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Stupid Street Racing


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Originally posted by blackbuick87
Slick for you to say "I used to do it myself but have grown up and matured - something that has yet to happen to many of the people here" is dumb also. Since you have lived long enough to see the light eveyone else is immature and stupid. Thats pretty hypocritical considering you used to do it also. Why did you stop? Probably because of a near miss or something happened to someone close to you. You would probably still be racing without that incident.

I'm happy to be able to say I have never been involved in a racing incident, nor even come close. Back when I did it, it was never organized with spectators and there was not all the information available on the dangers that we have today. When I talk about "street racing" now, I mean all kinds - not just the semi organized races where the street is lined with spectators. I include even just two cars running full throttle on any street, anywhere, anytime, with or without anyone watching.

I stopped because I sat down and thought long and hard about it. I thought about the burden I'd have to live with if I killed or injured a friend or some innocent person who just happened to get in the way. Accidents do happen. How could I ever justify such a thing to myself or to anybody else just for the sake of a race? How miserable would I be if I only got busted for racing and lost my license without even having an accident?

How do you justify it? These auto forums, and I participate in several, are filled with tales (many of them tall, I'm sure) of crazy reckless racing with no regard for safety. I believe that if we could see the faces behind the words written here, we would in many cases see very young people who have just gotten a drivers license and are suddenly going to show the world that they were born to be wild. If there is some way to reach some of them and get them to seriously think about the possible consequences of street racing, maybe a few of them would decide it isn't worth it, and some lives or crippling injuries may be saved.

That's all I hope for. If that makes me a hypoctite, then so be it.

Take care,
I used to streetrace a lot. But it was on a dead end street in the middle of nowhere with no cross streets and only serious racers. No alcohol or weed. Very few spectators too. If someone got killed or injured it was someone who knew what they were getting into in the first place. Some were young (I was 17) and some were 40+, but all were safe.

I quit when it turned into a big field party with 200+ people. People started getting hurt, the police started cracking down, there were fights, beer bottles everywhere, weed in the air, and maybe 10 cars actually racing usually with drunk drivers. The innocent trash talking turned serious and everyone has too big of an ego to actually race if there's a chance of losing.

I will occasionally do it from a redlight to the speed limit if the other driver is older and there's no cars around. I've messed around with too many kids in Hondas and had them do a flyby into traffic after I shut down at 40mph. Now it's more fun to set up races and have maybe a few people follow to witness and then drive back to where we were hanging out at.
I have been street racing for 15 years. Never had a close call, never killed anyone, never had an accident. I have seen people get killed street racing first hand, two of them close friends. To argue about whether or not to street race is a moot point. People have done it since the 50's and will continue to do it as long as the spirit of competition exists in men(and women). I guarantee that everybody on this board, at one time or another, has participated in a "street race". The law does not discern between an organized street race(at a known street racing spot) or a stoplight to stoplight dash in the middle of the day. So where do you draw the line? The media doesn't, that's why we wind up hearing the tall tales of "street racing deaths" any time a performance-type vehicle is involved. To blame the rise in street racing on a movie is absolutely ridiculous! When the murder rate in Washington D.C. rose to over 375 in a year, do you think for a second lawmakers thought it was because of the violence in the new Steven Segal movie? C' can't honestly believe that! The new generation of street racers may be different than most are used to seeing, but that was probably said about alot of the people on this very board as well when they infiltrated a street racing scene that was already established. I'm not defending all of the boneheads of the world, because they are out there. I have abandoned one of my all time favorite street racing spots in D.C., because of the emergence of gangs at that spot(they don't call D.C. "Dodge City" for nothin'!). That doesn't mean everybody at that spot is a homicidal maniac, bent on the destruction of innocent bystanders. I still hang out with alot of the guys that go to that spot, just on different nights at different spots. Bottom line is this: When it's your time, its your time.....period....end of story. Whether you are street racing, or just driving to the local coffee shop, anything can happen. I've had friends die street racing, I also had a friend who got killed by a 93 year old man, who did not stop at a red light and ran my buddy over as he walked across the street. Did I go on a rant and try to talk old people out of driving, and how dangerous it is having old folks behind the wheel? No. Don't like street racing? Don't do it. But do NOT push the "street racing is bad because I don't do it anymore" card....that's just B.S.

just my .02
If people are going to come in this Forum and Condem those looking for alittle street action then why have the forum to begin with? nobody is perfect and some streetlight action usually wont do any harm especially if its kept under the limit or just above it. Street Racing IS against the law but so is speeding on a Highway or Interstate, and Everyone does that FACT. As for people killed by Street Racers, the area of this person killed in the firebird...17 killed in one year. How many to Drunk Drivers? Cell phone users? or the elderly?Hell on CNN last week an elderly lady up north killed 4-5 poeple at once driving up on the sidewalk. Accidents happen! If we want to eliminate all types of racing on the street then we better all start driving slow electric cars, and get rid of our Buicks because they are some of the fastest cars on the streets.It all comes down to how responsible the Individual is.

