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*****STOLEN***** truck/trailer/car


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Problem is we have not had the other plate info updated on any of the tow vehicles or trailers or other cars. So they could put all the cars on the one trailer dumped a few at another location and swapped trailer plates, what is commonly referred to as being cold plated, when you swap a plate of a similar vehicle (Escalade to Escalade) and that when the plate is run it wont come back as a "hot hit" or stolen. Believe me in all the time in Las Vegas, we looked for ways to get to pull over Denalis, Escalades, any high end vehicle that looked out of place in my area (NE side of Las Vegas). We ranked #1 in car theft for over 10 years and i helped out with "Bait Car tv show as well." Without elaborating on techniques to give scumbags an advantage, lets just say cold plated vehicles that looked out of place and got pulled over, well quite often it would be a simple VIN check and bam the car is stolen.

We put into place an initiation called "Operation Vtech " to counter gang related shootings, text parties (when a large group of teens/young people text everyone they know into crashing a party), street racing deaths, etc) to focus on stolen Honda vtechs, either transmissions, engines, or entire cars. In less than 6 months, i was #1 in the Las Vegas Metro Pd with over 70 cars or various drive trains. Many were swapped into cars from salvage yards where the entire car was clean but had a "dirty" drive train in the vehicle. We busted every body from street racers to disgruntled fired Honda Parts Manager who we executed a search warrant and found his entire garage of stolen blocks, parts, etc and 5 cars (all shells sans drivetrain).

Ive been in touch quite a few times with Billy the last few days and I hope they get these SOBS! It really aggravates me how piss poor a job the BG PD is doing since :
1. There is 5 cars missing, obviously a calculated hit.
2. This event pumps tons of money in the area and has been going since 1981.
3. The BG area gets tons of large car events every year and a theft like this could mount a serious decrease in attendance and revenue for their town by showing a half ass attitude for safety of personal property and visiting tourists since auto events is there #1 source of revenue, i guarantee it!
4. You read and obviously a father/son team who races has not been indicted by are serious persons of interests in thefts of multiple Mustangs. Diesel theft i know is very high down there as i talked to fellow friend with knowledge of it in the past few days.

Better do something about it, b/c vigilant owners will start packing heat to events and make no mistake about it, people will not compensate their safety or possession for some scumbag trying to take them of something they worked years of hard work, blood, sweat and tears to earn a right to call their own. Believe me, CCW is the way to go !!
Hopefully they weren't professionals, doesn't sound like they were. Only two cars have been verified as stolen and were stolen with their tow vehicles that didn't seem to have any theft deterrents.
It's possible they are still in KY. Diesel truck theft is not uncommon in these parts. There were trucks stolen from a plant I used to work at during day shift, they pull the engines and trannys and the rest ends up at a " no questions asked " scrap metal yard or left on the side of the road somewhere.
They could have looked at getting the car and trailer as a bonus.
People push the stripped dead carcus of a shell back out in the street so it is recovered.... Amazingly it is then removed from the "Hot sheet" and taken to auction. The car is then auctioned off and if parts pop up its hard for the police to know what was on the car and what was missing after being recovered and sold. If the shell is cut up and scraped the car along with all of its parts will always be on the list and looked out for. Something I learned long ago from guys in Detroit when we used to buy salvaged cars.
This is true but the average cop pulling a car over won't go through the extent of an investigation, but any auto crime unit has to ability to see the full history of the car including if it was stolen and what parts were stripped off prior to recovery. The problem with our 25 year old GNs is most are far from stock including blocks,trans,body panels.. Some dont even have original frames anymore. But in my opinion there is to much publicity on this topic (as there should be) to have any thief in there right mind try and dismantle or tag any of these cars without getting caught. I would be less surprised to see these parts going on to there own cars.
People push the stripped dead carcus of a shell back out in the street so it is recovered.... Amazingly it is then removed from the "Hot sheet" and taken to auction. The car is then auctioned off and if parts pop up its hard for the police to know what was on the car and what was missing after being recovered and sold. If the shell is cut up and scraped the car along with all of its parts will always be on the list and looked out for. Something I learned long ago from guys in Detroit when we used to buy salvaged cars.
The news is at least getting out there. Look at the linkbacks so far. Even the Ford guys are trying to help out here. :)
In my opinon these cars are still in BowlingGreen somewhere close to where they was stolen from, there is noway i would put stolen cars on the interstate after i just Boost them....i would have a place close to hide a warehouse or storage building until the heat is gone, somewhere there is a meeting point for these cars....this is my view from being in Law enforcement...thats why no one have seen them on the interstate...i could be wrong but this is just my opinion...
I would bet they didn't go far. Prolly inside a pole barn not too far from where they were stolen. I would bet the perps are locals who are very comfortable within their area. They take advantage of events when that come to town. Stealing vehicles that are easy targets. Meaning, older vehicles that are easy targets and too old for on star. They got a nice score on Billy's ride. I hope he has good insurance.

