are fuel fouled a bit but we can’t know for sure if it’s oil or not until you do a leakdown test.

Let’s resolve one issue at a time. The rich looking plugs is not a major issue at the moment and will not hinder anything.

After the leakdown test is performed we can know in what direction to point you in.

My feeling is that it’s a combination of boost passing through your PCV valve saturating your breathers with oil. Along with the style valve covers you have putting the breathers right over the top of the rockers slinging oil on them. If that is the case, all if that is an easy fix. We just need answers from the leakdown. For now, your compression test looks great.

We also can’t rule out a bit of condensation maybe playing a factor in all this.

Your video does not look like blow by. Those saying that it is conclusively blow by just by looking at those videos are giving an undiagnosed hypothesis with limited information.

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I'm simply recounting and drawing your attention to what happened/recorded history. It's not open to debate. You statement that The OP attached Steve doesn't pass the truth test. The opposite is what happened based on the recorded evidence. The evidence tells us what the truth is. It's not open to a debate or a vote. It's the truth.

Let me guess,You're allowed to have a dog in this hunt,but not me.

Actually if you want to know the truth, in the beginning, there were two separate threads, going on at the same exact time? Both of which have since been combined! So, no sir, this thread does not read anything like it did in the beginning. And as such, you can’t tell one from the other either. Therefore, whether it looks like or not now, you are still incorrect in your assertions here, as to the OP’s innocence.

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N0,warm humid air condenses when it come into contact with something cold. The cold causes the water vapor in the air to change it's state from a gas to a liquid. This happens upon engine start up,not cool down. I think you are confusing dew with condensation. The engine always produces condensation upon start up. It's just more noticeable when it's colder outside. just look at what comes out of the tail pipe. Even if it was condensation being pushed out in the videos,that's not the point. The problem is that something,obviously pressure, is forcing what ever it is out of the crankcase at a great and alarming rate. The question is where is the pressure coming from.
The video I just watched doesn’t show pressure out of the breathers at an alarming rate. Looks like burnoff to me. But it is a video and I am not standing there.
As I posted earlier, as it’s doing what is seen in the video rev the throttle if it picks up to much quicker rate there is a problem. If it barely changes I would consider it normal.
Actually if you want to know the truth, in the beginning, there were two separate threads, going on at the same exact time? Both of which have since been combined! So, no sir, this thread does not read anything like it did in the beginning. And as such, you can’t tell one from the other either. Therefore, whether it looks like or not now, you are still incorrect in your assertions here, as to the OP’s innocence.

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I know all about the combination of threads.
Go to the first post in this thread and read. Observe the tone of the first 39 posts. It was very cordial as ideas and theories where being exchanged. Steve was not mentioned. How did the OP attach Steve?
I know all about the combination of threads.
Go to the first post in this thread and read. Observe the tone of the first 39 posts. It was very cordial as ideas and theories where being exchanged. Steve was not mentioned. How did the OP attach Steve?

Dude, there are 398 posts here now. So, if you think I’m going to go back and attempt to clue you in, then you’re dead wrong. All I’m saying is that the post that I was on was totally different and in that thread the OP was disparaging Steve V and that’s all he’s done ever since. Therefore, if you can’t see that, then all the evidence in the world won’t help you see the light. There’s an old saying, you can bring a horse to water! Well, there’s the watering hole (whether you can see the ripples or not it happened and I watched it and even responded to it)! But, now it all mixed up. So, believe what you want, I’m just telling you the truth about what happened is all.

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Nobody came on here attacking the OP, until the OP started in on his attacks. And even then, he was given plenty of rope. However, after it became quite obvious to any thinking person what was happening, well, then that is when people started coming at the OP.

And you needn’t take my word for it as there are plenty of others who have seen it transpire. Heck, he’s been warmed three ways to Sunday, had threads combined (and moved) to Vendor Feedback. However, you can keep kidding yourself about his innocence all you want.

But, when you have the owner of the website warning the OP, then I’d think you’d take that at face value? However, obviously that is not the case as you believe we are all out to get the man. Never mind he’s acted ass, right?

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