Ilove the stop light shuffle. It
has been popular around here since before I was born. I guess I am just plain bad. I am probably older than most on this board, so it's not an age thing. It's a hot rodder thing. I grew up with it. It's in my blood. Doing it at the wrong time at the wrong place I try not to get involved with. I believe that it should be prfectly legal for any car on the road to be able to accelerate at whatever rate they want... up to the speed limit. after that they would run the risk of a speeding ticket. If there is another car next to them doing the same thing thats ok with me. If the Ricers(as you call them) were doing anything new, and more dangerous I might be worried or upset, but they are not. There has allways been about the same % of idiots on the road, street racers are no different than the guy with the cell phone on his ear. It can be done with regard for other cars on the road or not. Just my opinion of course.Later.....Danny
Just my two cents...

Yeah I raced back in the day and every once in a while I may even do a stoplight shootout (rarely). As much of a speed demon as I used to be, I've mellowed considerably. Of course, not for such noble reasons as public safety, I just got sick of working for the county (Lots of tickets!!). Now, I get accused of driving like an old lady because I rarely drive over the speed limit, even on the hwy!

Since I've moved to San Diego County, all I hear about is these idiots street racing and killing people. Also, I was under the impression that these guys were all ricers but one of the last wrecks I saw involved a 68 Charger (That's what it looked like wasn't sure from the mangled pics). So, I have to agree that there's still the same percentage of idiots out there.

So, as long as there's idiots, none of us are safe.
If you pull out in front of a car going 100 mph then you are dumb. If you don't see the car going 100 mph because there is no view to see it, then that pretty much sucks and there is nothing you can do about that. The idiot going 100 mph deserves what is coming to him in the court of law.

Street racing will never go away. I don't care about anyone's applause or objections. I don't care to sway anyone's opinions. You wanna do it, so do it. If you don't, then don't. The USA is a republic. Go 200 mph on the street if you want, I could care less, (well, actually let me know I'd like to watch:) ) just don't do it where you could hurt other people. Some people are smart and some aren't, we can't change that. Wonder why we really have a house of representatives and a senate? The founding fathers may have though we weren't smart enough to run things for ourselves....maybe...not a sole reason...just a possibility...

Bottom line, if I wreck my Z06 'vette or T Buick I won't be able to drive it. That would suck worse than losing a race to a 4 cyl mustang. Wouldn't you agree? I know we are all physically invincible and immortal, but why jeopardize your car's fenders or paint work? What is your latest mod? That $1000 intercooler and $900 turbo you just installed could get destroyed if you race in the wrong place and get hit by some idiot dumb enough to pull out in front of you at 100 mph.

If the conditions aren't "right" I won't race. I fricking let an NSX take me in my Z06 (12.43 @ 115) this morning because I know that cops are usually "around." Sad, I know, I could have had rice for breakfast, but I know I am fast enough to beat that car (he had stock wheels and rubber and no guages, so it wasn't supercharged and sounded normal) and don't have to prove it all the time and risk getting my car impounded. I don't have 10 pound balls, yeah, I've outrun cops 4 times....I get sweaty palms thinking about each event...Adrenaline is an awesome drug...

I grew up on saturday morning cartoons. GI Joe said knowing is half the battle. Essentiall,y you have to use your head all the time, every second, never let your guard down. Basically drive paranoid and figure out your options and calculate as much as you can before you make a move. If there is anything to be said for growing up (6+ hours a day sometimes, and 10+ hours in college- learn, what college???sshhaa..) on a computer playing strategy games and car sims, I'll atest to the idea that computer sims give me an advantage.

I have raced (a lot), done stupid things without causing harm to anyone/anyting, but I am lucky. I take it to the track, (clsoe to 100 passes in the buick and vette alone) but sometimes if it is on the street then it is on:)

Common sense goes a long, long, long way. Too bad you can't buy it or sell it...

Be safe my brothers...
i'll tell you exactly why i quite street racing $$$$

i bought a 96 mustang in 1997, the payment was $317 a month..

well 2 reckless driving tickets and 4 speeding tickets in 6 month's had my insurance at $545 a month...

317+545= $862 for a 96 mustang gt..

i live in a $300k+ house and my mortage is not that far off from $862...