One thing I find funny, don't see any posts here from Kentucky folk...... :p


I can't say for certain that it wasn't someone local, but word about the situation is out around here. The thing that makes me think it would be someone from out of town is that there are a few turbo Buicks that sit outside here locally, in plain sight of passersby.
I'm not a GN Owner, however, I am located in Southern NJ and am one who has posted BOLO's on NUMEROUS forums of which I am a member. I had to join this site just to post this as well:

Billy T. (and the other GN Owner's who had a loss) -

I posted a BOLO on one of THE largest CDL/Long Haul Truck forums on the web for you guys. I figured if ANYONE may be able to help, it would be ANY ONE of those Truck Drivers, as they are on US roads DAILY 24/7/365. They have the capabilities to see LOTS more than any one of us - and in some instances, see things quicker than local Police and/or State Police. They also hit up multiple Truck Stops, Fueling Depots, Rest Stops and Food Stops. I'm not sure why the "linkback" is not showing, but, in any instance, be assured, it is getting visibility.

I would recommend that more of you join and/or post on similar CDL/Trucking site - also you all are more than welcome to copy and paste my wording from the thread I started, this way, you guys don't have to "retype"...

Here is the thread for you all:
Truckers Report Trucking Forum | Largest CDL Truck Driver Message Board

I REALLY hope those GN's are found and that the word continues to spread throughout the WWW. I hope the thieves are prosecuted to the highest degree by Law, and really feel sorry for them if the Law is not who catches up to them....

Best of Luck Billy T. and you other GN Owners!
Actually they were spotted on the highway on 65 south of Indy, then later on 75? in Ohio...
So if they were spotted twice they why aren't they found yet???? Why didn't the people who spotted them, follow them a distance back while on the phone to 911?

I don't buy this theory that these rigs/cars are just going down several interstates! The longer they are out in the open on a busy interstate the greater the chance on getting seen, getting pulled over, Etc, Etc... If you ask me they are still close to BG in a surrounding area and they have to be Buick people who done this and here is why I feel this way... They targeted all Buick TR's and you Must know something about these cars in order to disperse parts or Use them...These guy's are after certain parts like the engine, trans, rear ends, turbo's, Etc so they can be used on their own cars and be fairly hidden or go unnoticed and the rest of the little crap is what usually finds it's way for sale.... I just can't see these thief's hopping in these stolen rig's pulling cars like Billy's on an open car trailer across several states in the wide open... and if they are and they have been spotted several times then what the hell are the people who spotted them doing? I am sick to my stomach over this and get worked up when I see posts that they were spotted but still nothing happens....:mad:

Billy, I know how your feeling and If I can help just give me a call...

