The trouble with posts and I now know what a double standard looks like



Once it was said:

"By now most of us have read about the tragedy that has fallen on Clay aka "Nasty Wendy", loosing your pride and joy that you worked long and hard to build is a terrible thing regardless of how it happens whether it be a car accident, Fire, Theft, Vandalism, Etc, Etc. Clay happens to be on a fixed income and doesn't have the funds to just buy another car, his insurance was just enough so he could drive it legally on the streets. I was speaking to Coach (Donnie Schanz) tonight about the Clay's car being burnt and we both thought it would be a great gesture to help out a fellow Buick enthusiast We both simply want to help.
I do not wish to get into any of the mess about the other thread and DO NOT want any of that negativity flowing over into this thread! This is a thread about “Helping” and not bashing so please if you have any negative things to say please keep it to yourself! All I want is to see is a fellow Turbo Buick guy who loved his car and this hobby get back to enjoying his car again...
I really do not care about the other thread nor do I care who is at fault.
That thread is pure ugliness, I posted there and quickly found out I was in over my head. I didn't really have anything of value to add, anyway.There is far too much negetivity over there for anyone but the parties involved anyway, don't let it drag this thread down. This thread deserves to be a positive one, and nothing else. If someone want's to come in and shit on it, they should be be dealt with via admins wrath.
By its nature, this one needs to stay positive.

That was the goal to turn a "Negative" into a 'Positive".

That's more.
This is not about the story or right or wrong, fault or no fault. Not another word.
Either you help, or just stay away.
Sorry for being very abrupt, but I told Jay and Shane I would not allow any posts in here other then..."I donated" or "I will help..."
We are not taking sides...we are building a car.

But of course - the rules only apply to those who make them I suppose:

And the after all the high minded lectures and threats - those very people post what you will see below:

Did anyone get warned or booted for violating the rules of the thread?
Naw - quite the contrary.
Because the very people who made the rule are the worst violators.

This kids - is what we call a "double standard"

Good thing - as "someone wrote" - "no one is taking sides".
So - I submit for you review:

From - Help us build "Nasty Wendy 2"

Park it next to Weaver's booth..........

I would

Wow weaver went.. amazing.. lol

need to be on record as stating..."If I were at Bowling Green right now...I would be being arrested!!!"

That's all I'm saying...

Fuckin' idiot just can't keep the hole in his face closed...

Really? that’s amazing.

If it was me, at the point when this thread was taking off like a cruise missile towards Bagdad, I would have donated the rest of the money, whatever it may have been, and tried to save a little face. His sales couldn’t have gone well.

Everyone that saw it couldn't believe that anyone would try to weasel their way out of responsibility by claiming the fire started in the engine compartment due to wiring.
Quoting the "other thread" is kinda the same man. Yes none of it came from you, but if the thread deserves to be buried why excavate?

I stayed out of it, I intend to stay out of it. (Like many people here I beleive.)

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
At this very point it may as well be merged with the "other thread".

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
You have come into the Buick fraternity quick and fast and know a lot about things. Must be a fast learner.

Being a member for 2 months you have really learned a lot.

Do you understand what I am saying?
Come on over to T6P and join, we would love to have you there.
BTW I have been to Bowling Green several times, Idle threats on a bulletin board turn into "Hey Bro I was only kidding man" you know its just a bulletin board.

Keyboard warriors turn into punk bitches face to face.
If you didn't get what Ty was saying I'll make it simple for you. You really don't want to get into this right now. It will bite you in the ass.;)
You have come into the Buick fraternity quick and fast and know a lot about things. Must be a fast learner.

Being a member for 2 months you have really learned a lot.

Do you understand what I am saying?

I do !!!!!! I've been to a lot of Buick events over the years. Ya a lot of fights with other guys that didn't like me BUT I kicked their ass an got it over with. Now everyone is nice to me :D
OK...grumpy is the exception to the rule :)

Posted from the TurboBuick.Com mobile app
I agree this board is biased. just went through it in.another thread. Thats why I.prefer ihadav8..its slow there but the turbo buick nazis dont live there..yes I know if I dont blahh blahh blahh
BTW I have been to Bowling Green several times, Idle threats on a bulletin board turn into "Hey Bro I was only kidding man" you know its just a bulletin board.

Keyboard warriors turn into punk bitches face to face.
And I have been there and seen them leave in an ambulance! I guess It just depends on who that person is, either way when your face to face that's when you will find that out...

If you seen a picture of Coach I don't think he will be that guy saying "Hey bro I was only kidding man" I guarantee it will be the other person!

For the record I did start that original thread and wrote those 4 lines that were highlighted and I have stuck to that... Nothing was ever said on my part that ever reflected a double standard... I wrote that because that's how I felt and stand behind that to this day! All I wanted to do was get Clay back into a car and that's what we did.... The burnt car was delivered to me and I had to deliver his old burnt car to BG so Shawn could pick it up and bring it to PA so that's what I did..... It had Nothing to do with pissing anyone off in the process.........
If you seen a picture of Coach I don't think he will be that guy saying "Hey bro I was only kidding man" I guarantee it will the the other person!

Lil coach ain't gonna do anything.......but did you see the pic of his girlfriend? Now that chick scares me. And not to much scares me. Except being alone wit Ty, running out of gas on Charlie's road and Coach's girlfriend. That's about it.
Lil coach ain't gonna do anything.......but did you see the pic of his girlfriend? Now that chick scares me. And not to much scares me. Except being alone wit Ty, running out of gas on Charlie's road and Coach's girlfriend. That's about it.


Scot I am talking about the "good old days":rolleyes: 2003-2006. There were a bunch off trash talking guys all over. I am gonna do this and I an gonna do that ;) then you show up at an event and every one wants to have a beer and say its all good.

You should have seen the owner of another board when a couple of us walked up to his booth at BG and said "How you like me now":D

BTW coach knows exactly who I am talking to in this thread and it is not him.
I agree this board is biased. just went through it in.another thread. Thats why I.prefer ihadav8..its slow there but the turbo buick nazis dont live there..yes I know if I dont blahh blahh blahh

I would like to hear more about this.
I don't want to speak for anyone else, but I have had to moderate friends...
Supporting a website with any kind of user base is a thankless job.
However I love making new friends, learning things and giving back to the community.
I would like to hear more about this.
I don't want to speak for anyone else, but I have had to moderate friends...
Supporting a website with any kind of user base is a thankless job.
However I love making new friends, learning things and giving back to the community.