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Time to go stage II with A/C!


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Just to update this thread, there is no update. It is collecting dust as I still have no time/funds to do anything with it.
I feel the same as my projects wait for funding and our economy in the tank until we remove an obstacle.
I sad to say my mom has passed away this morning. She died in front of me from her lungs failing due to cancer. The nurses did what they could with oxygen support but she faded. I spent most of my time with her in the hospital as I could. Sorry to go off topic here.
I sad to say my mom has passed away this morning. She died in front of me from her lungs failing due to cancer. The nurses did what they could with oxygen support but she faded. I spent most of my time with her in the hospital as I could. Sorry to go off topic here.

Norbs sad news to hear. We're getting to the age in life where the elders are passing on & we can only keep carrying on with the memories. Be happy that you had the chance to say goodbye to her in person & be with her when it happened. I'm sure it was comforting to her as well as for you. RIP Momma
My deepest condolences Norbs. You got my number if you need anything. The suffering is done and she has joined your Dad, and both are looking down at you proud as ever. You endured more then most could ever handle. As a parent you couldn't ask for anything more. No one can ever question your loyalty, you are as golden as it gets.
Thanks, for your kind words Mike, and David. I devoted my time to her over the car, and I feel i needed to be there for her. Also I did have a strange dream last night that i was floating and looking at a bright light then I woke up maybe this was a sign from above...
I sad to say my mom has passed away this morning. She died in front of me from her lungs failing due to cancer. The nurses did what they could with oxygen support but she faded. I spent most of my time with her in the hospital as I could. Sorry to go off topic here.
Sorry to hear that norbs my thoughts and prayers go with you need anything thing, you need to talk, you know to contact me

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It's good to see you back. I'm sorry to hear about your Mom but you did all anyone could for her and deserve to be commended for your efforts. I know it's cliché to say that she's not suffering any longer but we all know it's true. I'm sure you parents are both very proud of you and grateful for being by their side in their time of need.

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I'm so sorry for your losses Norbs. You have been through such a tough time over the past few years. I want to echo what both Mike and David have said about how your parents couldn't have asked for anything more in a son. That dream about the light is a sign, bask in it Norbs, it is meant for you to help in your healing.

I sad to say my mom has passed away this morning. She died in front of me from her lungs failing due to cancer. The nurses did what they could with oxygen support but she faded. I spent most of my time with her in the hospital as I could. Sorry to go off topic here.

Sorry to hear. Both your parents were great people.
Norbs, sorry to hear this very sad news.
My condolences to you and your family.
Thoughts & prayers are with you.
God Speed.
Thanks, for your kind words Mike, and David. I devoted my time to her over the car, and I feel i needed to be there for her. Also I did have a strange dream last night that i was floating and looking at a bright light then I woke up maybe this was a sign from above...
Condolences norbs. I know your pain. Both my parents have passed as well. I watched my father take his last breath as well in a similar situation as you. 6 years ago I don't really think about that moment a lot but more of the good times we shared. It is funny though that out of all the people in this world no one will see you as your parents do. That no matter what you do right or wrong their love is unconditional. They will always be with you just not in physical state and remember you are your parents son. They live on through you.
Sorry to hear that Norbs, our thoughts are with you at this time. I really liked both your folks and enjoyed interacting with them. Remember the good times.
Everyone's posts are giving me strength, and I appreciate it. Emotions are running high, and I wish I could have done more for her.
Also I did have a strange dream last night that i was floating and looking at a bright light then I woke up maybe this was a sign from above...

It was. So many people say the same thing, you are not alone. Keep an open mind, the first three days will show you a lot if you are open to it, so many agree with and experienced this. After the third day she joins your father standing with God, and although she will come to you after that, the first three days are almost surreal. Keep an open mind. It's not a loss Norbs, it is temporary. Death is an illusion. The bond between parent and child is unbreakable, stay strong and hold onto your faith.
So sorry to hear of your loss Norbs. I am thankful you were there for her. As we get older this is becoming more common and remembering the good times will pull you through.
So sorry Norby, Watched my father pass in a similar way. Stay strong you are not alone.