Scot W.
probably a good idea to engrave ones initals on their engines, trans and parts. would make it harder for the theif to move parts
In my opinon these cars are still in BowlingGreen somewhere close to where they was stolen from, there is noway i would put stolen cars on the interstate after i just Boost them....i would have a place close to hide a warehouse or storage building until the heat is gone, somewhere there is a meeting point for these cars....this is my view from being in Law enforcement...thats why no one have seen them on the interstate...i could be wrong but this is just my opinion...
X2 . Im sure there were a bunch of gns on trailers returning from BG. I would say they are still around BG untill everything blows over.
Steve chopped 39 is 100% there prob still in bg waiting for iy to cool down or the cars are stripped already
Actually they were spotted on the highway on 65 south of Indy, then later on 75? in Ohio...

I don't think that was ever confirmed.

It would take a really stupid crook to take such high profile (easilly spotted and I.D.'d) vehicles out on the interstates!! I'm betting they're still in the BG area, in hiding.
I agree with them cars still being in BG! But Their already in peices man.. Sorry to say it. But these guys, if there good as they seem to be, had them cars in a garage before sundown and had people waiting to takethese cars apart!! I wish you all the best into finding your car! But its going to be a week here in a few days. I think its time to staret looking for parts that were in your car!! Rigs rolling down the highway still?? Doubtful!! they would have gotten to where they are going by now. I doubt their stopping for a ham and cheese omelette!! Good luck !!!
I'm not a newbie to automotive forums, but also not a GN owner (Mustang Enthusiast really... LOL) - but I just wanted to join and say that I (as many others) have posted BOLO's on numerous web forums I belong to (some which are listed in the linkbacks). I'm also a local NJ Auto Enthusiast, so, hopefully Billy T. is getting some tips and/or more updates due to the magnitude of the outpouring of "help" by all of us posting on as many web sites as possible.

The story made Jalopnik - however, someone needs to contact Jalopnik and update them with how many GN's were swiped...

Help us find this stolen Buick Grand National

I also joined and posted a good thread on one of the largest CDL/Long Haul Trucker forums on the W.W.W. I figured if ANYONE has the eyes and ears, it would be those guys, since they are traveling from State to State on a daily, 24/7/365 basis. The more the info is put out there, the better and these guys need all the help they can get locating those stolen vehicles.

Truckers Report Trucking Forum | Largest CDL Truck Driver Message Board

Hopefully something will surface soon - the BOLO's for these GN's have been posted on NUMEROUS websites.... there's no way the thieves can do anything with those vehicles, as someone, somewhere, knows based on the threads posted everywhere...

The best bet for those thieves at this point is to dump and park the cars along side of a road somewhere before someone catches up to them...

Billy T. and the other affected GN Owners, I hope that you guys can get your vehicles back - or that someone locates them soon. I'm also hoping that my post on the CDL Trucker website will also be beneficial to you folks - and I suggest that other people also post more BOLO's on additional CDL/Trucker forums, as those guys see many things in their travels, more so than local or State Police....
My initial reaction was that this was a real professional operation and the crooks had it all planned out etc. The more I think about it though, both were pretty simple. Open trailers, they didn't have to follow and track to see what they were getting. I am sure it was not their first rodeo, but I doubt they were high level with overseas connections. Just thinking out loud. I think I would spend a few thousand and travel back to b.g. and hang out at some street racing hot spots. I am sure local performance shops could tell you where to go, especially the ricer ones. Bring a buddies 12 sec. Gn, act like a newbie fanatic, and tell everyone you lose to you and their friends you are looking for upgrades. Of course I wrote it here, ****. Definitely don't admit to knowing anything about buicks or the internet. Just a retarded enthusiast who needs parts and can be suckered into anything. I wouldn't even have to act.
So if they were spotted twice they why aren't they found yet???? Why didn't the people who spotted them, follow them a distance back while on the phone to 911?

Maybe they didn't know they were stolen at the time. If I was on the highway and saw a couple GN's I'd sure remember where I saw them. :)
I'm with Scot on this one. Who in their right mind would steal 5 GN's and tow all day with them?