The 84-85 air box is different than a 86-87.
The snorkel is made onto the top of the air box on the 84-85 units.
But the 86-87 air boxes have a slightly longer plastic snorkel that curves slightly till is reaches the opening behind the high beam headlite
There must have been a big flow difference there cause why would have gm redone the air box?
Buick was looking to extract as much power as they could so the I/C,airbox and the intake were the first place they started.
But since jerryl don't seem to like real world data...........

I'm gonna do a back to back flow test on air boxes 84-85 VS 86-87 units and see which unit flows better. i do have access to a flow bench:tongue:
Also just a tidbit of info the 84-85 air boxes are the same units that were used on the carbed turbo regals.
so they were actually meant for the 150hp turbo 6 not the 200 hp sfi 6