Thanks all
Joe nice to see you on here, the 60ft was 1.53 on that pass,the first pass of the day was a 1.42 I went a 134 mph in the 1/8 but my 2 step is tied into my brake pedal switch the switch went bad so I had hold the brake pedal up with my foot well about the 700- 800 foot mark I must have relaxed my foot because the motor cut right out I lifted right away. The next pass I left too soft and abourted the run the 3rd pass was the charm it went 132.4 in the 1/8 I can tell you this the tug from the parachute @ 164+ was an eye awakening experience.
I think there is still between 150-200 hp still left maybe more who knows trust me it wont be because of the turbo it ran 161 mph with 22 # I called bobby after the 8.91 pass the night before to give him the news in one breath he tells me to turn it up and then in another he reminds me where I am reynolds left lane and 2 years ago
Tony Gomes